A guy named Dimon (Dmitry), the main character of this game, inexplicably got into the magical Middle Ages and was forced to disguise himself as a valkyrie - a warrior girl Diana. What awaits him, will he be able to understand what happened, will he return home or will he stay in the magical world. Will he is a man, or women, or something else?
What adventures are waiting for the character? All, or almost all, actions and their consequences depend on the player.
Blog and downloads: https://qray.itch.io/mystical-crach-in-magical-middle-ages-the-adventure-of-little-bit-of-valkyrie
The game is in russian. + English by Google translator (select the language in the game settings)
If you have a problem (error or bug), visit the development blog, it may already be fixed
Discord (for testing, bugs reports): https://discord.com/invite/PHDaWSgJh6
This review's actually for 0.04.2, I'm just a little slow. First, the elephant in the room: while the translation for English is still a little rough around the edges syntactically and grammatically, it's fully readable and I don't have any lack of clarity about what's happening at any point in the game. Text sometimes spans out of the box, but that's not a deal-breaker, especially when dealing with translation nonsense, so a hearty "well-done!" to the developer. This has the potential to be one of the best games on the website. I don't have any Russian to speak of, but Google tells me the exact phrase I want is Очень хорошо
I have played the game and my first impression is that it has a good amount of potential. The first and second in english day are good. There is a could of things in russian and grammer mistakes but nothing egregious. After the second day however it is almost completly in russian enen in english mode. So while the game itself is good He needs to work on finishing the translations for the future days. But other than that it is good I have not run into any bug or errors. Just the issue of language.
Заметно лучше, и с опечатками и игра больше не валится.
Правда решение перса в конце все пересидеть в каюте вызывает... сомнения. Да и коль скоро приняли "ее" столь радушно, мог бы упомянуть про пещеру и кристалы, что наверняка магические...
Ну скажем, что он пока не переварил всю глубины приключившейся жопы... в принципе понять его можно.