Featuring a female transformed into a futanari protagonist, Fantasy Dating is a POV VN with Daz 3D based imagery on the Ren'Py engine. A lighthearted story set in the fictional city of Integro, the primary story elements involve romance and sexual exploration. Players guide the MC on her journey to build relationships, experience the hilarity of foreign culture clashes, and challenge the social norms of her new environment.
Tired of surfing through dating apps only to find nothing that tickles your fancy?
Sick of the ridiculous bios, altered pics, and cat-fishing?
Want something different?
Sign up for Fantasy Dating and, if approved, you will be heading on an all-expenses paid trip to the city of Integro.
Where a series of arranged dates without the toxicity of today's dating culture awaits you!
Having read the above advertisement, Nola Lushfield (name changeable) applies and heads off for a short vacation. Upon arriving, she realizes that "different" is about to take on a whole new meaning. Meeting a succubus and growing a cock is only the beginning of her romantic journey into the lives of some of the denizens of Integro. Besides how they look, the people she dates are generally normal. They are open-minded and desire love, affection, and acceptance just like anyone else.
However, the laws in Integro are unusual in that they do extend into the bedroom. As the story progresses, Nola and her lovers will have to deal with issues surrounding violations of cultural norms.
MC deals with ongoing weirdness of being transformed from a female to a futanari. MC doesn't know exactly what she is doing, both with her life and her new cock.
Ehrlynn is a succubus of different sort. She can be both sweet and terrifying.
Zimmy is an Elf who MC agrees to help without knowing the consequences. His eloquent form of speech is a reflection of background.
Jacey is a water sprite and bartender. Tall and flirty is what she preferred to be described versus the more accurate description of lanky and ditzy.
Smart and direct, Oxar is a college professor who is sometimes too clever for his own good.
None needed. Pick the kinks and fetishes you want!
Day 3 Changelog:
Played this and enjoyed it, though it seemed strange that Ehrlynnand the PC become so attached so quickly. It could just be love at first sight, thats a common narative trope. The world, or city I guess, is interesting and engaging, and I was kind of skeptical of how utopian it was presented up until Zimmy. Hope to see more.