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RPG Maker MV
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Version: .035

Version: .029

Version: .028

Version: .026

Version: .025

Version: .022

Version: .021

Version: .02

Version: .017

Paradise Hell

A young woman wakes up in a room that isn't her own. Try as she might, she can recall nothing about herself beyond her name, occupation, and the persistent suspicion that she used to have a penis. What's more, she's somehow been transported to a world of monster girls!?

Can Dru escape this so called "Paradise" with her humanity intact? Can she discover who she truly is? Or will she be transformed into just another monster girl?

Paradise Hell is a sequel of sorts to Dungeon Damsel, taking place a hundred years after the first game's events. It is NOT necessary to play the original, since they have completely different player characters and storylines.

There is art for some of the endings, but not all. It's all commissioned pieces - you can find the artists in the game's credits if you're interested.

UPDATE: In version .028, I fixed a pretty major issue with the doll in the attic. Basically, I messed up on switches and you won't end up being registered as possessed by the game - but the doll won't talk to you anymore, either. If you want to register as possessed for the content it unlocks, I'm afraid you need to make a new save.

Paradise Hell - Walkthrough 


Key Items 


You can find two key items in your starting town - neither of them are essential to the game, but both of them will have a future use, such as unlocking new options and endings. 




This is a reward for completing Malorie's sidequest - accessible by talking to the catgirl in the top center of the map. Simply accept her request, and then retrieve the item she wants from Giselle's house. 


Ice Cuffs 


Toward the top left corner of the house there are two nearly identical houses. On the left is a blue woman. Annoy her. Repeatedly. Until she transforms you. Then go to the house next door, where you will find her red sister. Talking to the sister will enable you to return to normal (through a small, laid out mini-quest). Once you're back to normal, go back to the blue woman… and bother her some more, until she gets tired of it and simply enslaves you. After that, you simply need to follow her request - and wait. When it gives you the option to continue waiting, do so. Repeatedly. Until the message changes again, and you are asked if you'd like to go free. If you say yes, she will give you the cuffs that held you as a keepsake. 



Please note that endings 1 and 2 can only be accessed during the very first conversation! In fact, there are numerous endings which have only a limited window, or else strict conditions. In other words: It's pretty much impossible to get them all in a single run through, even with save scumming. Instead, I hope this guide will help you to plan out your game and decide in advance which endings you want to go for! 

Ending One - Chickened Out: 


Conditions: Avoid remembering your past. 


Walk toward the door so that Giselle will come out. Accept the offer to turn you back into a chicken. Then drink the potion she offers you, and voila! A quick and easy end. (Warning, though, that it's one of the few not designed to be sexual in nature.) 


Ending Two - Human Pet 


Conditions: Avoid remembering your past. 


Walk toward the door so that Giselle will come out. Refuse the potion she offers, on both occasions. Then agree to having sex with her. 


Ending Three - Statuesque 


Conditions: Have Inanimate TFs turned on. 


Below Giselle's house is a line of trees. Directly beneath that line of trees is a gorgon. Talk to her, and the ending will immediately kick in. 


Ending Four - Made a Promise, Couldn't Keep It: 

Conditions: Malorie's request has been accepted, but not yet completed. (If you've already rejected her, just talk to her again and she'll ask if you've changed your mind.) The option for lactation based TFs must be set to "On." 


On the upper left side of the starting village map, there is a cat girl. Talk to her, and accept her request. Then try to leave the village without actually fulfilling the request. She gets quite angry! 


Ending Five - Plant Mom: 


Conditions: Have pregnancy turned on, in options. 


In the lower left section of the starter town's map, there is an alraune tending to a small patch of flowers. Step on those flowers four times, ignoring all warnings, to trigger this flag. Note: Your stepping will only count if pregnancy is turned on in the settings menu. If you turn it off, she'll still shoo you away from the flowers, but she will not escalate her anger. 


Ending Six - Not Fit for Human Consumption: 


Conditions: Malorie's request has been accepted, but not yet completed. 


On the upper left side of the starting village map, there is a cat girl. Talk to her, and accept her request. Then go to Giselle's house (where you first woke up), and collect the requested item (a glowing indicator will clearly show where it's hidden.) Use the item on yourself to trigger ending 6. 


Ending Seven - Wrapped Up:


Conditions: Have Spider Girls turned on, in options. Can not have had sex yet. Warning: This ending involves bug girls. It's not affected by the main bug girl option (because she outright tells you of her plans to turn you into a bug girl, and you're free to say no), and because it honestly involves little in the way of actual bug features. Still, if that bothers you, don't start on this path. 


