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Version: 0.2.0

Version: 0.1.0b

No Longer In Charge
by Linriss

Your casting application has been accepted ! You're going to be on the most watched game show No Longer In Charge, a show where a group of sexually dominant "contestants" get to use and transform "prizes", people who believed themselves to be dominant but are actually submissive ! Good thing you're such a dom, otherwise you'd be in trouble...


The prizes are pumped full of magical nano-machines to make them transform, and make them very horny. Then when the contestants try to tempt subs into sex, the subs have to use their will to resist their immense lust ! At the beginning of each weeks prizes are transformed by the constestants they fucked the most !


TL;DR It's a game about managing your will (in the form of dice) as the contestants try to tempt you into sex.


It's my first real game. It was made with Sugarcube 2. For now it's only a prototype, I'll be expanding it over the next few weeks.

You applied to star in the game show No Longer In Charge, a show where a group of sexually dominant "contestants" get to use and transform "prizes", people who believed themselves to be dominant but are actually submissive, thinking that you would be a contestant... Which you are not ! You are a prize, pumped full of magical nano-machines to make you transform and make you horny. Contestants will try to tempt you into sex, which is broadcast to millions ! Then every week they will transform you into a form they deem more fitting.

Yourself, until recently a man confidant in his dominance.

Vyka, a tall and muscular orc into sports and blowjobs.

Heru Uhn, a towering dragon-man into westerns and breeding.

Ulva, a loner werewolf into video games and biting.

V0.2.0 This is better ! (Januraty 31st, 2023)

Vyka, Heru Uhn and Ulva now have 3 encounters and their events from week 1 to 6 have been implemented ! 

V0.1.0b (January 30th, 2023)

Very small bugfixing update : Some variables had changed names in Ulva's event, and resisting everyone will now select a random contestant on each monday instead of at the game start.

V0.1.0 First Draft (January 29th, 2023)

Initial upload ! It has one random encounter for each cast member (Ulva, Heru Uhn and Vyka), as well as their events and transformations for weeks 1 to 3.

Review by melloten

Version reviewed: 0.1.0b on 01/30/2023

Game shows really good promise. Loved what we have so far!

Review by KrystalTF

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 01/30/2023

so far great start I'm looking foward to more content added in the future.

Review by Nobbl-D

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 01/29/2023

This is a promising start and I'd love to see more of that. Especially when you'll build up on the lactation content ;)

Total Games: 2,233
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,321
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 4,984,522

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