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Fort of Chains


(v1.8.1.0 release notes) | (Download instructions) | (Play in Browser (slightly outdated)) | (Contributing) | (F.A.Q) | (Feature / Fetish list) | (Discord)

Fort of Chains is a completed, free, moddable, open-source, TEXT-ONLY sandbox management NSFW game where you lead and manage a band of slavers in a fantasy world. The game is configurable and can cover all gender orientations: MM, MF, and FF. Be warned that the game contains heavy themes of slavery and non-consensual sex. There are no support for playing as a submissive character. (Feature / Fetish list)

Key designs. This game is designed to be a short-story-teller machine: the core gameplay loop involves assigning groups of slavers to quests, reading what happens to them, and finally reaping the quests' rewards. This game is complete: all features, bugfixes, polish, balancing, and originally planned stories are finished. But improvements and community-made contributions are still being added continuously to the game.

Contributing. The game is always looking for all and any kind of contributions. More details here. As of v1.7, more than 40 kind contributors have helped by directly adding content into the game, while much more have helped playtest the game and give feedbacks. Drop by the (Discord) if you are interested! (If you use Discord, you can tell us your discord name too so we can give you a Discord role, which among other things allows you to bypass the seven days wait required there.)

There are several ways to contribute to this game:

Contributing story. You can help support this game by adding your stories into the game, which can be in the form of quests, events, or any other form you'd like. No programming knowledge required. This is possible thanks to the built-in GUI tool in the game for adding content: the Content Creator Tool. As long as you have a story in mind, simply follow the instructions in-game to add your story into the game.

To get started, open the game, and click the Content Creator Tool link from the starting screen. If you need help in the game, make sure to click the (?) help menu found everywhere in the game.

When you are done, you can submit the finished story either in the #your-contribution channel in Discord, or directly in the repository. If the story fits the game, it will be added pronto, with a lot of thanks! (More information).

Contributing art. The game welcomes artistic contributions! Please check this document for more details.

Contributing code and others. This game is open-source. Coding help, play-testing, and all other kinds of contributions are also welcomed. We are also looking for people willing to help writers put their content into a merge request. See here for other contribution ideas.

Questions? If you are hoping to contribute something and have questions, please do not hesitate to ask in Discord. (If you are a contributor and also on Discord, let us known your discord ID here so we can give you a Discord role, which among other things allows you to bypass the seven days wait there.) Don't know what to contribute? See here for ideas.

Vision Fort of Chains is a passion project. My hope is that one day, the project will be entirely community-led, and I can take a back seat as just a regular contributor :)

Transformation content: The game is not focused on transformation, but it contains some transformation-related content. In the later parts of the game (when you reach around level 35), there are numerous place where your slavers can get corrupted, which in turn can grow bodyparts such as demonic tail, wings, or hooves. There are also flesh shaping where you can increase/reduce body part sizes, but the flesh shaping part is an extremely late game reward and not the focus of the game.


You did it! You have found an old abandoned fort to establish as the base of operation for your company: Fort of Chains.

The fort is in a sorry state however, and there is much to be done before you can even begin operation as a proper slaver band. The first improvement you should construct is the Scout Hut, which allows your group of slavers to take on more quests on the wild. Next, you need to build the Dungeons to house your slaves, and Slave pens to temporarily keep incoming slaves. You also need to expand the Lodgings if you ever want to hire more slavers. All in all, aim to build the Grand Hall as soon as possible. (Also, make sure to check the Settings menu to change your game's preferences.)

You open the gates to your new fort and begin your new career...

Some of the game's features:

  • Fully text-based.
  • Slavers and slaves: Hire and capture procedurally generated slavers and slaves, each with their own gender, race, personality, asset sizes, etc. There are over 250 traits in the game. Level them up! Shape their skills in whatever combination you like!
  • Base building: over 120 different types of improvements to build, each unlocks a new part of the game.
  • Questing: Send your slavers and occasionally slaves out on around 100 quests for flesh and money.
  • Interaction: Interact with your slavers, use your slaves. Your slavers/slaves will interact with each other too depending on their personalities.
  • Content creator GUI tool: An full blown in-game GUI tool for rapidly adding your own written quests and content into the game! This is the same tool that I use to add content to the game.
  • Slave trade: Fulfill slave orders by selling slaves, and profit from increasing their values before selling by:
  • Slave training: 15 different fetishes to train your slaves in
  • Duties: Assign your slavers on duties such as a trainer, vice leader, or a doctor
  • Corruption and purification: Your slavers and slaves can be corrupted during the gameplay by various forces. You can purify them with the right tools, or you can build a ritual chamber to corrupt them specifically...
  • Potions and items: 10+ potions each with unique effect
  • Equipments: Equip your units with armors or buttplugs, which will slightly change their sex menus!
  • Character creation: Design your character: choose a name, race, skills, and so on!
  • Flesh-shaping: Late in the game, unlock secret technology to alter your unit's assets...
  • All these features interlock with each other, affecting one another, creating a full game experience.

You create your own character, and the rest are procedurally generated.


