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RPG Maker VX Ace
English and German
Release Date
Last Update
Version - Hunting Fairies (Fixed Data)
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Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: - Hunting Fairies (Fixed Data)


Welcome to Firioth, the world on which Accamathan is set. Accamathan is an old-school JRPG created in RPG Maker VX Ace. You follow four siblings who, by chance, get into an unpleasant situation. In the process, they discover that the threat they face is much greater than they assumed. Dan, Mel, Lina and Dee Thomb have to face the dangers. At the same time, Firioth is a place where not only monsters and villains live, it's a place where transformations are the rule and they can quickly lose their shape.
Help them so they don't end up as a statue, a piece of clothing, an animal, a plant or something worse. Find out what threatens Isilweng, your home, and fight it.


Update - Hunting Fairies - Free2Play Version (Fixed):


The Files should now work. Sorry that the version did not work before. No idea what went wrong there. But now I wish you a lot of fun.


As promised, a number of character-related transformations have come along with the game this time. The latest patch had unfortunately been delayed a lot, because I had to prework two patches and found out at the beginning of the year that I couldn't invest as much time as I wanted. So while update is released on Patreon today, update comes out as a Free2Play version.
There is a lot of new content coming with this version. First of all, you should visit the Thombs' stable. The best way to do this is to start a new game, since you won't be able to return from Ephras for a while.
In the stable a milk machine is going crazy and you have to make sure that it stops. There are several possibilities how the whole thing ends.
The main story continues with Lina and Sukehiro, who have to flee from fairies. If you want, you can jump directly to the section you want. To do this, you just have to go to the Altar of Wings and click on Vanitas where you want to go. However, there is something to keep in mind here: All points that have been added in this update are selectable. So you can already travel to Mel and Dan without having played Lina and Sukehiro. Be careful because you can miss something. Also, there are no found items for the jump forward. Anything you can discover along the way will not be taken. You still have to do that manually. The jumps are only there so you don't always have to start from scratch when you just want to look at the latest content.
If you continue playing with Lina and Sukehiro, you'll encounter several possible outcomes to the situation here as well. There are different fairy events that can take place and have different effects. There is also sometimes a choice in the events. And there is a riding event.
The third content included in this patch is Dainashi's basement, where it continues with Mel and Dan. You'll have to free Dan and escape with him. That's also the end of the event. Is it too short for you? Definitely, because in this event the focus was on getting Mel as well. So try it out and see what happens.
Here's an almost spoilerless hint about Dainashi's basement. The whole event will be reconstructed, because it doesn't run completely smoothly. The idea was to have a sandbox, but I'm moving away from that now. There will be an overhaul, but much later. The event may start to lag. Then save at the next possibility, quit and reload.

Play time: The complete game time of Accamathan should have increased to around 8-9 hrs.

Old Maps 36 (4 high-quality paralax maps / 32 normal maps):

Thomb Residence inside, Thomb Residence outside, Isilweng, Altar of Wings outside, AdF - Reception Rooms, AdF - Basement, AdF - Room of Purification, Ephras Lighthouse District, Old House, House of Asahara, Water Reservoir North, Ephras City Hall District, City Hall Ground Floor, Ueda Weapons Shop, Ichida Armor Shop, Cho Tavern, Ephras Hiragawa Mansion District A, Ephras Hiragawa Mansion District C, Ephras Waterfront C, Water Reservoir East Level 1 A, Water Reservoir East Level 1 B, East Water Reservoir Basement, Ephras Forestry District A, Ephras Forestry District B, Ephras Forestry District C, Ephras Forestry District D, Ephras Inventor District A, Ephras Inventor District B, South Water Reservoir, Hound Forest Hunter's Camp, Hound Forest C10, Hound Forest C9, Hound Forest C8, Hound Forest D8, Hound Forest D7, Hound Forest Pink Flower Fairies.

New Maps: 9 (7 high-quality paralx maps / 2 normal maps):
Thombs stable outside, Thombs stable inside, Pasture A, Fhalensaddle, Hound Forests G09, Hound Forests G10, Hound Forests H10, Hound Forest Grove A, Dainashi's cellar

Complete Maps 45


Update - The Catborn comes - Silver Edition (Patreon):


In this update, Dee continues and you find out what the Catborn is all about. You'll meet new characters and play Utsukushī Kami, a cat with problems of her own. For the first time, there are a few small, not too difficult puzzles to solve. The story is very linear this time and you don't have to expect any deviations.
Also, the event has been expanded with Mel and Dan. However, it is not the announced overhaul. On Patreon there are the known bugs under patch, which I don't want to list here for spoiler reasons.
Also, punishment and reward (that's the only minor spoiler) are not variable as desired. If you want to see all the existing content, currently choose to either ONLY obey or ONLY disobey.
The bugs are still present in the current version and will be fixed with the announced overhaul.

Play time of the entire update is 4-4.5 hours.


