In Labyrinth of the Forgotten Goddess you enter a hedge maze inhabited by animals and magical creatures in search of mythical Goddess that is told to live in the center of the maze in a magical tower. Many of explorers entered before you and ended up turned into horny mouse boys or milky cow girls or serving as helpless slaves fixated on beautiful breasts of a boob fairy. Will you succeed where many other failed and succumbed to humiliating fate? Will you learn the knowledge of Goddess and turn your enemies into obedient thralls or erotic animals?
Disclaimer: all displayed monsters are over 18 years old and I had no intention to show any younger ones and same applies to sex acts. All sex acts are done by humans (or at least partial humans).
Changelog 1.44
- Smoothened light circle in levels with limited visibility
- Made top transparent for area around player so items and monsters are visible and may be interacted with
- Lowered chances of items and bombs in hands of monsters
- Updated monster dropper so monsters are not dropped near entrance to the level. This should prevent death of player right at the start of the game.
- Added shield item with armor increase and chance to block hit attacks. Added as layer, so shield is visible on character.
- Added passive perks that have a chance apply effects on blocking with shield and wound. This is a part of warrior class improvements.
- Optimized rendering and removed glitches and improved FPS
- Reduced strength of fairies. They were vicious considering dropped at level 1
- Fixed issue with setting body part flavour. Some effects lasted zero turns.
- Added brothel facility to Hentai mission
- Added more effects to research to Hentai mission
Known issues:
- Repetitive pregnancy in case of multiple (hard to reproduce, many interactions)
- Lick your own ass possible through mc
- Floating fast action selection buttons not managed well if the application not on top
- Pull aura does not respect occupation of fields (two monster on same field)
- Win 11 issues with images (did not reproduce), probably case sensitivity
- Sometimes there is a tree over pressure plate
- When switching from floating to normal on large map the game crashes (workaround: select UI before generating large map)
- When book is used and helm worn then helm is picked up
- Crush under foot does not transform player
- Spells are sometimes offered when objectified (not cast in the end). Happens during complicated transformation sequences.
- Strange monster kills on map without user interaction (blow up doll/dog)
- Memory leak on animations on map (many at once, spawning monsters)
- Kitanas kiss + objectification in meantime leads to strange state
- When in body part and death of monster at the same time then monster gets stuck
- On death objectified monsters are deleted from monster list and not returned by link and not asked for actions
- Living prison charge does not work well
- Rarely at random exit is triggered on unrelated map. Hard to reproduce and catch.
As other reviews have mentioned this game has a history of more bugs with every release. But credit where credit's due, the latest release has actually fixed a lot of bugs(not all of them, but the most severe ones seem to be gone), improved mapgen in the mayhem modes(they can actually spawn chests and traps now!), and made the game function more smoothly in general. I don't particularly care about game balance, but for those who do it's still basically not balanced at all. I find this game generally fun despite all the jank.
I wish I could uprate a review.
What Izabelle described is nearly word for word what I'd have written had I bothered to review this game earlier myself.
I second pretty much all that review said except for the last part.
It's been this exact kind of mess the whole time and shows no sign of changing.
Thus is does not have any foreseeable potential.
I really want to like this game. But it's just so buggy, frustrating, and wholly unbalanced. It's far too easy to get stun locked. Stuns last for 3-4 turns, which is more than enough time for a monster to bring you back to enough arousal to orgasm again, stunning you again. You'll spend TONS of turns in kinky combat stunned.
I got to the second level of the labyrinth only to be stun locked by a Mouse Girl who somehow kept inflating my Boops, Ass, and Belly, and triggering arousal and orgasm, rendering me immobile for hundreds (and I do mean hundreds) of turns while she continued this endless loop. I'd occasionally get un-stunned, only to get stunned the very next turn. I got very lucky and was able to unstun myself and kill her, but the run was ruined.
I was at one point permanently transformed into an immobile creature, stuck in a stun loop due to arousal, and had to wait hundreds of turns until I was finally lucky enough to escape the curse and not have another one waiting to transform me right back into that creature (the transformation happens after a certain number of hits, and they'd always have me under that effect before I got out of the transformation).
I got this quest where I had to go around a corner where there were living latex items. In the corner was a trap that triggered an inescapable beam that would transform me into clothing. The tutorial told me that I had no choice but to wait out the curse or get someone's attention. But then when I got someone's attention so I could try to become human again, they got transformed too, because someone else triggered the trap. I spent another hundreds of turns just in that one area, because once I was free from the transformation, I had to go back out through the inescapable trap.
Aside from that experience, the game is slow, clunky, and laggy. Not everything is very well explained, even in the tutorial. I can pick up items that have enchantments, but I'll never know if the enchantment affects me or someone else. Enchantments that have a number of hits to them don't really make sense, and you're left to kind of figure out what it means on your own (the answer is that after X number of hits, it causes the effect on the victim - see the immobile creature stun lock above). There's a lot of lag between moves and attacks, and sometimes dialog windows just get stuck on the screen.
I can see the potential for this game. It's got amazing potential to be a truly awesome transformation game. But right now, it desperately needs balancing.
I will give it this: If you can look past all the glaring flaws and time sinks, there is some really good transformation content in the game. But it's a chore to get to.
This game stands out from a pile of choose your own adventure stories and games with only one or two transformations. It's a proper game with a bunch of transformations, and those transformations are a core part of the game. You transform a variety of enemies in all sorts of ways, and can be transformed in turn.
It is a bit buggy, but the developer is working on squashing them and updates regularly. If you absolutely can't stand a game that is buggy and isn't perfectly balanced, then it would be best to wait on this. If you want to play a game where you can order a cowgirl to give you a blowjob before making her breasts grow, then teasing her until she spontaneously turns into a dildo or a pair of panties? This is the game for you.
It's generally a good game, but has performance and memory problems.
Currently mechanics like petrification and voodoo dolls are broken or harmful for gameplay