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Version: 1.0

Beach Angels: Paradise

You scroll past images of sand beaches, lush flora, and turquoise waters in your social media feed. There's a deep longing in your heart to explore these kinds of sunny paradises. Now is as good a time as ever you figure. After a few taps on the smartphone the flight and accommodations are booked.

A week later you're among the clouds, puffs of magic in acres of blue. There's still a few hours left until you land. Either take a nap or remain awake in the luxury of business class.

Review by CugleTheClever

Version reviewed: 1.0 on 09/24/2022

There are 3 "Beach Angel" games on this site, "Beach Angels" (2019-08-15), "Beach Angels: Wet" (2019-08-15) and "Beach Angels: Paradise" (2022-08-30). The earlier versions use the RAGS engine, and the latest uses a RAGS type format, written in HTML. "Beach Angels" is 74,760KB in size and "Beach Angels: Wet" is 43,620KB in size. Consequently "Beach Angels" has the most content and mechanics, and "Beach Angels: Wet" has reduced mechanics and a slimmed down story. "Beach Angels: Paradise" appears to be a modified port of "Beach Angels:Wet".

Both of the RAGS games have a few bugs which bring up warning notices, but for me these did not stop the game beyond skipping a scene. I found no such bugs in the HTML game. However, "Beach Angels" was the only one where I could easily find endings; the other two seemed to default to open ended recurring play.

In summary, you have 3 similar versions of a beautiful, gentle game. As the HTML game seems to be being actively developed, I hope that in time the full content and game flow becomes available in this modern version. For now, if you can tolerate the RAGS engine, the original version "Beach Angels" is possibly the most satisfying.

Review by tsrussia

Version reviewed: 1.0 on 09/03/2022

Good potential. Quite original in design and style. I just wish I knew where the good content was. I find myself going back and forth on every possible path, talking to every possible person, trying to get something to happen.

But there's something here. Worth trying. Keep going, dev!

Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 01/12/2022

This game has amazing potential, it's extremely well made both in terms of writing and production.

I have not yet played the most recent version, I hope there will be a changelog, so people can know if there has been an actual content update or if it's just a bugfix. Plus I'd appreciate the option to download.

Aside from that, I'd definitely recommend you check this game out.


Edit: I have now played V 0.5, but there doesn't seem to be much more content than a few lines of text compared to V 0.2.

Maybe I've just chosen an underdeveloped path, but I don't like to invest much more time on pure chance, if there was a changelog on the other hand...

This game is still worth following though, it's got great potential.

Review by michel1998t

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 08/02/2021

I don't know what to think of it. I tried playing it, but after the dream it stops. If I take the nap route than it blocks with clothes. The compas doesn't work either.

If you can fix this, than I am willing to try again, but for now I will leave it.


I figured it out with the compas. I ain't no coder so I still don't know why it didn't work the first time, but I could play a bit. 

There is not a lot a content yet in a story line, but the basics are there. Maybe a little tip, try to create the links to differnt places in the story and loose the compas. It is easier to play and you know everyone can play it.

But that is just a thought of mine.

Review by Gangrel

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 08/01/2021

I hope I found all the spots where content will continue.  Vivenne's area looks like it is set up to have some interesting events, hopefully that sections gets worked on soon.


Compass works fine, thought it's not exactly intuitive.  The stairs up/stairs down triangles being canted is also a bit odd.


As with the previous Beach Angels, the long shots, landscapes and aloft pics are very good.  The people feel posed, instead of being part of the story, though that could be a function of the sources.


Great start, keep it going!

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