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The BMO Files

BMO Files Logo

The BMO Files is a digital trading card game where you shape your opponents mind and body with your cards. It's a direct Prequel to BMO TV, where you learn about the troubled, but very secretive past of how June Tesla took over as CEO of the BMO Corporation.

This is a multiplayer game, where you battle against other players. A singleplayer tutorial teaches you the basics and a whole campaign like that is planned, but for a lot later down the road. The AI in the game is pretty bad at this point, so the focus is entirely on PvP right now.

The core gameplay may be inspired by the big AAA TCG games, but with some interesting twists, that I've actually worked on perfecting for several years now. You don't just attack your opponent, but open yourself up for attacks instead. You need to do that in order to gain the energy that is needed to win the game. On the Tfgames-side, the biggest inspiration is Ditzy Dice, which I love, so go check that one out as well. Your goal is to play "programs" on the board and "harvest" them for their energy. If a program harvests 10 energy successfully, the opponent will gain a TF effect. If a player harvests 20 energy in one match, they win. You start the game with a starting deck for each color of Anima, and unlock more cards by installing programs on your opponents.

This is a very early release. The cards will change, the game might break randomly, and the server might not be available at all times. While the server is offline, there are some very bad AI's to play against, but they are still very buggy.


Since the game needs a lot of updating, please consider using the itch.io Launcher, that'll provide you with patches instead of always having to download the whole zip.



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Please join the Discord to get updates on maintenance, updates, etc. It's a very complicated development process and my main priority lies with BMO TV, but I definitely plan on finishing this game in the long run. I'm very passionate about TCG's and I've been working on this game for many years already. I'm looking forward to seeing a broader community play the game, and hopefully not crash the server on Day 1.

System Requirements:
64-bit Processor / OS


if you get a message that the app is broken,
open terminal, navigate to the directory with the app, and then run these two commands where [YOURAPP].app is the path/name of your APP-file:
chmod -R 755 [YOURAPP].app
sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine [YOURAPP].app

Support the Development:
I am a single developer from Germany, working on all kinds of TF games. If you like what I do, please consider subscribing to one of my subsription platforms. By becoming a Subscriber you get Early Access to all of my games, like BMO TV or Femdemic, but in a multiplayer game like BMO Files, you'll get access to cosmetics, like a new Supporter Card Back every month, a Subscriber Badge on your Name, and maybe in the future some extra clothes for your character.
The multiplayer mode is currently planned to be freely available all throughout development.

- Supporter Frame in Games
- Supporter Card Backs
- One new Supporter Card Back each month
- Access to detailed Metagame Statistics


Planned content:

- Continued Singleplayer Campaign with AIs

- A good AI (the only reason there aren't more AI matches right now is because the AI needs to be completely reprogrammed)

- Non-AI-Generated Illustrations for all Cards

- More Descriptions for TFs

- Fix issues (obviously, this is V0.1, the game will have bugs)

Rules that are not explained in the tutorial at this time:

Multicolor Decks

You can have decks with multiple anima colors and harvesting different colors of energy still gives you a win if they add up to 20, but only at the start of your next turn.


Killing Harvesters with Defenders

When you destroy a harvester that has defenders, either through combat or wth a Hack, the defenders are returned to the owner's hand and cost 0 anima to replay.


  • Added more card art (only one single card is missing right now)

  • new Ranked Season

  • new Ranked Season Modifier Card Effect


  • improved some network logic to try to avoid games disconnecting right at startup

  • fixed some UI bugs


  • added more card art (only grey and story-mode (tutorial) cards are still AI placeholder art now)
  • new ranked-seasonal effects (each season will contain a different card on the board for both players at start, making the season play out slightly different than the last by providing a unique board effect, e.g. for this season "When a friendly program retires, draw a card")
  • drastically improved AI programming (it is now better at almost everything, including playing spells, which it is still pretty stupid at, it is now on a better way forward, though.)
  • made Singleplayer games available at all times (you gain a pack for beating each AI Challenge for the first time, and you can also complete certain Quests in Singleplayer games. The AI Challenge Decks have also been overhauled to fit the new abilities of the AI.)
  • fixed a longstanding problem in the game logic, which made calculations way too complicated (this will probably not fix all the issues with the game immediately, but it will help the future development process immensely, and is also the reason why AI programming progress has finally continued.)


