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Version: 1.3.4

Version: 1.3.3

Version: 1.3.2

Version: 1.2.0

Version: 1.1.0

Version: 1.0.5

Release the Hypnodrones
by Tevazi

This is an idle game inspired by and in certain regards similar to Universal Paperclips, focusing more on the "hypnodrones" part. It doesn't have any direct relation to that game otherwise, and you don't need to have played UP to play this.

The major theme of this game is dronification, in fact this is the only real theme it has. The general loop of the game is to capture drones and accumulate various resources, with which you can then purchase upgrades.

There is also a different mode that focuses on a single person with different gameplay. There is also a third mode which is more of an RPG game than an idle game. Check them all out!

The game is "finished" in the sense that it can be played to the end, there is an ending, and the intended content is all there. In the future however there may be more content added to the game with different progression paths, maybe leading to different endings.

If the text is underlined it has a tooltip, please read them, they contain useful information.

1.3.4, playing the game:

Hey. New update. This one adds some depth to playing videogames. As well as actual gameplay to the game you make at work. The gameplay is more or less as it was described in the project, though somewhat simplified for the sake of it being repeatable and also not taking months to make. There is nevertheless a good amount of written content that can only really happen in this kind of environment. Hopefully everyone enjoys it.


Playing the videogame you made at work. There’s little differences depending on the setting you chose, but it is mostly the same for each. You can play it in the Aroused location. There is bold text to grab your attention and the game explains itself when you start playing.

Videogame Skill and playing games of different difficulty, including normal non-adult games. Playing harder games relieves more stress if you are successful. This skill is also useful in reducing the challenge in the aforementioned game you make at work. You may wish to train a little on other games first before going into it. To actually start the game project at work you now have to be appropriately enthusiatic about games, but you can also back out of the choice now in case you want to level that up a bit.

Vibrating Plug that you can buy at the sex shop when you reach a certain level of perversion. It will increase your minimal arousal level and when playing adult games it will increase arousal gained. This also includes the aforementioned work game project, if you integrate smart sex toys via a new game update. The drone suit core also count as such plug, so you don’t need to purchase one if you already finished that project.

Items will now show internal categories they are considered as. This is mostly because the suit core is considered a plug and I’d wanted to make that clear somewhere in the user interface. So now all items that have a category like this will show it.


  • Fix favourite buttons not working correctly with advanced button groups
  • Fix putting on / taking off items with stats
  • Fix some issues with failing checks. Shouldn’t actually have been an issue in existing content, only happened with new stuff.

[ 06.02.2025 ]

  • Fixed some typos
  • Fixed a videogame gameplay item check issue that made the game show a blank screen

[ 26.03.2025 ]

  • Typo, “strenghtening” -> “strengthening”

1.3.3, drone suit:

Good day. It has been a few months, and the amount of work done is not really proportionate to the time that has passed. Nevertheless, I would like to present a new update, the highlight of which is the drone suit project at the office job. More about that and other things below.

The drone suit project
A project of about the same length as the videogame. For the most part created by the very helpful *Drone 001*, and edited and polished up by your truly.

Has somewhat different mechanics and different choices on how to go about it, depending on which the project will be more or less difficult and the result will give stronger or weaker benefits. Also has at least one cosmetic choice. You can do both of the current projects in any order.

I'd like to feature the results of the project more in the game later and add more cosmetic choices to it, but I really would like to just put something out already.

Stress and Suspicion rework
These are closer to how they work in a certain other game and have more consequences now. Suspicion
had no consequences at all before this, actually.

You may now keep working even if your stress is 3 or more, but if it gets to 5 you will be transported into a special place where you will have to lower it by sacrificing your primary stats, money or certain items.

Same thing with suspicion, it will now get the attention of the authorities and you will have to somehow shake them off. Also, more actions in the Expanding storyline will now raise or lower suspicion.

The game will warn you if either of these get too high, but you need to be careful, because the consequences are quite real.

Collapsing stories
You can now collapse/hide stories by using the arrow button at the right side of the story header,
near the favourite button. In case there are stories you don't want to see right now and would
rather focus on other things.


