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Version: 0.2.0

Girl Life (Sugarcube)
by Steuchs

This is a port of the QSP-version of Girl Life (https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=597) to HTML (using Sugarcube).

As of now, this is still a proof of concept. You can play the intro, buy clothing and work as a maid at the nearby hotel. Most of the content of the original is still not available and/or broken, though.

How to download and play:

  1. Download the file glife.html or the most recent glife rar-archive. In the later case, you need to unpack the archive (for example with WinRar if you are a Windows-user), so you still end up with a file named glife.html.
  2. Download the file images.rar and unpack it. The images-folder should be in the same folder as glife.html.
  3. Open glife.html in a browser. If you set up the images-folder correctly, you will see a picture.

Discord: https://discord.gg/KPycm8uAK9


The changelog also includes the changes for version 0.2.1, which wasn't available publically.

  • Shortened the school-girl start. Reading the backstory is now optional.
  • Your name and the names of your close family members can now be randomized with a button next to the text field.
  • Prettied up the description of the high heels-skill. The other skills will follow.
  • Training to walk in high heels is now possible at the parent's bedroom.
  • Walking in high heels of certain height now requires certain skill levels. Buying too high shoes is disabled now (to prevent disappointment).
  • Wearing high heels now gives you an appearance buff, unless they are so high that you can't walk in them gracefully. Higher heels give a higher bonus.
  • Bodysuits, Swimsuits and the more slutty outfits now correctly use several outfit slots.
  • The speed at which pain fades now depends on the source of the pain.
  • Many variables that count up or reset at midnight have now been moved to 4:30 am (because the player character is most likely asleep then).
  • The cheat menu is now located on the left side in the sidebar. It features a new option to add outfits and provides a more comfortable way to change the current time.
  • You can now spend more willpower than you have. This reduces your mental health. Mental health recovers very slowly.
  • Introduced personality scales. In short, doing something that runs against your current personality, costs willpower and shifts your personality a little bit. This mostly applies to inhibition for now. (Fetishes will be switched to this system in future updates to allow for a dynamic change of them)
  • Mum will now request a proof of your virginity every month. You can get it at the hospital.
  • Connected places with the same priority are now sorted by name.
  • Makeup now takes longer to apply.
  • Makeup can now be applied quickly. This reduces the time it takes to apply it and it includes the risk of the result being worse (for now it's 50% as good as doing it slowly, 25% low quality and 25% ruined).
  • You can now meet Anya at her work.
  • Added an ATM to the supermarket.
  • Added a bathrobe (for now it's only available using the cheat menu).


  • Changed the travel-mechanic between two places to allow the interception of travel-commands (for example, to prevent the player from leaving a certain place if a certain random event fires).
  • Skills, Pain and Outfits use TypeScript now.
  • The wardrobe has been almost completely refactored.
  • Widgets can now register themselves to be presented in the sidebar from everywhere in the code.
  • Functions can now be attached to the main time-function (this allows for more modular code).
  • The call stack is now displayed in debug-mode.
  • Overhauled the way timetables of NPCs work.
  • Added templates to actions.
  • Effects can now be attached to the player from every part of the code.


  • drinking alcohol is now an option (for now it's only served at the hotel near the road (don't drink too much (or do, if you like nasty surprises)))
  • buying a computer and a webcam is now possible. You can also start your career as a webcam girl (it's very basic for now)
  • menus at restaurants look nicer now (for now, this applies to The Roadhouse at the city and the bar at the hotel near the road)
  • Warning: previous savegames might not be compatible. Refer to the discord channel if that's the case for you.


  • most scripts have been switched from JavaScript to Typescript. This took lots of time, but should increase development speed in the future.
  • many systems are way more flexible now (drugs being an example)


  • expanded shower-event with Kolka (shower while he's home and awake)
  • added events after helping Kolka with homework (holidays need to be over, and he needs to have watched you showering three times)... he usually does his homework at 17:00
  • players can set the fetishes of their main characters now. Being appalled by incest pretty much disabled the Kolka-events while setting it to high might make it easier to unlock some scenes.
  • quests now tell you when they update
  • and so does your arousal
  • your fetishes and your arousal can be taken into account by all action
  • a ton of fixes


  • the reason why I increased the minor version number is a significant change in quest- and npc-scripts. Before, you had to write `$q.school.inc('missedDays',1)` to increase the number of missed days at school by one. Now you can write the much easier to remember `$quest('school').missedDays += 1`. The same applies to npcs with `$npcs.set('A29','rel',60)` becoming `$npc('A29').rel = 60`.
  • there is a new demo-location that explains some of the scripting to newcomers. You get there by using the Cheatmenu to jump to `Demo`.




  • Various updates, fixes and improvements for the school
  • Gaining mood and fame is now displayed



  • Crime settings: select how dangerous the world around you is
  • Getting abducted into sex slavery using the crime-system (can also be tested by using the shortcut in character creation)



  • Added: Cooking
  • Added: Car driving
  • Added: Weather (for now it indicates when it will rain next)
  • Added: Plastic facial surgery and laser hair removal (both available at city clinic)
  • Added: City start (early preview)
  • Added: Period

Known issues:

  • Weather is only accurate for August and September.

For developers:

  • relInc-overhaul
  • dynamic housing
  • onceADay-widget

Planned for future:

  • Quality of cooking results depends on cooking skill. A detailed description and images for the cokking process.
  • Car events and fuel being used.
  • Weather forecast.
  • All the other plastic surgeries.



  • Added: Getting a "normal" job (for now only available at "The Roadhouse")
  • Added: Buying food in restaurants (also available at "The Roadhouse")

Review by bobsmith3872

Version reviewed: 0.0.19 on 11/17/2023

I'm so excited to see a non-magical MtF path in this version of GL! There's still some bugs floating around but it's coming along well. Keep up the great work!

Review by Trueblades

Version reviewed: 0.0.18 on 09/12/2023

Oh man this is exciting! I like the original, but it would hang on me all the time. Altough its odd, to play it with out the music in the game. Great work!

Review by CasuallyDone

Version reviewed: 0.0.17 on 09/10/2023

Good html adaptation of a QSP game, will eventually be better than the QSP version, so plenty to look forward to from this one!

Review by trixxx6969

Version reviewed: 0.0.11 on 07/14/2023

I am so happy to finally see an html version of this and i will be happy if you can make this even half as decent as the original. I love the main game but hate constantly having to download and mess around with quest to get it to work. I will be eagerly awaiting updates =)

Review by qaeron

Version reviewed: 0.0.8 on 07/09/2023

Eh. All this effort put into what amounts to a 'side-grade'. Still an inferior weak-typed programming language, minus multi-monitor support, minus draggable panels, minus constant content stream from a dedicated team. The only plus I can see is probably better mobile support, for ppl who play sprawling simulators... on 6 inch screens.

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