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Version: 1.0.1-alpha

The Lady's Maid

The Lady's Maid is an adult, erotic, text based game that takes place in a world very similar to our own. You take the role of a young maid in a noblewoman's household, responsible for cleaning and maintaining the house while juggling your interpersonal relationships with those around you.

The game is still in very early stages of development, and currently there are about 4 scenes in the game, as well as the ability to clean and explore the château. Major updates will occur on a monthly basis, with bug-fixes and patches happening weekly.

I'm open to any and all feedback, and look forward to providing you all with an exciting experience!

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 The Lady's Maid is an adult, erotic, text based game that takes place in a world very similar to our own. You take the role of a young maid in a noblewoman's household, responsible for cleaning and maintaining the house while juggling your interpersonal relationships with those around you.




Gabrielle Ducollet

Age: 20

You are a maid in the service of Comtessa Joséphine. You were born to commoners in the small town of Collet to a guard father and a weaver mother. One day, when you were 13, a woman wrongly accused you of stealing her brooch. Your father was furious, and beat you brutally, and your mother made no attempt to stop him and refused to treat you. You ran away from home as soon as your body healed, and one day took refuge in the back of a carriage during a storm.

The carriage just so happened to belong to the Baron de Collet - Comtessa Joséphine's late husband - who took pity on you and took you in as a household servant. You eventually became one of the Comtessa's most trusted servants, and came to view the Comte and Comtessa as surrogate parents. While you never reached above your station, you always felt like the Comtessa also viewed you as a daughter, since she never had a child of her own.

Comtessa Joséphine

Age: 42

Joséphine Renée Rousseau de Pons-Collet is the Comtessa de Pons and the Baronne de Collet. Strict, domineering, and assertive, she always seems to know what she wants and always seems to know how to get it. After some quick and clever political maneuvering, she inherited all of her husband's titles and wealth after he died without a legitimate heir. While she's confident in herself and her station in life, she's not cruel; she treats those around her with respect, and those below her with kindness.

Even though she doesn't treat you much different from her other servants in public, you've always felt like she views you as something of a daughter, even going as far as giving you your own room instead of making you share a dormitory with the other maids.

Jeanne Marie

Age: 22

Jeanne Marie Rousseau de Barre is the niece of Comtessa Joséphine who recently moved into the Comtessa's château after the death of her mother, the Comtessa's sister.

Valentine Dupuis

Age: 23

Velentine is your best friend, and you often see her as a big sister. She's been in the Comtessa's employ since before you, and guided you through the ins-and-outs of being a maidservant when you first arrived.

While she's cheerful and respectful, she has no problem standing up for herself, even against those above her station. Even though her personality can come off as inappropriate or abrasive to her betters, the Comtessa has never made an attempt to correct the behaviour; as long as she's not too out of line.

Amélie Duville

Age: 18

Although she is the newest maid in the employ of the Comtessa, Amélie is arrogant and lazy, often ignoring her duties and disappearing for hours. Despite this, she's somehow managed to always be in the right place at the right time when the Comtessa is distributing praise, and is adept at taking credit for the work of others.

She sees herself as above serving others, and years to be whisked away by a nobleman and have maids of her own. Yet, despite her young age, she's already known around the chateau for being loose and overly friendly with the guards.










  • Fixed issue with Willpower/Energy/Arousal text not scrolling correctly on smaller monitors

  • Fixed an issue where Jeanne Marie's visit to the player's room can be missed
  • Fixed an issue where the player cannot go to sleep if it's past midnight


  • Added event system
  • Added dialog system
  • Added base rooms
  • Added base cleaning elements
  • Added base activities
  • Added player character, Gabrielle Ducollet
  • Added Valentine Dupuis, your best friend
  • Added Jeanne Marie Rousseau, the niece of Comtessa Joséphine
  • Added Amélie Duville, a rival maid
  • Added two events with Jeanne Marie
  • Added event with Valentine
  • Added event with Amélie Duville
  • Your fellow maids also clean the château, so you're not expected to do it all yourself!





Review by youisme01

Version reviewed: 1.0.1-alpha on 08/01/2022

I like it, wish there were updates. 

Review by aloopy

Version reviewed: 1.0.1-alpha on 06/10/2022

It's always good to see new games appear, and in this case the summary sounds like something I'd be super-interested in.

Play a maid in a historical period when women faced many difficulties and poor people more so?