Follow the in-game extremely short "tutorial" and you are all set!


v1.8.2.0 notes here

Read more about v1.8.1.0 here

Review by sgb69

Version reviewed: on 02/21/2021

It's a pretty solid management sim now.  There's enough to keep you busy for a while and it's very easy to add your own content, which has led to a ton of updates in a very short time frame.  There's some major improvements over a very similar game, No Haven, such as being done in a vastly better engine, a lot less willing to kill all your slavers on low level assignments, and simple assignments taking 1-2 turns instead of sitting there hitting for a week doing nothing.  Some things that could use some attention in the future though:

-There's still no ending, storyline or final goal, you just play until you're bored.

-Some races are far too rare.  There's basically one elaborate assignment chain for getting a single angel, fairy, and tigerkin.  The assignments can spawn again, but since they're hard endgame quests you're done with all the game content at that point anyways.

-There's really no interactions or events between the protagonist and the rest of the slavers.  It feels like 'your' character is just another slaver to assign rather than being the leader.

But yeah, this dev is has made a lot more progress in a much shorter time than patreon projects getting $1-2k a month and producing nothing.

Review by TenbatsuNo

Version reviewed: on 01/26/2021

The best HTML managment game here in my opinion. The only things I could advise to change would be in the slave pen, forge, shop and recruits pages, where the expire date messes up the windows of each element (I use android, and I have to use horizontal mode on these pages or I can't see anything since it's all squashed to the left of the screen). That and maybe adding a bit more transformative quests (with difficulty to make it hard to attain of course) like the bodyswap quest. Maybe one to switch or change race/gender, that'd be interesting.


Good work on the game, and good work and the frequent updates.

Review by art926

Version reviewed: on 01/08/2021

The game is great and has a huge potential!

Some recomendations:

1) The UI style might need a bit more work to look more pleasing to the eye (sometimes hard to read on certain backgrounds), please, ask a graphics designer for help.

2) It becomes a bit overcomplicated with the number of buildings and their roles.

  a) It shoul be simplified - like, upgrading the Fort only adds one more slot to build one more building or upgrade - why is that? That same price for the Fort upgrade could just be included into the new building or upgrade, and this would eliminate the need to click the same button (Fort upgrade) again and again.

  b) A lot of buildings with similar functionality could just be replaced with one type + upgrades for it, so, you'd not need to scroll through tens of repeaded buildings.

3) Roles of some transformations are unclear. Like, if you get a character who's fully demonic, they can't really do anything more than normal characters and they don't play any significantly different role in most quests.

Review by MugTreecko

Version reviewed: on 12/23/2020

A deep and worthy spiritual successor to Free Cities, it's nice to see a project like this really lean into the open source side of things and try to take advantage of that. There's plenty of polish here, though in my experience that started to wear off by mid-late game (circa building the Veteran Hall) where you finally unlock TF facilities for your Slaves. (Or at least the limited TF content comes up more reliably)

Reccomended if you like kinky management sims, but if you're here for the TF content maybe wait on this or even contribute yourself!



I can sense that while the engine is complete, much of the content I was here for isn't. 'Fleshshaping' as it's called is very limited and a) can't be used to grant the really big sizes that add value, b) does not affect your Slavers or PC and c) was actually quite difficult to unlock, given my bad luck when it came to recruiting the required Water Magi. Still other mechanics such as Custom Orders are quite rewarding to complete and are kinda fun in their own way though can be difficult to find come late game. Icons and UI design is actually pretty solid by this point which really helps uplift the rest of the game! (I especially like that art credits are easily found, credit where credit be due!)

Much of the procedual grammar is also very rough, adjectives inserted don't always make sense, the pronouns of a given NPC may switch on the fly or be plain wrong but it's easy to look past all that. Especically in late game / Southern Islands / Veteran Quests there's a few other rough spots such as passages not being visible for various sucess/failure outcomes, or it's possible to have your leader / PC be captured which I felt should be taken more seriously, especially given how a certain interactive quest line treats threats towards the PC. On the other hand, I do appreciate that quest results are rolled only when the week ends, so it's quite possible to re-roll a critical failure of a 4 week quest just to save on resources/time invested. Save before you do this, since not every page likes the back button!

A new player also may have problems navigating cetain quest lines too; if you aren't automatically generating quests for each location it can be tricky to figure out where to look to continue things like 'Choose your own Adventure' or 'The Noble Games'. There's also every chance my play style was quite different to what was intended and I'm simply missing a building / duty that'd solve any of the above problems, but in that case it's down to the game to let me know such mechanics exist or why I'd want to use them. Discovery is nice, but needing to invest in a structure you might not want and sacrifice a unit to make it work kinda puts the brakes on experimenting.

Review by JackJoe

Version reviewed: on 11/26/2020

Cool game, i hope there will be also more gender transformation for the MC and the other slavers and maybe some more interaction and creation that maybe mindalternation, mind control. Could be funny if there is a way for example a hulking male MC ends after a questline as a submissve triplet sexy girl, and his/her new "sisters" former slavers and one former slave now mommy has to "help" them. And they have to figure now stuff out or stay that way.

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