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Version: 2.10

Version: 2.00

Passing Into Fantasy

Jordan Jones, mild mannered engineer, was showcasing a nuclear reactor at an anime convention, when the worst of disasters struck. A magical substance known as contrivium was spilled onto his reactor model, causing the convention center to undergo a magical girl zombie apocalypse. Both merchandise and attendee alike have been transformed into malevolent magical girls. In the ensuing chaos, Jordan was bitten by a radioactive cosplayer and became the superheroine known as Lunar Heart Skydancer.

Along with her friends, she now must defeat the evil sorcerer-of-culture, Victor Haqdev, who is using his foul chaos magics to force every animal, mineral, and vegetable into his harem of magical girls. Will Jordan and the other survivors escape this anime-convention-gone-wrong, or will she experience humiliating objectification?

PIF is a top-down shooter with a shmup soul. Dodge hundreds of bullets in 360 degree danmaku.

Do you have a life with time constraints? This game is designed with you in mind. The gameplay experience has been deliberately simplified to keep the player actually in the action playing the game. There are no skill trees to min-max, no wikis to look up, no exploration to get you lost, and no NPCs to interact with. RNG is shunned. Rogue-like elements have been punched in the gut and kicked down the stairs. This deliberate simplicity ensures that 30 minute block of time you have for gaming is actually spent gaming.


This is more of an action game with immediate MtF transformation in the introduction.

Jordan - the protagonist

Dakota - Jordan's co-worker and best friend

Donald - the owner of the convention center

Molly - a nurse and fellow survivor

Haqdev - A mysterious sorcerer claiming to be the demon lord.



The Tipping Fedora - another superhero affected by the same condition affecting Jordan

Lady Porcelain - A psuedogami toilet who wishes revenge on the human race

Sum Ting Wong - Psuedogami leader of the Mall Ninjas

Jack Flash - Psuedogami with the power to create light

Rosetta Stoned - Psudeogami with the power to smoke 'tobacco'


  • Mouse moves reticle, WASD moves character.
  • Left Mouse: Fire
  • Space: Bomb
  • Shift: "Aim" (Slows down your character, shows hurtbox)
  • Q: Cycle Inventory
  • E: Transform
  • Right Mouse: Melee attack (If your form has one)


If you're struggling with the tutorial, read the guide on Steam. The enemies are actually much easier than you think.

Use aim mode a lot. Small movements are enough to dodge many attacks.
Outside of aim mode, player's speed varies based upon the direction she's looking. She runs fastest forwards and slowest when walking backwards.
There is one energy bar which is both your health and your ammo. So try to conserve your fire somewhat and hit your targets
Your hurtbox is much smaller than your sprite. Enemies have a similar hurtbox, so aim precisely for the torso.


The game is available on Steam!

Added Easy mode! (For intermediate levels. It will not make the tutorial easier and isn't allowed on the final stage.)

The game now has global leaderboard. Your high scores get posted




Major Artwork Update.

Added quality of life features such as controller (very limited), health bars for bosses, FPS tracker, skip-to-boss if you get past the final stange, etc.

Broke full screen for some reason though windowed mode protects the mouse from leaving the window. Will be patched in 2.01 update soon.



Added some tutorial tooltips.

Forced the introduction cutscene to play the first time.

Reconfigured the Stage Select menu.



Game alpha complete. All six of the intended levels and bosses are complete.



Added two levels, two bosses, and two player transforms

Added stage select, autosave, highscore, at least a 'game over' screen

Yes, the main menu is still ugly


Added a player transformation. The mid-boss will now transform into pads, which can be equipped to transform into a time-stopping maid.

Added bombs. Base form gets the 3 second shield followed by a large blast. Maid form gets to stop time for 9 seconds.

Right click no longer fires a bomb. Now it's just space bar. I'm planning on adding melee attacks to some forms in the future which will use the right click.

Added many quality of life features such as life counter, powerups, high score tracker, a more polished score system.

Ongoing issues:

Actual game over when player runs out of lives isn't there yet

Actual stage clear when player beats the boss isn't there yet either

High score tracker doesn't count points from deleted bullets and the final boss.

Also the game isn't done yet.



Added the rest of the stage and stage boss.

Review by AbbaK

Version reviewed: 1.05 on 12/06/2022

It's just Touhou

10/10 would never play again

Review by HeikeW

Version reviewed: 0.02 on 01/07/2022

There is no transformation in this game. Why is it on TF-Games? Just asking.

Review by xkira1995

Version reviewed: 0.01 on 12/31/2021

No player TF? Sadface. :<

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Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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