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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes


Version: Hotfix 4


The Ember Institute

The game places you into the shoes of a Boy/Girl that is struggling to find a job. After losing your apartment you are now living with a close friend and her family until you can find work. You have promised the family that if you could not find a job in a week then you would sign up with an employment agency. That week however has passed.

I still need to do more spelling and grammar checks so watch out for hotfixes over the next few days. I am also double checking the stats to ensure that they all work.


I have tried to make every choice in this game count and some paths will only be available based on some of your choices or a combination of those choices. Your gender, body size and intelligence will all effect your interactions and some will effect first impressions people have of you. The hobby you choose has the biggest impact so far but as the game develops the other choices you make will have larger impacts. Your choices also effect your confidence and can effect how people think of you.


I have now updated the stat system so that your intelligence, confidence, arousal, stress and more all effect your choices. I have also added traits that will effect your stats and will be unlocked by your actions.


If there are any bugs or issues, please let me know :D

I've set up my own Discord https://discord.gg/kdSNV6HvXr

The game places you into the shoes of a Boy/Girl that is struggling to find a job. After losing yor appartment you are now living with a close friend and her family until you can find work. You have promissed the family that if you could not find a job in a week then you would sign up with an employment agency. That week however has passed.


  • The morning moves forward with meeting Melissa’s friends and learning a little more about them.
  • Custom newspaper images.
  • Continuation of the Sissy plot line that was started when you received a leaflet from Janey.
  • Brand new sex scene with Abella.
  • Continuation of the Casey’s Blackmail plot line.
  • Rewrites and Alterations to the Sauna scene at the Gym.
  • Alterations to relationships.
  • Edit of the University scene where you drop Melissa off.
  • Changing the reason Britney (formerly Sofia) gives for leaving the house party.
  • Writing Gay drug dealer sex scene, he fucks you.
  • Writing Gay drug dealer sex scene, you fuck him.
  • Traits page.
  • MC Maid sex with Cody in the kitchen (Female).
  • Changes to the Sauna scene.
  • Finished adding back in the small penis content. (I hope)
  • Added Small penis scene to Taxi ride with Riley.
  • Added Casey confronting MC about drugs (Sissy)
  • Changed Male character at the Gym.
  • Changed a lot of scenes for different sexualities.
  • Added scene where you watch Construction workers fuck.
  • Added new dream scenes for Jynx, Mercedes, Bonnie and Victor.
  • Added a new scene for Casey watching Riley and Abella. (Dominant Male)
  • Added a new scene for Casey watching Riley and Abella. (Dominant Female)
  • Begun scene for Cody watching Riley and Abella.
  • Begun scene for MC watching Riley and Abella.
  • Altered Relationships again.
  • Begun scene of Casey and Maid MC.
  • Changes to Abella's bus stop scene based on sexuality.
  • Added scene for being caught by Casey. (Submissive Male)
  • Added scene for being caught by Casey. (Submissive Female)
  • Added scene for Cody watching Riley and Abella. (Dominant Male)
  • Added scene for Cody watching Riley and Abella. (Dominant Female)
  • Added scene for being caught by Cody. (Submissive Male)
  • Added scene for being caught by Cody. (Submissive Female)
  • Added scene for Casey and Maid MC. (Female)
  • Altered Relationships page again.
  • Altered mechanic for Relationship and Friendship.
  • Changes to Abella's bus stop scene based on sexuality.
  • Added main cast names changing if they are the same as the MC.
  • Added scenes for Britney lounging by the pool.
  • Added four new scenes for when you visit the Strip Club. (Male)
  • Added a new scene for when a Female MC visit the strip club. (Female)
  • Continuation of the TF path.


  • It corrects some errors that were reported.
  • Fixed Errors.
  • I altered the clothing system so that getting dressed is a little easier.
  • I have altered the stat system to make it easier for me to use. Confidence and Dominance are now seperate, something that comes into play in dialogue and choices.
  • I created a new system for looking at the NPC stats when you go to sleep. Explore the locations to see all the NPC’s you have unlocked and have yet to unlock.
  • New scenes in the club and new scenes in the shops.
  • Rewritten scene at the Hostel for Sissy and MTF characters.
  • Altered the Cafe scene with Melissa with a new character introduction.
  • For Female Characters, the slumber party has been completed, and ends the game at several different points.
  • Female Characters may find that their fetish plays a big role in the outcome of the slumber party.
  • Added Gay Porn and the option to have MM sex with a character. (More to come)
  • Pet-Play is female only for now, I had too many paths and needed to work on what was and wasn’t working. If there is interest I will revisit this in the future.
  • Changes to the scene with Candy, the bubbly blonde, in the fashion store.
  • I have added more choices and branching paths. Some are locked by your Fetish and Hobby. Others require high or low levels in your stats.
  • Day three has started and there are several places it begins. Most will link back up but their are so many paths to get to where I have stopped Day 3.
  • Some scenes are very different depending on whether you are an Ember Test Subject or not.
  • Choices can lead to unexpected changes for Male characters that are Ember Test Subjects.
  • Their are some really long scenes and some scenes are now a lot longer.


