After being inadvertantly transformed into a robotic battle maiden by their criminially insane roommate, Sam is dragged along on a ridiculous adventure in a dimension full of ravenous monster girls. Will Sam find a way out of this mess and return to their original body? Probably not, but who knows!
Sam has had a run of bad luck lately. After inadvertantly upsetting their mad scientist roommate, their consciousness is downloaded into a robotic battle maiden known as a S.E.R.A. unit. And yes, they're now a female robotic battle maiden. If that wasn't bad enough, they've now been dragged into a magical dimension known as The Frakk and forced to take part in a civil war between opposing monster girl tribes.
Being a robotic battle maiden is honestly kind of cool, once you get past the abject humiliation of the whole situation. Being forced to obey the orders of your criminally insane roommate is a bit of a drawback though, as is being forced to refer to her as 'Mistress Ellie' due to some obstructive programming in your new robot body. Will Sam find a way to return to their original human body, or will they be spending the rest of eternity as a glorified appliance?
looks interesting, but without some kind of demo, not paying $30 for an unknown when there are so many other games like this that are likely better and done for free.
Edit 1:an update to the game, yet still no demo and asking the same price...nope
Edit 2:yay another update with no change to a demo or price...
Oh I know this one. he/she is one of max big bust side character. So this is spin of version of it.
$30 for a PG title?
I wish you luck in your venture, but for this reason I'm out.
I might consider the $30 cost but I'm not buying one of these games on my Steam account lmao
That is quite the title.
$30 is a bit amibitous.