Lots of challenges, but how will the sex fix into it?


However, what has been made isn't a historical story. Instead, it's a generic porn CYOA like so many others - though it does add a cleaning simulator.

The history is present only in a few elements of the setup. This would probably work better in the modern day, or a fantasy setting, because the author has no real interest or consideration for how the period setting changes things or what -anyone- who reads historical fiction would know about it. The artwork being used is discordant with the period, and again, maybe that would work better with a contemporary setting.


It's not that the author is making a bad porn game. I think this has potential to be a great fun porn game, but as far as he historical aspect goes, it'a really not doing that and maybe it shouldn't try, because it brings in the wrong audience, or the right audience but for the wrong reasons and that will start to annoy them. Just like now, I'm complaining about this game when really I want to like it. The character ideas are good, and the idea of starting as an experienced maid is awesome.


Historically though, it's not just "wrong", it's missing opportunities to be different or sexy. The look and feel of period dress is a bit of a fetish for some, and that's not leveraged at all. There's a deep misunderstanding of the role of maids, female servants, male servants, noblemen, and so on.


For example, in the very first scene of the game, you are picking up clothes that the niece lazily tried on and demands that you pointlessly wash. This is nonsensical in context. She could not try on her clothes without a maid to dress her, nor would she be likely to even try that. Even the super-rich wouldn't have that many outfits and every one she had would have been carefully made to the owner's specification, the owner's choice of fabric, design, etc. Likely, if she wanted to try an outfit she would have her dressmaker present to make changes to it. The scene in the game simply takes a well-worn scene from the modern maid porn genre and transplants it awkwardly to the 1700s where it becomes nonsense. Bear in mind also that clothes had to be washed by hand, and washing some fabrics was not even a great idea and simply wasn't done.

That's just one example, but it says so much about the authors complete lack of interest in historical accuracy - and you are confronted with it right away. Seriously, if you don't care, don't use that setting! It would be fine to set this in the modern era, or something, and it would still work fine as a porn game ... better in fact ... the pictures would look period appropriate, the author would understand the setting, and so on. Instead, by setting this in the 1700s, every single scene just jars and distracts with mistakes and lazy disregard for the period. I won't even get into the idea of the niece lying around in bed reading like a modern teenager on her phone. Does the author think that a young unmarried noblewoman can just sit around? This woman has no husband and is nearly 20, she should be in full-panic "get a husband" mode, with courtship skills to perfect, contacts to work, new dresses to be made, and visits to social events to plan - but the author isn't considering the period and is just doing modern porn with the date changed - this is even more off-base than Bridgerton. The author notes that the world is 'technically' a fiction, but it isn't clear enough or different enough to explain the inconsistencies.


The idea that the game is selling - but not delivering - is something I'd love to see. Imagine if the scene were you dressing the bothersome niece rather than tidying up after her? Imagine if we see that the niece has lesbian tendencies but is conflicted and angry because she has to get a husband to meet expectations? It offers more opportunity to turn sexy and more character depth.


I'd love to see a game that fits the premise indicated here, but this game is not that. On the other hand, the author could make a good porn game, but - for me - the mangled historical setting will always irritate and distract too much to appreciate it.

In its current release, there isn't really enough story or game done to tell how it's going to end up. I'll probably revisit this if it gets updates to see how it develops.

In the meantime, if you want a game where you do a lot of cleaning, but with a whole lot more content, take a look at "I was enslaved by an evil witch and turned into her maid!" which is a must try for anyone who likes maid games or sassy witches.

Review by Kolka

Version reviewed: 1.0.1-alpha on 05/27/2022

It's pretty cool, I'm wondering what future updates will have in store, will this be a maid simulator with plots and intrigue, or just another let's just fuck everythin that moves type of game? So far I'm leaning on the former, the characters seem to have their own personalities, goals, and ambitions, I just hope that the balance between raw sexual energy and intricate storytelling will be good and consistent throughout the game. Best of luck.

Review by Aggressive Zone

Version reviewed: 1.0.0-alpha on 05/25/2022

Very hot but very little in content.
But OP has stated that.

It does look like the mayority of the groundwork is finished.
So besides the usage of energy arousal and willpowerbars

I think op just needs to focus on increase the amount there is to read.


Tho one thing so far i dont see what is going to be the Transformation thing.
Besides corruption but i dont know if thats enought to be valid on this website?

Eitherway great game 

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