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Version: 1.0

The Magic Portal
by morbo

You're worried about Amy. When your friend called to cancel your plans for Saturday night, her voice sounded funny but you didn't worry about it too much then; you just assumed that she was sick. When you couldn't get a hold of her on Sunday, when she didn't answer her phone, respond to your texts or log on to AIM, you just figured she must be really sick. Hey, it happens to everybody, right? When she didn't show up for any of her classes on Monday and still didn't get back to you, you started to worry.

On Tuesday, when one of her friends from work called you saying that Amy hadn't come to work and hadn't called, you nearly panicked. That is so unlike her that you know something has to be very wrong. You skipped your last class and rushed over to her apartment. Lucky for you, Amy had stashed a key outside in case she ever locked herself out and you knew where she hid it. You retrieve the key and let yourself inside.

Inside her apartment, it's completely quiet. You call out for her but get no response. There's a strange smell in the air here; a sweet scent like a mixture of honey and cinnamon and some kind of incense. As you enter here living room, you see that Amy had set up a number of candles around the room and drawn a pattern on the walls and floor with some kind of chalk. The candles have melted down to puddles of hardened wax; they must have burned down and cooled at least a day ago. In the center of the floor she had set up a group of rocks in a circle.

Review by Mianyr

Version reviewed: 1.0 on 02/02/2017

I'm kinda surprised this has no reviews yet.


It's a neat, relatively linear little mind control game.  No transformations, but a fun adventure with a passable, if very simple rock-paper-scissors combat system.  It has difficulty settings, I stuck it on normal just to try it and found generally the miscelaneous fights were simple, and the 'boss' fights very hard until I had all my stats maxed or plenty of 'healing' potions bought.  Fights ended with a little blurb and a second 'defeated' picture making them worth while the first few times, and a purchaseable item allowed skipping them entirely.  It took about an hour to complete everything, but had a good number of appropriate pcitures and a few 'bad ends' along with a couple of 'good ends'.  Over all an enjoyable piece of work, I'd love to see it expanded on or a sequel with the protagonist putting to use what she's learned.

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