Old Maps 45 (11 high-quality paralax maps / 34 normal maps):

Thomb Residence inside, Thomb Residence outside, Isilweng, Altar of Wings outside, AdF - Reception Rooms, AdF - Basement, AdF - Room of Purification, Ephras Lighthouse District, Old House, House of Asahara, Water Reservoir North, Ephras City Hall District, City Hall Ground Floor, Ueda Weapons Shop, Ichida Armor Shop, Cho Tavern, Ephras Hiragawa Mansion District A, Ephras Hiragawa Mansion District C, Ephras Waterfront C, Water Reservoir East Level 1 A, Water Reservoir East Level 1 B, East Water Reservoir Basement, Ephras Forestry District A, Ephras Forestry District B, Ephras Forestry District C, Ephras Forestry District D, Ephras Inventor District A, Ephras Inventor District B, South Water Reservoir, Hound Forest Hunter's Camp, Hound Forest C10, Hound Forest C9, Hound Forest C8, Hound Forest D8, Hound Forest D7, Hound Forest Pink Flower Fairies, Thombs stable outside, Thombs stable inside, Pasture A, Fhalensaddle, Hound Forests G09, Hound Forests G10, Hound Forests H10, Hound Forest Grove A, Dainashi's cellar

New maps 20 (6 high quality paralax maps / 14 normal maps):

Kuurin Southeast Residential District, Kuurin School District, Chisakis room, Secret Corridors A, 2nd Floor - Hallway A, 2nd Floor - Side Hallway A, 2nd Floor - Hallway B, Small Warehouse A, Small Warehouse B, 2nd Floor - Hallway C, Small Warehouse C, 2nd Floor - Hallway D, Small Warehouse D, 2nd Floor - Hallway E, Small Warehouse E, Intermediate Floor A, Behind the Playroom, 2nd Floor - Hallway F, Secret Corridors B, Place of Loud Calls

Complete Maps 65


Some strange things are happening near the altar of wings. You should go and see what happened there and... try not to get turned.

You'll play a group of four siblings: Dan, Mel, Lina and Dee Thomb. Dan is a terrible loudmouth who constantly puts his foot in his mouth. His sisters are regularly mad at him and since Dee, as a Wicca, has already mastered Corpus Mutatio (transformation magic), Dan is also regularly transformed by her.

For now, you can only follow the main narrative thread, which sends you on a perilous journey.

Update - The Hound Forest F2P-Version (December, 02. 2022):

- Screen color no longer changes when suffering from a condition such as poisoned.
- Some incorrect tileset representations have been replaced in various maps.
- 20 new Maps
- Total play time about 4 h, if you search through everything


Hotfix: and 01.1.00455 (October, 09. 2022):

- You can now cancel any dialog that is not relevant to the story from the beginning and don't have to read through it first.
- Combat healing items are now usable outside of combat, like food.
- A missing animation has been added in the Silver Edition.

Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: - Tempus Fugit on 10/17/2022

This game has enormous potential. But I think the use of VX Ace is holding it back. The saving can feel pretty unresponsive compared to other titles using the engine, there is no auto-dash and you cannot skip text by holding down a key compared to the newer RPGMaker iterations. 

Aside from that, while there is still much unfinished content, what is there is truly impressive. While there are RPGM games on this site I love story wise, I haven't seen a game yet that had such excellent and handcrafted maps. Granted, only the first few maps are of this quality, there is a dev note later saying the other maps will be updated at some point, but still wow!

On the other hand imo there is too much text when you examine stuff in the beginning. Wouldn't be too bad if it was a newer RPGMaker version and you could skip it by holding down the action key, but as it is, it's pretty tedious. Especially if you spam the action key to skip the text faster and accidentally press it again and you have to click through 10+ boxes of text again. I'd say in the beginning most interactibles have 10+ or at least close to 10 boxes of dialogue. Maybe I'd view it differently if the game was already finished, but this exorbitant amount of worldbuilding falls kind of flat if the game takes about 40min to reach the end of content. A little german made it's way into the english release, like an item name, or a spell name, and a few lines of dialogue, but nothing major.

As another reviewer said, no actual transformation in this release. I can only hope that M2F for the MC is planned, but I'll follow this game anyway. I'll definitely won't play the next few releases, as even in the beginning areas almost half of the stuff you could interact with had a "coming soon" message, but still this shows great promise.

Review by fierymiss

Version reviewed: - Tempus Fugit on 10/10/2022

For a game with a surprising lack of TFs (other than implied TFs) it is quite fun! I'm invested in the world-building that has been going on and how the siblings interact with each other on the topics of the Gods. I am quite excited to see where this game goes going forward, and if I could afford it I would probably consider getting the Gold Version.

There are a couple small qualms I have with the game, but nothing major. The English overall is very good considering how (no offense to anyone) sometimes games have subpar English, which is understandable it's not everyone's first language, but sometimes it makes it difficult to read. That being said, on 2 occasions I did notice there was a message was in German, I do not know if this has been fixed because I haven't played the most recent version, only the first release.

Combat overall, is just bland which is fine it's an RPG Maker game and I'm here for the TFs and story anyways, that being said the merman mini-boss was essentially impossible without spamming healing items, I believe i used around half of the mushrooms I had.

Minor spoiler ahead!! (highlight to show)One final thing, when in the church I was searching for the guards and found 2 of them and I found the 3rd and final guard in the room with the crystal that teleported me away, don't know why I'm telling you this, you made the game. However, since I like to explore I had thought that the game might've progressed if I had talked to the guard so I interacted with the crystal first unaware of what it was going to do. I ended up re-loading a save and went and finished the side-quest, and since I am someone who saves a lot in case of situations like this it wasn't a big deal, however, there should be a prompt saying that the crystal will take you from the area if you interact with it. Granted part of this was my fault for assuming that the game would progress for completing a side-quest, however despite that the crystal in my opinion should still have a prompt saying that it will take you to the next part of the game.

Wow I sure spent a lot of time talking about parts I disliked despite saying how much I liked it, however I truly did have quite an enjoyable time with the current hour or so of content there was, and I will be sure to play again when the next update comes out in November.

Review by vdfvdvdd

Version reviewed: - Tempus Fugit on 10/07/2022

It's one of these games with WAY too much text and no way to skip it, i even lost patience before seeing a single tf. I wish you guys good luck 

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