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Version: 1.0.0


As Victoria, you become trapped in a castle after an attempt to simply raid it for treasures, thinking it long abandoned.  While collecting treasure, you must find your way out of the castle, by solving a few puzzles along the way, and encountering the occassional trap that will transform you.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 04/15/2021


I quite enjoyed this adventure game. Writing is good and doesn't take itself seriously, interactivity is high in the game with many puzzles and traps to encounter, transformations of the self are plentiful in the game (all are tied to bad endings) but you have a chance to reverse their effects with the right items and choices, photos used in the game are suitable and while the game is unfinished, I didn't encounter any bugs. Of note there is only one solid good ending in the game and it requires you to risk a bad ending to get it if you don't explore everywhere.

This is not a password protected RAGS game, so you can check it out to discover the ending pathways and transformations for learning how to make your own RAGS game.

Recommended, especially if you are a hyper transformation fan.

Review by sirwolffe

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 06/28/2016

I really like this gem. I think most people are not aware of it. I am writing this review so that more people might notice it.

Review by lookabox

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 04/06/2015

Jesus, this was an adventure in references.  Still actually better than most of what you can find on this site, being finished and all.  Having actually been subjected to a lot of japanese productions against my will the references were all understandable but I'm sure it goes over the heads of a LOT of people.  Anyone that wants to play this should probably already understand some of the popular classic non-magical girl weeaboo stuff if you want to have any chance at enjoying it or you'll just find it annoying.


Would've liked an epilogue, though.  Seems like the bodily descriptors are just game over checks with no real impact on anything.



Review by habilon

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 02/04/2014

This game commits two great crimes, it is boring, and it has a ton of spelling errors and custom text (which doesn't re-size).


I't so boring, I can't even finish the damn thing, the only reason it gets two stars is it does have an interesting premise, one that I thought I would enjoy, and second it does seem to have a nice amount of content.

Review by darker90

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 01/13/2014

Nice game, but didnt get where i can use red bug. Gonna be good if update pictures of main character, and maybe then click  on exam big picture with wear and make up

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