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Version: 1.1.0

Version: 1.0.4

Version: 1.0.3

Rogue Time Agent

You're a time agent working for Timecorp and you've just been told you're being laid off. You don't have to give your gear back for a while, so it's time to set up the old retirement fund.

You'll do some black market jobs, changing the time line, or stealing goods for anonymous buyers. You may have to adjust your body for the missions, but everything is reversible - so it's totally safe.

Each day you get the choice of 2 missions.

Each mission has a desired profile, you can make up to 3 changes to yourself per day in order to better meet those parameters.

There's a chance of success based on how closely you match the desired parameters. If you succeed you add the pay to your retirement pot. 

Take jobs, profit. It's easy. Time travel never went wrong for anyone, if you don't like something just go back and undo it later!

1.0.0 Initial release.
1.0.1 Bug fix - removing mental effects failed to take.


  • Added Timeline showing effects of agents actions
  • Added 26 new jobs to match all skills agent has (either original or added through time flux)
  • Added video's for breast and butt growth


  • Bug fix for lost in time (Error in QuickHack)


  • Added a timeline to see what affect you've had on the timeline.
  • Missions now have random compliations that change the difficulty, pay and chance of flux complications.
    • The flux capacitor now shield you from temporal flux rather than reducing the difficultly.
  • You now pay for your jumps with flux power.
  • Crystals give you flux power, but can add complications to future missions.
  • Rejigged story slightly to give you an early incentive to accept changes.


  • Added outcomes for being stuck in the past to all missions.
  • Added a loop to give you a source of crystals if you completely run out of energy.
  • Added difficulty and explicit content toggle to settings.
  • Added one new heist.
  • Added a little extra cash to higher difficulty missions.
  • Added clues to the "ideal woman" in the timeline section.
    • The closer you are to the ideal woman, the more cash you earn on missions.
  • Rejigged flux changes:
    • Flux changes are now grouped by categories (40's, 80's etc)
    • A random change is selected from the categories that match the time you visited.
    • Added a few new flux changes. 

Review by MarcoScooter

Version reviewed: 1.0.4 on 12/09/2023

Short, sweet, and entertaining. Highly replayable, and the content rides the line of hilarious and hot.

Review by DancesForNickles

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 09/25/2023

A very fun premise for a simple little game. It's text only, but it's pretty readable and to the point with a good interface. I did a couple of runs and they were both pretty fun. Would like to see it extended a little bit maybe, but to be honest it's fine as it is.

Each run is about 15 minutes give or take, you get presented with a choice of 2 missions each day with each mission setting out the physical and mental traits required for it. You get to make 3 changes to yourself before picking a mission, which you have a % chance to succeed at. Next day you get some random changes to yourself which you can spend one of your 3 daily changes to reverse. Rinse and repeat for several days or until you hit a fail state.

Review by gaiagba

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 09/23/2023

Very original premise in an pure text game,

Before each mission you can change your MC physicly to better mach the mission. this does not change reality.

Every time you complete a mission, there is a (random?) change to your MC reality, exemple you might come back as someone who always had a obsessing with go-go boots.

Game play is just a bunch of (weighted dice rules),  and even when changing the MC on purpose it seams hard to not get a game over.


Recomended (but don't expect to pass on the first play true).

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