Your name is Barbara Scrooge, You are the CEO and founder of a computer security company and have made yourself a ton of money by having your software create back doors into your clients systems and have copied their bank account information to be used by you at your discretion. You've held off long enough on acting on this information until you were ready to make your move.
Which happens to be Christmas Eve. Your target is the biggest Charity around the "Help give Orphaned cancer kids a Merry Christmas" (Did I mention that you make the Grinch look like Mother Teresa?)
Not too shabby, some fun alternatives in each scenario you can take, and some fun transformations you can play with. Avaliable endings are based on each overall choices in each scenario.
A few key areas where you can soft lock yourself when you remove or place mutiiple items from your inventory.
Not a bad game. Has a lot of interactive options in it and the puzzles aren't too obscure to figure out. Has many bad endings scattered throughout the game, but with a lot of save scumming you can get through to the neutral and good endings without too much hassle.
Worth a look.