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RPG Maker MV
$ 1.00
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Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 1.2.0

Fngs Fr Th Mmrs

Short Transformation themed game with four characters, four transformations and four unique endings.

Game is mainly puzzle based with button mashing minigames.

Won first place out of 15 in a game jam.


Play as Trevor, a member of a group of friends who are throwing a house party on Halloween night.

Things get weird quick when the group finds themselves the unwitting recipients of a curse that quickly begins twisting their bodies to match their chosen costumes.

Trevor, having picked a Vampire costume at the last minute, is able to keep his wits about him enough to have a chance of saving everyone before the night is over.

Subdue each friend in three unique challenges to turn them back.

Three unique characters from a violent werewolf, an insane monster clown, and a lumbering and frightened cow. All fully voiced by a talented cast of actors.
Four unique endings to acquire and two Easter eggs.

M/Androgynous = Vampire: Trevor, the player character. A little awkward and disorganized, he was invited to a party with his friends and didn't have a costume lined up. He usually dresses punk, he just added fangs and white makeup. He has a gruesome transformation.

F = Cow : Cassy, a bubbly girl who loves onesies, snacks and pillows. She's here for the treats and movie night.

F = Werewolf : Red (A supporter's OC), a lone-wolf who is fiercely loyal to her friend group. She's here to support Mike and the others and to enjoy some meat-lovers Pizza. When she ordered her costume online she was expecting a scary costume, but due to a mixup she recieved a "sexy werewolf" costume. She's annoyed, but refuses to show without a costume on.

M = Evil Clown : Mike, who is overprepared for a party of only four. He's a goofball friend who organized the party. He found a strange toy and thought it would be fun to mess with it during the party.

Opening menu: Take note of the control instructions.

Enter house: there are a few interactables scattered about the yard, none are important to the game.

Meet everyone/explore: You are now free to walk about the house, all the friends are able to be talked to more than once. You're free to roam almost everywhere to investigate the levels. Talk to Mike (clown) to continue the story.

After cutscene: Find Cassy's lost Bell on the floor in the livingroom.

Enter Kitchen: Travel north of the living room into the kitchen. Find a way to corner the cow in the kitchen while avoiding the garlic hanging. The best place to corner the cow is the bottom left of the kitchen.
Button mash to subdue her and turn her back.

Re-enter Living Room: Locate the red nose in the Living Room and proceed into the basement.

Basement: Talk to the clown, check your reflection (WOW You have none! Who would have thought?!), talk to clown again.

Funhouse: Enter the maw of the clownhead and proceed into the funhouse. Follow the winding path to the purple door.

Funhouse2: Enter a room of colorful doors. All doors connect to eachother, the only different door is the purple door you entered from: Enter the purple door again.

Funhouse3: Find a wobbly mirror and smash it, look behind the mirror and travel through the hole. Repeat this for each level until you're to the top.

Funhouse3b: The top three doors are randomized: The first door you pick will be a jumpscare. The other two will either send you back to the beginning of the room or to the final room.

Final Room: Run up to Mike and begin the minigame.

Basement: Once the funhouse is gone you're back in the basement. Cassy and Mike will mention Red and her love of Pizza. If you find any pizza boxes either in the living room or kitchen you can gather a few slices. If you talk to Cassy she will also give you a slice of pizza.

Red Chase: Once you're ready; go upstairs and enter the guest room at the end of the hall (This room has been locked until now). Trevor screams and leaves the room. Loop back into the room to collect Red's headband. Open the menu and select the pizza slice and have it tossed on the ground. The Werewolf will rush to it and will be distracted by the slice until you leave the room. If you have her headband simply approach her and begin the final minigame.

Ending: Once you've saved everyone you'll be given two choices: "Put the fangs back in" or "Don't" The two good endings depend on your choice.


How to collect each unique ending:

Bad end: Simply leave the house at any time after the crystal ball has been used.

Lose yourself: Fail minigames too much or be attacked by Red too much.

One more time: Put the fangs in

Sweeter: Refuse the fangs


.:Finding the easter eggs:.

Skele:First easter egg is found when you talk to the skelleton a few times only after the Crystal has been used. He will act out a famous Vine.

Dev Room: Once Red's chase has been triggered, enter the guest room again and find a segement on the right wall that looks strange. Walk into it and travel through the blackness until you reach the dev room. The Sprites are by a different artist and look unique to the game's regular aesthetic. The Dev's don't react to you but will give some hints to what they do if you interact with them.

v 1.0 : Submitted to the gamejam

v 1.2 : bugs fixed, additional ending added, dev room added

Review by vdfvdvdd

Version reviewed: 1.2.0 on 02/19/2022

There is 4 endings, it will take you 15mn to finish the game if you dont want to complete every ending.

Voices and drawings are good but the tfs are instantaneous. The mc just turn into a vampire. 

To keep it short the idea of the game is great but its not worth the money. The game is well done but it isn"t fun. 

Total Games: 2,189
Total Contests: 32
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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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