  • It corrects some errors that were reported.
  • I have restored the history buttons from the top left.


  • It corrects some errors that were reported.
  • Fixed Errors.
  • Combined New and Old town and reorganised all shops into one list.
  • Added Opening Times to all shops
  • Added Staff Times for some shops
  • Added Quests
  • Remade the stolen wallet scene so that you do not lose your money but cannot pay for anything without your Purse/Wallet
  • Remade the inventory on the Right side of the screen
  • Made Hands for holding items such as the bag
  • Dropping your bag will close your bags inventory
  • Made Club Intro Female
  • Edited escort Riley to Ballet Scene
  • Edited Public Toilets (Changes for every day.)
  • Edited Shop List and how Time works
  • Edited Stats Built Pink Drink System
  • Edited Game Store Scene 2
  • Changed the items in the Pet Shop
  • Drinking Pink now adds Femininity and reduces Stress
  • Interview Dream sequence Increases Femininity
  • Added Club Intro Male
  • Added Club Bar
  • Added Club Toilet
  • Added Club Locker Room
  • Added Behind the Club Scene
  • Removed the Party Hobby (that content will be showing up again in a future update.)
  • Reduced the choices when you arrive at the shops and moved some of the scenes into Sunday ready for future content
  • Altered a number of scenes to account for the missing or moved scenes
  • Added the Drug Dealer to the club
  • Added a scene to Hostel that you will see after midnight
  • Added a scene for Hostel Room 410 (Sissy/Crossdress Room)
  • Added a small Park Bench scene
  • Altered the instructions page
  • Added a system so that the Club Wristband falls off your wrist as you exit the club
  • Fixed Entering and exiting the Club
  • After waking from your tests at the Ember Institute, you will notice that there is a stat effect.
  • Added Relationship Tracker
  • Added Progress Tracker
  • Edited Character Stats


  • It corrects some errors that were reported.


  • I have added Old Town and mapped out the time line. Travel between here and New Town to see what events are happening there.
  • I have added in the Garage which is an update from the original but I reworked the shop.
  • I have added Niceburg (Fast Food) and added an Event there for those that have been to Niceburg on day 1.
  • I have added the Tattoo Shop and added an Event there.
  • I have added the Strip Club intro and while it isn't very useful yet, I have also added the Stripper selection which changes who is available at what time and on what day.
  • I have added the Pet Shop.
  • I have added the Pawn Shop.
  • I have added a toilet where you can relieve some Arousal. I might end up reworking this as I am not to happy about it.
  • I have added the Hostel check in with three paths. One for Male, One for Female and One for Crossdress\Gender\Sissy Path.
  • I have added the Hotel Room and Hostel Room where you can shower, masturbate and change clothes.
  • I have updated the wardrobe.
  • I have removed the history buttons from the top left.
  • I have updated the Shops.
  • I have fixed and updated some of the errors and incorrect stats.

I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that has been helping me find bugs and spelling/grammar mistakes. Your support means so much to me and I cannot think of the words that show how much I appreciate your help.
I would also like to once again thank everyone that has been supporting me during this time.




Please restart your game, as there are changes from the very beginning.

I am not even going to pretend that I know all of the changes that I made.


  • I have added a wardrobe and shops.
  • I have made various changes to all of the scenes, some small some large.
  • I have added new choices at the start and new scenes for each.
  • I have added new porn scenes for the various fetish choices.
  • I have added new events for the shops.
  • I have altered how the time system works so that I can control timed events.
  • I have added location names to the top bar and images to show who is at your location.

And more that I cannot think of.



Please restart your game, as there are changes from the very beginning.

I really need to start writing down what I change.


