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Release Date
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Chapter 1 [Completed] - Chapter 2 [0.55b]
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: Chapter 1 [Completed] - Chapter 2 [0.55b]

Version: Chapter 1 [Completed] - Chapter 2 [0.5b]

Version: Chapter 1 [Completed] - Chapter 2 [0.1]

Version: 1.9

Version: 1.8b

Version: 1.5

Version: 1.31b

Tasty Curse

Tasty Curse is a text-based erotic game. Enjoy exciting gameplay, get into the role of the main character, because his future and the fate of the characters around him depends only on your choice! 

This game is focused on the following genres: corruption, transformation, moral degeneration, cheating, domination/submission.
Currently the game is being actively developed. At this point, the game can give you hours of gameplay that is combined with a storyline that changes from your actions and decisions.

The game is free and that won't change. 

huge amount of high-quality story content is waiting for you in future, so don't miss the updates! According my plans, It's only the first game of the series I want to present you.

You can play the latest version of the game without downloading it now:

Play game online: Tastycurse.com

The game could be played on any device!

I will also be very glad for your support, ideas, feedback and suggestions!

You can contact me anytime at favoritecatlovesyou@gmail.com, you're always welcome to my patreon or discord !

Nikita is a poor college student with problems.  He accidentally has a run in with a witch who curses him to switch bodies with his new female roommate on a daily basis.  Interestingly, no one else seems to notice the change. He has to figure out how to make enough money to survive, how to handle being male one day and female the next.  He/she has various adventures with his family, an annoying bully, a best friend who is in on the secret and others.  As time goes on, he runs into a number of different situations that can change things around him.  How will Nikita deal with his new life?


It will be much more convenient for you to read about the changes by going to my patreon or in the #updates-list tab on our discord server.

Review by leonais600

Version reviewed: Chapter 1 [Completed] - Chapter 2 [0.55b] on 05/06/2024

At the moment this is an amateur game with a lot of pros and a lot of cons. I'd recommend giving it a try. The base game engine and storyline seem good, even though both can go odd occasionally. There's plenty of content. The user interface is ok. The pics and video are well selected.The writing is understandable but if the game is going to get a wider English audience that needs to improve.

I'd place it in between two other games on this site, 'The Company' and 'Friends of Mine', except there is this major difference in playing alternate days as male or female. The grind for money intereferes with what you actually want to do in game, mind control pills and body swapped sex. It also seems easy to fall into bad events, which would be a good thing except it just adds to the money grind.

Review by renenarciso

Version reviewed: 1.9 on 03/06/2023

The favorite part of this game for me is the body swap angle. I'm incredibly sick and tired of sissification and slow feminization games, so to have a instantaneous, magical event is a huge bonus to me.

I also don't mind the broken English very much.

The main turn-off for me is the first person narration. It just isn't immersive. 

Review by CrystalGeyser

Version reviewed: 1.9 on 03/05/2023

Before I start...
tl:dr, give the game a go despite all the red flags, there's a gem in the rough there once you chip away some of the surface.

Alright. Going in, there was a lot to the game I thought I wouldn't like.

  • Body Swap? Not into it, it's bottom tier to me right next to "poof" TFs.
  • Horrid English? As something of a pedant, I'm pretty dismissive of games and authors that can't string a coherent sentence together. Call me an asshole, but I am what I am.
  • Distinctly "European Author" feel? This is a hard one to describe, it's those games that carry a certain "attitude" to it that's clearly channeled by the author, like people who ask for 100% saves for linear games, or something like that. I don't entirely know if it's something other people pick up on, but it's something that's pretty easy for me to spot. Blauz games come to mind, the style of Young Maria, SQ Cruise ship, these are some games that come to mind with that kind of feel. It's hard to pinpoint, but in any case, I'm just not a fan of it.
  • Corrupt and fuck everyone games? There's not a lot I'm into about these types of games either. They also have a big overlap with the "Euro Author" feel mentioned above. There's definitely some shining examples of games that go a bit past it and end up pretty good, but on the whole I'm just not into them.
  • Early version game release? Given the track-record of the site, most games that are less than a year old tend to be pretty lackluster, thin on content, and completely worthless to play in their current state. More of a tease than anything substantial.

