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Adult Themes

Version: 1.1

Chemically Defined

Your grades are in the toilet and you're about to be kicked out of one of the most prestigious universities... but a shady professor offers you a lifeline if you perform some experiments on your fellow students.

 Chemically Defined

Can you make the grade?

See game thread for more information on how to play, impending updates, and bug notes



v. 1. 1 - Bug fixes

v. 1.0 - New corruption levels for all characters (all characters can be corrupted up to level 20)

         - Bonus scene for each character available once at full corruption

         - Bug fixes

         - Game icon changed

         - Fonts updated

         - New Adult Theme added: Female/Female


v. 0.8 - New corruption levels for all characters (all characters can be corrupted up to level 16)

         - Bug fixes

         - Labels added to map for easier navigation

         - New Transformation Themes Added: Male to Female and Shemale


v. 0.6 - New corruption levels for all characters (all characters can be corrupted up to level 12)

         - Development Status upgraded to Beta

         - New Adult Themes Added: M/F, M/M, F-Self

         - New Transformation Theme Added: Slow Transformation

         - New title screen added

         - Text/bug fixes

v. 0.4 - New corruption levels for all characters (all characters can be corrupted up to level 8)

         - New Adult Themes: M-Self, Other

         - New Transformation Themes: Other (see game thread for more information)

         - The laptop now tracks where you've seen characters

         - The laptop can now be upgraded to spy on fellow students in their rooms

         - Various bug fixes

v. 0.3 - Music and Sound Effects added to the game

         - Various bug fixes per player feedback

         - Menu for buying items from Professor Umbriel reorganized to be simpler

         - Splash screen before main menu

v. 0.2 - Initial release

         - Every character can be corrupted to level 4 (click on laptop in bedroom to see corruption status)

Review by eldrazi

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 12/03/2021

I ddeply enjoyed this game. Reminded me of the old "Darkness Falls" games that used to be on this site. A lot more focus on mind control and moral corruption than just physical transformation.

The best part (for me) is that the M/M content is acutally M/M content and not part of the M2F content, which is a rarity on this site.

Review by laxu

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 12/01/2021

Awesome game! Somewhat reminescent of the Darkness Falls series

You might want to skip some of the characters if you're not into m/m or futa stuff but it's pretty obvious wich ones.

Review by LordFord

Version reviewed: 1.0 on 11/24/2021

I've enjoyed the previous versions of this game very much.  This version as soon as I went to decompress it the .exe file was removed by my antivirus and identified as Heuristic.

Review by awokenchange

Version reviewed: 0.8 on 10/15/2021

Really solid, one of the best of its kind in the genre of games where you influence and change other characters. 


Haven't gotten far yet, but what I've seen at this point is already great! I think the final product is going to be awesome. 

Review by myxy

Version reviewed: 0.6 on 07/27/2021

A surprisingly engaging puzzle game. It's sexy, particularly if you like mental transformations, but certainly not a fapfest. Can't wait for the next update!

Total Games: 2,280
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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