On the lower left side of the starting village map, there is a spider girl sitting outside her house. Talk to her, then go inside. Tell her you aren't scared of her, then kiss her. Then agree to have sex with her. Then ask to stay with her (can also be done after "returning the favor") then agree to become a bug girl. 


Ending Eight - Wouldn't Be Ignored 


Conditions: None. 


Toward the top left corner of the house there are two nearly identical houses. On the left is a blue woman. Annoy her. Repeatedly. Until she transforms you. Then go to the house next door, where you will find her red sister. Talking to the sister will enable you to return to normal. Once you're back to normal, go back to the blue woman… and bother her some more, until she gets tired of it and simply enslaves you. She'll ask you to be quiet while she reads - if you instead try and persuade her to have sex with you, you'll get a surprisingly tender (for the circumstances) ending 8. 


Ending Nine - Not Going Anywhere 


Conditions: None. 


Toward the top left corner of the house there are two nearly identical houses. On the left is a blue woman. Annoy her. Repeatedly. Until she transforms you. Then go to the house next door, where you will find her red sister. Talking to the sister will enable you to return to normal (through a small, laid out mini-quest). Once you're back to normal, go back to the blue woman… and bother her some more, until she gets tired of it and simply enslaves you. She'll ask you to be quiet while she reads - if you wait for her (very patiently), and keep waiting, then tell her you want to stay her slave - and keep to that decision - you’ll reach ending 9. 


Ending Ten - Bimbo Brew 


Conditions: Bimbo options must be on. 


Toward the top left corner of the house there are two nearly identical houses. On the left is a blue woman. Annoy her. Repeatedly. Until she transforms you. Then go to the house next door, where you will find her red sister. Talking to the sister will start you on a miniquest. Among the leaves you can pluck downstairs is a “mysterious leaf” - if you use this, it’ll give this to the succubus witch, the brew will misfire and start this ending. 


Ending Eleven - A Very Fetching Bunny 


Conditions: None. 


Toward the top left corner of the house there are two nearly identical houses. On the left is a blue woman. Annoy her. Repeatedly. Until she transforms you. Then go to the house next door, where you will find her red sister. Talking to the sister will start you on a miniquest. Among the leaves you can pluck downstairs is a “Wrong Leaf” - if you use this, it’ll give this to the succubus witch, the brew will misfire. She’ll ask you for Dora Leaf to cure you - if you don’t give it to her, you’ll get this ending. 


Ending Twelve - Not Feeling Like Myself 


Conditions: self-cest option must be turned on. 


Toward the top left corner of the house there are two nearly identical houses. On the left is a blue woman. Annoy her. Repeatedly. Until she transforms you. Then go to the house next door, where you will find her red sister. Talking to the sister will start you on a miniquest. Among the leaves you can pluck downstairs is a “Totally Off Leaf” - if you use this, it’ll give this to the succubus witch, the brew will misfire and start this ending.


Ending Thirteen - Ashes to Ashes


Conditions: Pregnancy and Spider Girls must be turned on. Must have chosen “I’ve made a terrible mistake” when talking to Terri.


In order to reach this ending, you must trigger four different flags - you must bother Brenda at least 4 times (if you’ve been transformed by Brenda, you must turn back to normal before reaching this ending.) You need to have stepped on Polly’s flowers at least twice. You need to have told Terri that you’ve made a terrible mistake, talking to her. You need to have undertaken Malorie’s quest, and stolen the juice from Giselle. Then you must bother Rhonda, the fire spirit (the two duplicate houses on the upper left of the river belong to Rhonda, on the right, and her sister Brenda on the left.), multiple times, ignoring her warning.


When she tells you to kneel - refuse.

Warning that this is one of the few non-sexual bad ends in the game.

Ending 14: Willing Slave


Conditions: Pregnancy and Spider Girls must be turned on. Must have chosen “I’ve made a terrible mistake” when talking to Terri.


In order to reach this ending, you must trigger four different flags - you must bother Brenda at least 4 times (if you’ve been transformed by Brenda, you must turn back to normal before reaching this ending.) You need to have stepped on Polly’s flowers at least twice. You need to have told Terri that you’ve made a terrible mistake, talking to her. You need to have undertaken Malorie’s quest, and stolen the juice from Giselle. Then you must bother Rhonda, the fire spirit (the two duplicate houses on the upper left of the river belong to Rhonda, on the right, and her sister Brenda on the left.), multiple times, ignoring her warning.


When she tells you to kneel, do so.

When she offers to let you go, ask to be her slave.

Ending 15: Chimera Mate


Before doing anything else, go to Stella’s house - the one in the middle left.


More specifically you must *not* have  stepped on Polly’s flowers more than once, bothered Brenda more than 4 times, run away from Terri, or stolen from Giselle.

