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Siege of Fallhammer

In a world where humans are a colonials power they seek to settle the lands of the beast people, causing much chaos in the area. Eventually the beast people raise up and try to throw the humans out of their lands. What they lack in technology they make up in magic and transformation related powers. Siege of Fallhammer takes place in the key battle that will determine the fate of the human empire in the new lands.

Review by Hatha

Version reviewed: .95 on 05/10/2021

This is happily a fairly typical Lily story, and I wish more people would take notes.  

The lewd content is plentiful and gets going almost immediately.  For those who are interested, there's plenty of anthro, and mind break.  TG TF occurs right at the outset of the story.  

I'm not sure why people had difficulty with the few battle sections.  It doesn't take much effort.  I felt like I could easily pass them or choose to fail them if I just made fairly obvious choices.  I'm not sure that it adds much to the story other than giving the player the option to fail with some plausible deniability.  Roleplaying into your own defeat without simply clicking "get captured" or some equivalent.  

All in all, worth trying.  I enjoyed it.  I kind of wish there was more but at the same time I seriously appreciate the idea of short sweet "games" rather than people trying to create dramatic epics.  

Review by Forejarwr

Version reviewed: .95 on 05/09/2021

This is the first of Lily's games that I found really hot. The gameplay is nonsense, but you can open up the twine file and read the passages. It's well-written and I was impressed.

Review by Darkfeenex

Version reviewed: .95 on 05/08/2021

First thoughts: Promising but kind of went down the wrong road


This game was very promising - the intro really hooked me in and made me wanting to play it. 


But then it came to the actual "game section" where you assign your troops and so on. It seems very random and I've tried multiple times to do things differently and I've ended up "losing" at the same time. 


It also feels weird because it felt like I was playing both a CYOA and a strategy game at the same time. To me it didn't seem to really work in terms of the gameplay and I was kinda lost with the gameplay. 


The main good thing is that the writing is pretty good, I enjoyed the transformations and can see a lot more coming - pretty excited for your writing.


At its current point, I give this game a 7/10.

Review by anaisnon

Version reviewed: .95 on 03/12/2021

I wasn't grabbed by the intro, which whizzed through things way too fast for my liking, but I'm glad I stuck with it - I love this one! Jam packed with multiple transformations and animal action. The more game-like troop deployment stuff is pretty dull, and I'd honestly rather it was just straight-up interactive fiction, but there's not so much of it that it gets in the way.

Total Games: 2,280
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,102,302

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