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Version: 0.2

Version: 0.1

Desperate Times

Desperate Times follows a young man who loses his job and is trying to make enough money to pay for his bills. You are a relatively new hire at an entry level job, things are going OK until there's an incident that ends up costing you your job. Worried about paying the rent, you resort to literally the first advertisement for money that you see and start camming! Realizing that more feminine models make more money, you begin to transform yourself into an ideal cam-boi. Along the way you can take on jobs (side-quests) that further develop the world and reward you with various perks.

Current Features:

  • Prologue
  • 1st month of content
  • Basic city center (With some shops and a clinic)
  • 4-6 side-quests
  • Camming!
  • Management minigame

This is my first game in Sugarcube and I hope you guys enjoy playing it as much as I'm enjoying developing it! This is the very first release and now that I have a good idea of the direction I want to go with the game, I wanted to open it up to the community to start getting some feedback.

The finished game will (ideally) contain:

  • A complete main story
  • A lot more side-quests
  • A wardrobe system, hopefully with clothes that change gameplay (stats!)
  • More camming, leading into prostitution content
  • A clinic that has a wide range of physical enhancements and various shops to further transform your character.

 Rough Release Schedule: Between work and the spring semester starting for me, I won't have a ton of extra time to dedicate to this project. That being said, I'm going to aim for big content updates (like 0.2 Month 1 update) to release on the first of every month. Any updates in between will be focused on bug-fixing.



0.2 Update - Month 1:

  • Expanded on the main story
  • Basic cam studio management minigame
  • New "area" to earn money/corruption
  • New scenes for camming, versions for each stage of feminization so far
  • New "dialog" system for dom/sub player choice
  • A few new items to buy from Seducers and Tech Traders (with more cam content)
  • 3-4 new side stories (depending on choices made)

0.2 Warning - If you have a save file going past day 14, I recommend restarting to experience everything in this update. I made it so certain days trigger certain events to keep up a good pace throughout the first month.

Review by SecretSilver

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 09/21/2023

I love this game! Actual personality options! The ability to take control sometimes! A solid mechanical base! Likeable characters! Doing things for fun, or because you have to, without treating it as a constant PTSD flashback! It doesn't constantly toss weird negging insecurity-covering "dirty talk" around! I mean, without spoiling exactly how, it even allows some pretty extreme dom/sub scenes without adding a lot of strange emotional baggage or consequences. It's a game that is actually trying to be fun -- this is far more rare than it really should be in these sub-genres...

Overall this game is an absolute standout amongst games with feminization and transformation. I'm just sad that as of writing this its last update was in January of 2022...

Review by Dranylis

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 07/22/2022

I love the way this story is progressing. please keep up the great work.

Review by ecostarr

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 02/04/2022

This is very enjoyable to experience for a first effort. The game incorporates elements of feminization and slave management, though the slaves are workers, not slaves, which is a nice touch.

 I took it to 60 days allowing me to buy all of the available studio space, but it does get kind of repetitive after a while, especially the grinding parts you need to do to purchase new space in the cam studio. Regardless, there's a lot of content so far.

 I also really like the ability of the character to play a switch when the dom/sub-content comes up.

 Nice work, I look forward to updates.

Review by CrystalGeyser

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 02/01/2022

I tend to not check out games so early in development, but what can I say, I'm starved for content. So, I gave this one a go.

So far, it's not bad. There's an interesting premise, and though things start out kinda dull, it does expand into the seeds of something a bit more involved.
There's not a ton of content to be seen (maybe about 30 days or so), but there's a decent mix of worldbuilding and porn. Writing is decent from a grammatical perspective, and it's color-coded for those of us who enjoy skimming rather than hanging onto every little detail. The story is alright, if a bit cliche, but I'm here for the TFs and porn, so it works well enough to drive those things. Speaking of TFs, there's not too many to speak of just yet. Just 2 from what I can see. Though without a doubt those will be more prevalent as versions increase.

Since it's such an early release, I can't complain about much. Though one issue I did have problems with was the transitional pages any time you go to do something. Say you click the link to go to the city. Instead of taking you straight there, you go to a passage saying how you get in your car and then go to the city, and then it loads the city hub. There's a similar thing that happens any time you go to cam (and you'll be doing that a lot), or "research" porn (which you'll also be doing quite a bit). It's a completely extraneous click that really doesn't add anything. Looking at the actual code for the pages it seems like the dev uses these pages as a bit of logic to see if it's past a certain time, and says "you're too tired to do this". Why that page needs to be there, instead of the link to go to the city/cam/porn changing to "I'm too tired to do this", without having a seperate page, I don't know. Removing those transitional pages will do a lot of good when the game starts getting larger.

But yeah, what's there is definitely worth checking out to get a taste of what's to come. You might not be (just yet). But there's enough here to kill an hour or so if you're starved for something new.
To paraphrase a certain Galactic Chancellor... I'll be watching the dev's career with great interest.

Review by mally01

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 01/25/2022

Great start and images that actually work well. The scrolling over an underlined name is cool because the screen is not filled up with big images. Cannot wait for the next update.

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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