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Version: 0.8.7

Slugs and Bugs: Conversion

Watch This - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0VOdi2smPA

SBC 0.8.7
This game is one part "trainer" and one part "turn based strategy"- it is NOT like my visual novels.


Greetings, it is I, The Anax!  If you are new to the community, allow me to introduce myself.  I have created huge interactive novels/games that take hours to complete and all take place in the dark and seedy Anaxverse. I have completed many titles, perhaps more than anyone else in the mind control community has, and I would encourage you to check them out.  For those that DO know all my work, this Renpy game is NOT a remake of the original Slugs and Bugs: Invasion, but an entirely new game based on my lore that takes place after it.  SB:C is, itself, noncanonical.

I noticed on a review the game was called "Grindy" and just a head's up to players, the next release, which is the final one, has an entire upgrade system being added, meaning you will be able to upgrade chambers and convert women even faster!

v0.8.7 - 2023.10.25

- First release for Android OS
- Added Amelia Williams and her entire content/conversion
- Added Aggressive Absinthe Commissioned Bad End
- Added Dark Deadly Duo Bad End
- Added Extra Evelyn Evil Bad End
- Added Station Indoctrination Bad End
- Added Tricksy Trixie Commissioned Bad End
- Added some End of Week conversations, last release will have more.
- Updated Barracks Screen for upgrade systems coming in the next/final release.
- FINAL EVER SB:C Commissions ($250) opened 5/8 sold, so 3 left to buy. Last chance.
- New Game Recommended


Review by Chloeana

Version reviewed: 0.5.2 on 01/29/2023

Alright so, getting the obvious out of the way, if you're not into alien/parasite type of game, probably just scroll past this one.


What I liked:

  • The concept is fun. It's interesting to see games from the "bad guy" point of view.
  • Graphics. I think the models are Honey Select? Not sure on the more unique "alien" models. But overall it makes for an asthetically pleasing experience.

What I didn't like:

  • UI. I get the idea of having things in hex-clickables, but I feel like sometimes it's cumbersome. Things that you might expect to be able to see "at a glance" or quickly... For example, checking a girl's conversion level from the hive menu is click -> transistion -> click -> transition.  Then back and check another girl. I get that the bios are in there, but maybe separate the bios pages from the status pages? It'd be nice to see an overall status for each of the girls in one screen, so you don't have to bounce around so many clicks.
  • Grindy. Hands down the grindiest game I've played on here. It's sheer curiousity that is keeping me going at this point, to see how things progress.
  • Weird day/time system. There is technically "days" but there's no limit to things you can do in a day. I've taken all the girls through all of the chambers, multiple times, in a single day.


Maybe limiting the actions you can take in a day and forcing things to happen sooner could make it seem less grindy? I'm not sure.

Review by Vire

Version reviewed: 0.3.0 on 02/12/2022

Tl;dr I like it

A lot of visuals, you can tell that great effort has gone into this. Keep in mind, there are several situations where models have been reskinned.

Simple gameplay, send a lady to a chamber to pusher her further. It seems implied that some chambers have a greater effect on each woman, but I have not noticed a difference in their progress changes. Be warned this part is grindy as hell, but you can move through the scenes quickly.

Flavor text, conversations evolve between characters depending on how far along they are. Though like the visuals there is a certain amount of recycling and repetition.

Mini-game is a welcome diversion, as much of a grind as the corruption process is this feature makes for a good break and justifies the decision that halts your progress for the day feel like you are working toward a more strategic end.

It's free and seems to have a consistent release schedule, seriously the Patreon's are awesome and they drive this process. Idk how much creative input they're given, but they definately guide The Anax's process and allow him to dedicate serious time to this project.

If the grind or repetition puts you off at least try a version from 2.2 onward and hold out until the game is complete or a character you like is featured.

Review by HypnoKitten

Version reviewed: 0.0.5 on 06/15/2021

This is fantastic! I'd almost missed it (haven't been on this site in a bit) but so glad I didn't - and so very much can't wait to see it developing further. The art is wonderful, characters already feeling fleshed out, the mechanism is pretty clear as to how it will work... and I can see a good bit of where it might go! 

Review by midsan

Version reviewed: 0.0.5 on 05/03/2021

This is one of a kind a very unqiue game. If you want something extreme tranformation and corruption. This is it! and in top notch quality.

Review by Danlab185

Version reviewed: 0.0.2 on 01/20/2021

It goes without saying that parasites, aliens, demons, etc can be polarizing when it comes to erotica.  If it's not your thing, this probably ain't your game.  But if it is your thing, then you probably already know this author.  His work is quality and he cares.

This game is far from finished, but shows a lot of promise.  Right now, you can only partially corrupt one character and the fight mechanics aren't really implemented yet, but the renders are good, the corruption methods are varied, and the characters are pulled from his other work (so if you find a girl you like, there's more where that came from).

This is a 0.0.2 so it's early, but I couldn't be more excited about where it's headed.

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