This is my First attempt at making a game with Twine. I do not even know if my writing is any good so I wanted to upload to gauge the reponses.
V0.1 has the prologue, the intro scenes and the base layout of the ship. There are a few XXX pages so it isn't all dialogue. The theme is a fairly fast male/female (with a dick) change, with some slower mental changes throughout after that. Mostly I want this to be fairly straight to the point as I hate too much grinding.
I am going to continue to improve everything as I work on V0.2 so check back in a month or so!
Let me know what you think, thanks for playing.
Click the links
made base game
I like what has been done so far - so looking forward to the update and see where it goes from there.
A promising start.
Does a particularly good job at highlighting the interactions between the system (skills) and the story, in both directions.
This game is strictly futanari at the moment so not my cup of tea.
What is there I like. I'm not a fan of full gender bender and this pull the right strings. Looking forward to more.