Have dinner with Stella under these conditions, and she will mention having had a lover, who went to bathe by the river and never came back.

Whether or not you’ve had this conversation, you can go to the lower house by the river, a house full of statues. One of those statues - directly forward and to the left - has a necklace.

If you show Stella the necklace, after this conversation, she will realize that something happened to her love one, and make a drastic decision as a result. 


As part of the decision, she’ll start worrying about her looks - answer with “Don’t worry, you’re beautiful.” Then, when she asks you to leave town with her, agree, and then agree to have sex with her. Keep agreeing throughout the exchange, and ultimately say you want to go with her, and you’ll eventually reach this ending.


This feels like a good place to secretly say that there are, in fact, some secret endings in this game. The only clue I’ll give you is that the first one involves books in Giselle’s house.


Version .008 - Fixed various bugs, introduced walkthrough in menu.
Version .009 - Fixed patchnotes and walkthrough so that it can be displayed properly in game. Warning: Do not move or rename files.
Version .01 - Fixed issue with Terri
Version .011 - Fixed bug where mirror became active again after trying to leave Giselle's house. Attempted to fix issue with yummy juice
Version .012 - Fixed issue with yummy juice
Version .013 - Updated kink filters to auto-save. You must start the game at least once before you can adjust the switches - first play
through automatically turns them all on (since they all otherwise default to off) and the browser version in particular can't acess pre-made
configuration files, so it requires you starting the game (and thereby creating the data in local storage) before you can adjust the data.
Version .014 - messed around with adding images. Have officially commissioned an artist to draw art for Terri's path. Will next focus
on art for ending 2, going forward from there. Ending 1 does not get art, for reawsons that should be apparent if you've beaten ending 1.
Version .015 - Added some potential dialogue for Rhonda. Finished all of Stella, including some stuff you're not supposed to know about. ;)
Also, there's new pictures.
Version .016 - Finished the lamia, thereby finishing the starter town, aka the "demo" version. Also updated the secret with another l.
Version .017 - Adjusted the gorgon so that it's not instant death the moment you run into her.
Version .018 Update to a Stella related event - she will no longer notice a certain key item unless she's had a dinner conversation
related to the event already.
Version .019 - Bug fixes, and typos. Some reformatting of Polly's ending. Also added content specific to transformation for Lydia and Dolly.
Version .02 - Added a picture for Malorie's ending. Various typo fixes.
Version .021 - Since people were asking for it, I added a skippable cutscene to the start of the game where you can see the transformation.
Version .022 - Fixed a major bug where you'd trigger an event automatically in Polly's attic.
Version .023 - Fixed an issue with Willa's text running off screen.
Version .024 - Fixed issue where you could walk through Rhonda
Version .025 - Lydia no longer has a sudden jump in position of her text boxes
Version .026 - Patch in one of the secret events. Details classified.
Version .027 - Fixed the cutscene so that the sprite changes, and not just the face images. Also fixed some typos, and updated the site links to be more current.
Version .028 - Fixed a pretty major issue with the doll. Basically, I messed up on switches and the game won't register that the doll is in you - but the doll won't talk to you anymore, either. If you want the doll to register as in you, I'm afraid you need to make a new save, though.
Version .029 - Redid some of the narration in Malorie's ending. Updated content warnings.
Version .030 - Fixed some typos, spruced up some of the old endings. Fixed it so that it'll register you messing with Polly at least twice, regardless of whether Pregnancy is on.
Version .031 - Forgot to mention I added an identity death filter in the last update, so mentioning that now. It now actually blocks content in the starter town, too - just a certain conversation. Also fixed some typos, and had Stella specifically mention her sixth wife came from a pocket universe. Plot hole fixes, yay! Also adjusted Merra so she won't turn around too early.
Version .032 - Added the word "includes" to the content warning. It's a small update, I know, but missing words that early is bad.
Version .033 - Same as before, but properly this time.
Version .034 - Fixed another typo in the same area. Hopefully last of these updates.
Version .035 - Some fixes on Terri's route. Also did a little work on the new content. Altered Merra's route so it's more dubcon than non-con, and so that players have a chance to avoid the sex scene even after innitiating the route.

Review by Zoeylicious

Version reviewed: .026 on 01/26/2021

I've really enjoyed playing this start of the story; not only because of the well thought out story and the little secrets but also because of the characters.

Review by theclosetmonster

Version reviewed: .017 on 07/15/2020

Really great game so far. The writing is solid and I like the characters. Can't wait for more! ♥

Review by firebil

Version reviewed: .017 on 07/14/2020

A nice intagration of dungon damsal into an rpg maker game nice camt wait for more


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