  • When there is a random chance event you have not seen yet, the game will show a (!) sign next to the button. These are pretty important, after all
  • Fix several bugs regarding certain text not appearing due to a bug in library code
  • Fix resetting circumstance choices breaking the action log on page reload
  • Fix random events sometimes not appearing when you press the chance button
  • Properly show "Available because" for certain stories that had it missing
  • Fix gaining too much energy when spending the night after a certain social interacti

1.3.2, dreams:

Here’s the first small content update for The Other Side. It include about 50 dream passages that you may see when sleeping. The dreams you see change depending on how your character is feeling. It’s something I wanted to add for a while, to have certain things that would not make sense in the setting normally.

  • Dreams, you will sometimes see a dream when sleeping. Some of them you will see for longer than one night, some have minor gameplay effects
  • Fix the old friend becoming unavailable if you find any other friend before them
  • Fix white colored items having a completely white font
  • Fix lab dream depth
  • Allow switching to another mode and resetting them separately. Note that the idle game parts will not run when you are in another mode due to technical limitations.
  • Fix the failure state of "Online ad campaign"


  • Fix work giving wrong amount of money sometimes
  • Fix broken TV station reporting
  • Fix toys not being usable
  • Fix broken organization ad
  • Fix worn items not counting as owned
  • Fix item requirements not updating in certain very specific circumstances
  • Fix parliament meeting getting stuck if you fail the first check
  • Fix the videogame update process

1.3.0, the other side:

Hello. It's been kind of a long time again. I've been working on another completely new game mode, this time very different in gameplay and less of an idle game. This one is an RPG of sorts, with stats and items and some choices, done in a way I have so far only seen once in other games. If you've ever played Fallen London or some such game, you will see a few familar things, except there is no real time action requirements and you can play at your own pace.

Before I get into the things that are in the new mode, there are actually a few improvements suggested and implemented in Personal mode by the very good Drone 001.

Personal mode

  • Added "Smart Auto Latex" and "Smart Auto Cover" to enable auto-latex & auto-cover only when extremely aroused
  • Added "Fetish: Barcode" to gain a fetish for being branded with a barcode, and "Drone: Barcode" to make it permanent
  • Added the "Get a temporary barcode tattoo" action, costing 200 and giving 12 mood, 11-25 arousal, and 50-100 hypno
  • Expanded the action log to 30
  • Drone color and speed have been consolidated into dropdown lists
  • Some actions now have "weight", meaning that they are likelier to happen as more entries are put into the pool of possible actions before being drawn

The Other Side

This mode is once again focusing on a single person, their life and how it changes. Instead of the automatic action simulation that exists in Personal mode, you now get to choose what to do.

Some exciting new features include:

  • Raising through the ranks of an office job to be someone of importance (entirely unrealistic, these things don't happen in real life)
  • Developing a videogame through 8 stages of design and implementation and some stylistic choices
  • Making a short film
  • Designing ads for your own small ad agency
  • Going live on a radio and talking about stuff, or bringing friends over to talk about stuff
  • Broadcasting news by deciding what you want on there on a TV station
  • At least 3 of the aforementioned friends
  • Reading at least 10 books, I have not actually counted how many there are
  • Items to use or wear
  • Many stats and qualities to increase, plus stat checks that you can actually fail with some consequences
  • A Favourite Action system for when there are many buttons and you almost always want the same one in this particular location
  • Once again, some mechanics and writing provided by the very good Drone 001, marked appropriately in-game as contributed by them.

... and more.

Now to the less exciting part:

  1.  There are plans for more jobs and more projects at the office, but they take a very long time and a good imagination to implement. Therefore, there is just 1 path at this moment. Feel free to reach out if you have ideas you'd like to see implemented or want to help
  2.  There are only 3 friends and their story lines aren't that exciting. They are however featured in many of the currently existing mechanics, so they're not entirely non-existant or isolated
  3.  There are exactly 2 fetish qualities and they're basically mandatory. More could be done, but see point 1.
  4.  There are very few wearable items and they give very little mechanical benefit. There are/were plans for more, but see point 1. Non-wearable items in your inventory though are much more prominently useful.
  5.  To be completely honest, I actually did not re-test the entire thing at the final point before release because it is very long. If things don't work, please tell me.
  6.  ████████████ ██████, for now.

 This took way too long and I am no longer sure if anyone will like this new direction of the game, because of how vast it has become and how different a lot of the writing is. The scope is too big for one person to handle in a reasonable amount of time, so I have decided in the end to release what I have after implementing the one storyline I had in mind initially and seeing how that goes. Hopefully some will find this new direction interesting and entertaining.

