After being struck by lightning while carrying a box filled with 80s boob movie VHS tapes and old Zelda clone cartridges, a beleaguered college guy notices some odd changes to the world...
Can you fix reality? Do you WANT to? Can you find all three different endings? (Including the secret ending?) Do you WANT to? Such mystery!
An homage to 90s Point'n'click adventure games and terrible 80s movies.
Length: an hour or two. Tongue: firmly in cheek.
Use the following link to access the game:
this is just THE GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME. Funniest shit i have ever seen :D
Fun little game. My only complaint is that the text scroll is very slow.
This is really funny, how have i missed it till now? Maybe cause I dont play R rated games here, but definitely worth it. Tiny screen size - guessing it was made for the phone.
This game made me laugh out loud several times. The play on bad TG tropes is real, and they are intent on cramming as many into this as possible. The pacing is great as well, and the animation looks like some out of late-90s Playstation. Well done!
.. I need a longer game in this style, like.. yesterday. Fun plot that pokes fun at all the classic tropes while also throwing nostalgia at us like badgers to the face.
9/10 only missing one point because I want MORE! I'm left unsatisfied.