- more bugfixes for new quests not being assigned  correctly


- fixed a bug where quests wouldn't refresh on time


- fixed some issues with the quest timer


- Violet card illustrations
- Quest system
- Earn Cardpacks for your next seasonal character in the current season
- updates seasonal cardback
- UI changes
- Server Autorestart and automatic Discord messages when server issues come up


- replaced illustrations for yellow cards with those from the real artist

- rebalanced several cards


-quickfix for not being able to accept a Draw.


-quickfix for "invalid season character" message when character has correct season.


- Old Characters can now be loaded from the Character Overview screen
- A character is now bound to the rank season that was active when it was first created, after the season is over it can still be used to play unranked.
- A character will be disqualified from ranked mode if it has reached a max score of 8 in 5 of the 6 main stats. (Body, IQ, Exhibitionism, Libido,Femininity,Submissiveness)
- On reaching the final rank, you get points to unlock clothes. These clothes will still only be chosen randomly upon leveling up Exhibitionism. They just extend the pool of available random choices.
- You can now request a Draw that, if accepted, will lead to no rank loss - When conceding, all cards currently on the enemy board will harvest once automatically
- The winner of a game now has to choose one card that was harvested during the game by either side to apply to themselves at the end. If they don't there's no rank up reward.

- more lockup fixes
- second player advantage
- more meta changes
- and more

- buffed "The Masochist", but banned it from Ranked Games
- several smaller bugfixes
- added a lot more outputs to bugfix logs
- tried to fix more lockup issues, please bear with me, these are hard

- Player Rank and Ranked Queues (making a new character will reset your rank!)
- Remove unwanted TFs by ranking up
- Anima Deck Mulligan
- game will try to force continue 20 seconds after a lockup
- Mute Toggles for Sing-Song and Giggles
- general bugfixes


- ingame bugreporter (please report your locked up games. an error log will automatically be added to your report)
- increased board space to 10
- fixed Anima visuals in game
- The Masochist: show applied cards on game end
- The Masochist: changed effect to what it was originally supposed to be
- Deck Anima Value Curve Stat


- more lockup fixes
- internal deck and card winrate logs


- more lockup issue fixes
- added complete version of orange card art


- tried to fix the lockup issues


- added "The Masochist" card
- added wip orange cards by the card artist (colors will still change)
- added more logs for bugfixing
- some small fixes


- minor fixes
- added server logs for bughunting


- added more volume sliders
- added warning to new character button
- added message about multicolor decks only winning at beginning of turn


- critical bugfixes => forced update


-fixed a bug that stopped cards being applied (NULL card showing in list)

- bugfixes
- some tf descriptions
- some more tf effects

Review by smitty96

Version reviewed: 0.1.2b on 03/06/2023

Really good foundation, with plenty of room for expansions (Preg, Anal, etc). Desperately needs a turn timer/rope to avoid hostage holding.

Review by misti

Version reviewed: 0.1.1a on 03/04/2023

ive been playing for like 4 hours trying to get the perfect bimbo tf.... so addicting.. the tf is so painfully slow but that also makes it so addicting. just wish i didnt have to let other players win all the time to get my tf's (to the reviewer below me, sorry, im one of the ones whos trying to get TF'd XD)

Review by frog1995

Version reviewed: 0.1.0m on 03/04/2023

Seems like a really great game, though there's nothing stopping others from purposefully throwing the game to get TFed, which is what has been happening so far. I like non-consensual TFs, but this is feeling more consensual on the other player's behalf while I constantly dominate the other player bc they want me to. XD

Not trying to complain btw. I'd imagine finding the right opponent in queue would provide a great time. :)

Total Games: 2,280
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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