1.2.0, getting personal:

  • In addition to the normal mode with 2 paths, there is a second game mode that has different gameplay. To play the new mode select “Personal” at the beginning of the game. If you’re loading into your old save, just select the normal mode to continue playing, it will not reset your progress.
  • The new mode is focused on one person and is a simulation of their daily life that you can somewhat influence and pervert. You can also speed the game up in this mode, as there is some waiting for the person to do their thing
  • You can select their name and sex in the beginning, feel free to input someone you know or yourself. They have friends with interests that they will interact with.
  • No third party art, this mode features a dynamic (although simple) avatar
  • Still has an ending, I suppose this brings the total amount of different endings to 3 now

1.1.0, the marine update:

  • Fixed typos
  • Background color is explicitly set to white, which may make the game work better in mobile browsers
  • A completely new path that splits the game in two, with its own upgrades, 2 new kinds of drones (one of which has 2 variants, second variant written by a guest writer) and a new mechanic that changes how you play the game for that path
  • Timers in the game should hopefully work even if the game isn’t focused in the browser now


  • Add two upgrades to boost manual gathering some more
  • Fix the bug where research per-second gain would be shown as the last gained number, instead of 0, when you don't have enough blank drones to generate any


  • Show "get more drones" if there are no visible upgrades
  • Add a log of unlocked upgrades and move the save/import panel. Works for upgrades unlocked in previous versions too
  • Alter some minor details near the end/at the ending
  • Add a reset button


  • Allow gathering resources manually and add some upgrades for manual gathering
  • Modify some requried resources and upgrades
  • Make the government drones give +1 PR per 500
  • Change the fox pit expansion UI and costs
  • Fix typos
  • Display the image for the mouse drone conversion (there was no link in text)
  • Apply multipliers to gather
  • Show resource gain


  • Allow exporting/importing saves
  • Migrate save data to something that shouldn't conflict with other games that might use the same libraries


  • Halved the cost of the factories upgrade
  • Fixed some upgrades erroneously not having requirements and lowered the actual requirements on drone counts for them

Review by Timeman202

Version reviewed: 1.0.5 on 08/16/2022

Overall, I did enjoy this game, however I have to repeat an earlier reviewer's statement on how tedious the grinding can be for this game. This is mostly geared towards the beginning of the game when the cap on your drone count is low yet the valus of some of the early items are high. Which makes this one of those games that your meant to leave on in the background as you play something else instead. At the very least, this game isn't one of the various games on this site that was started but never really finished as there is an ending to the game at least and this won't end up becoming one of the various unfinished games on this site which is refreshing to see.

Review by tesos

Version reviewed: 1.0.5 on 08/10/2022

Five easy steps to build actual communism

Review by Pewwaya

Version reviewed: 1.0.4 on 08/08/2022

I've never played a game like this before on this website. And I've never played a game like this with a fetish. This is really nice! And seeing furry TF stuff as well as rubbery ideas is another thing I haven't seen much of around here. It's been months since a new submission has caught my interest, and I didn't think that transforming others would be that exciting for me, but I was wrong! The art with the writing is very fun and the source link is a great feature! The fox drones look and act so hot!


I finished the game, and I even with rapid click macros it was still slow (and freezes the game if I keep the macro toggled for too long). I think manual clicking needs to be around 100x stronger (as fast as a macro) in certain parts of the game. I have to multitask and wait for drones to gather stuff most of the time, which can make the game exciting to come back to after a few minutes.

I wonder to myself what additions such as challenges and defeats might be like. I'd love more kinky scenes that could be involved with a challenge. Maybe challenges could be required to unlock upgrades or get boosts/bonuses. I'd love the chance to try and avoid defeat, but failing puts me into a kinky bad end scene.


Thank you for making this! I really enjoyed myself and am excited to see more content from you in general!

Review by Munchman

Version reviewed: 1.0.4 on 08/08/2022

As an Idle Game Player it's pretty good, def reminded me of Idle Paperclips, so you did a good job.

Also finished it in less then a day, Autoclickers FTW!!!

Review by Wittyusername

Version reviewed: 1.0.3 on 08/06/2022

I feel if things didnt get so expensive so quickly it would be a lot more enjoyable

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Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,613
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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