All that being said, despite all of those qualities I judged the game pretty harshly going in. I'm happy to say my expectations were thouroughly subverted and there's a lot of promise to the game.


There's a lot of sub systems to the game that layer and create an interesting mix, but the game is mainly geared  around the body swap aspect. Instead of bodyswapping and being stuck like that the entire game and learning to deal with it, or corrupting people and hopping in for a joyride, this game presents more of a cycle instead. There's one person you swap bodies with, your female dorm-mate, and instead of it being a permanent swap, each day you switch places. One day the MC is their regular dude self hell-bent on sticking his dick into anything that moves, the next morning they're their dorm-mate with the same goals pretty much but the female variant. Because of this system though, the game gives an interesting dichotomy, that's akin to a night/day system. Interactions you have with characters as the male MC aren't necessarily the same as when you're the female, and some events only happen when you're one or the other.

The other thing added to the mix to spice things up is a bit of magic via pills. As in actual magic pills. These are pretty similar to the serums found in the game The Company, where you'd dose them and they become more suggestable and sexual. Pretty par for the course, but the thing that adds some interesting interactions is when you dose the dorm-mate. The same dorm-mate that you end up as each morning. So effects that you give to her, also apply to "yourself" when you swap each morning. You can dose other characters as well, with results that are pretty par for the course, them becoming more sexual. Your friend that's helping you research the pills as well can also have an effect on you, but I won't spoil that.
All in all, the dosing system adding the player to the mix is something I hope gets expanded upon in the future with different branching structures. Right now all of the characters have a single dosing path, but hopefully all of them (player included), gets a few more options.

The english presented in the game isn't much to write home about, and in all honesty is pretty bad and unintelligible at times. Most of it is just enough to get the gist of what's going on, but it won't be winning any awards. I don't know if it can be viewed as a strength, but I guess it's better than a lot of others that get wrapped up in pretty prose and descriptions that run the length of a page making me flip that "skim mode" on in my brain. Hopefully the english does get better though.

As for the legnth of the game, I was actually very surprised. There's a lot of content here already, and a lot of content I think a lot of people will miss as well, as some only happen once you reach certain points in the game, or after a specified number of days. I think the length of time you have to wait to get these to trigger is a bit high if you're playing somewhat slowly, but if you're breezing through the game trying to build up money, it might not be. Just be aware that there's entire paths that open up past day 40 of the game, and another past day 65. All that being said, there's actually a good chunk of stuff here that's pretty good, and not a ton that's repeated either like a lot of other games.


My main wishlist for the game would definitely be different dosing routes for characters (rather than just dosing them with lvl1-3, give options for each level similar to The Company), more opportunities for "backfire" situations when dosing the dorm-mate and swapping to her (like when giving Stephan a level 2 dose and the MC noting they're not in the right state of mind to make hypno suggestions to the character and it backfires), and maybe some slow TF aspects that spill over to the MC once corruption gets too high when using the female's body. After all, there should be some consequences for what crazy stuff the MC can get into while in her body.

It's definitely a game I reccommend you check out, especially if you're super picky like I am and would give this game a pass just on the premise alone. It's one that I have a lot of hope for and one I'll definitely be coming back to check up on from time to time. Here's to hoping it stays active. Good work dev, keep it up.

Review by DakomarX

Version reviewed: 1.9 on 03/02/2023

I'm not typically a huge fan of body swap, but this game pulls it off for me. The creator is doing a great job with the story to this point and the various changes throughout. I find myself looking forward to every update.

Review by ahoesko

Version reviewed: 1.8b on 01/20/2023

Honestly one of the best games on the site. Iam heavily biassed as this game compains some of my favourite fetishes (hypnosis/mindcontrol+TG) The bodyswap angle is quite unique, I dont think there is any other game like it on the site. Closest would be comppany with the pills.

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