  • I have added a new stat and trait system that helps or hinders choices the player will make.
  • I have made various changes to all of the scenes, some small like simple stats. Some large like new characters or images.
  • New images to fill out the missing posters and leaflet.
  • I have added a helpful guide at the start of the game to familiarize people with the new stats system.
  • I have added a new scene where you are delayed at the university..
  • I have made a large change to the medical examination again. The questions and dream scene have been altered.
  • I have added expanded the scene at the bus stop both to add a new path for female the MC and to add new elements to the male path.
  • I have added meal sizes at the fast food restaurant. Your Body Size impacts how you feel after eating them.
  • I have added a new scene when choosing to leave the pub.
  • I have added a new scene when a female MC exit the pub and meets two men outside. The Female MC can no longer look at the images Danica has to show.
  • I have removed the club club scenes and Madison’s apartment to be added in at a later time. The pub scenes now merge back at the bus stop. A new scene outside the MC’s old apartment has been added.
  • Players no longer pass out after learning what is in Danica’s drink. They will instead go outside and be on the path back to the bus stop.
  • I have changes the choices at the end of Day 1.
  • Players that signed the contract Day 1 will find new content for Day 2. I am still building the content for the paths where you did not sign the contract/go to the interview.
  • I have made changes to the car ride scene with either the mother of father.
  • I have added a new scene if you leave the interview at the first opportunity.

I know there are more changes but I cannot remember all the changes that where in the last version lol :P


Version Hotfix

IMPORTANT: Linux users. Please change the images folder from a capital I to a lower case i. I will change this for future updates.

New scenes and various changes:

  • I have fixed an error where the medical examination questionaire only gave one of the possible outcomes for question 6.
  • I have altered the game so that the text reflects whether you left the interview or could not sign the contract.
  • I have altered various spelling and grammer mistakes.
  • Fixed small errors
  • Changes to the stat system

I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that has been helping me find bugs and spelling/grammer mistakes. Your support means so much to me and I cannot think of the words that show how much I appreciate your help.



Please restart your game, as there are changes from the very beginning.

New scenes and various changes:

  • I have made a large change to the medical examination. The questions and dream scene have been altered.
  • I have added a new scene at the bus stop with two paths, hide or stay put.
  • I have altered the intro so that there is a new scene indroducing the father and explaining some of the families background.
  • I have added two new scenes of a television show.
  • I have added a new scenes with the older sister.
  • I have completed the car ride scene with either the mother of father.
  • I have completed the scene in madisons appartment.
  • I have added a new dream to end Day1
  • Alterations to the arrousal meter and how scenes are saved.
  • Various small changes to scenes.



Complete overhaul of the game:

  • I have changed much of the games story and content. New scenes have been added and all of the old scenes have been altered.
  • I have added the ability to select either male or female gender. Their are unique scenes and text for each.

Review by albinosmurfs

Version reviewed: on 06/27/2024

This is easily a top 5 game for me on this website. The writing is an absolute masterpiece if you can overlook the semi-frequent spelling mistakes, and it has something for everyone's preference. I simply can't wait to see what happens next. 

Review by user210

Version reviewed: on 11/01/2023

It is a short porn, not a game at this moment. You can wade through the scenes in 30-40 minutes and try different playthroughs because of how short it is. I have tried 2 of them, full on dominance and mild dominance but both times game end in just 3 days, friday, saturday, and sunday with Monday being next appointment at Ember institute. It has traits laid out properly, properly differentiating Shemales or Transwomen attraction, has really good scenes. But all that become short burst porn because of how little progression there is in terms of story.

There is little to no corruption at all because there is no time for it. Still I will make a new run with full on submission and see how this goes and even try the Female version of MC. Honestly, there is so many content here crammed into 3 days worth of game progression. This is too much compression and is possible only because Author wanted the game to be a short burst one instead of a proper story game. Looking forward to what Ember Institute can become in future, I don't care about some Typos but will love if game can get a proper vision and progression system. And please remove the Home Sex Party so soon. It feels weird, make it slow, get MC to experiment with their new Experiments and then bring out the party.

Review by Kionatria

Version reviewed: Hotfix 4 on 05/01/2023

I can say that this game has a lot of potential. However, it has one glaring flaw: it has a lot of typos. While they're not cripplingly difficult to understand, they are annoying, and that lowers the game's overall appeal. Aside from that, the game can be played just fine, if you can forget about the typos.

Review by Saiki

Version reviewed: Hotfix 4 on 04/25/2023

Over the last decade I've probably developed half a dozen games that have never seen the light of day. All the way back since RAGs was the meta engine to use. 

During Covid, I got fairly close to an alpha release of a game that is very similar in premise to this game. Think a hybrid between this and The Repurposing Centre with a dash of Cursed mixed in. 

The game ended up in the dead pile due to personal commitments. What a absolutely brilliant surprise to see an idea I wanted to see out there on here.

One day, I'll eventually see a game though but at least there is one less game on the dead pile that I won't feel bad about!

Thank you - I very much look forward to future content of this!

Review by pedroso2003

Version reviewed: on 04/18/2023

Very good update! The game is very promising, and I can't wait for the next days of the story.

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