7th guest 3 Kickstarter link:
Those of you who have been playing games for over 20 years will likely recall the 7th guest. Back in 1993 it was the pinnacle of technological achievement a 3D modeled house with actors. Now 20 years later they are back trying to create a third installment of the series using a kickstarter campaign. I can highly recommend checking this project out and backing it. In honor of the campaign and to boost the funding I´ve created a fan made demo of the original 7th guest. Unfortunately I had 0 budged and little time so it is nowhere near the quality of the original. There are only two puzzles included in this demo namely the cake puzzle and the telescope puzzle. The difficulty is slightly higher than in the original because there is no animated mouse to give you hints.
This demo is not 100% identical to the 7th guest so it is more of a spinoff.
The most notable differences are:
- No animated mouse, thus no hints
- No animated cake, instead green dots show removed pieces. It was the best I could do in this little time.
- Only two puzzles cake and telescope
- Movies are played in a separate screen, I cant change this as it is a limitation of the program
- No animated room transitions
- No sound during puzzles or walking through the house
If you completed both puzzles you can head up the stairs for the ending, this is also where the TF content is. Before anyone asks no there is no TG content, but believe me this game is worth checking out because of its quality (and I dont mean this demo that is just a teaser, but also worth checking out if you ask me).
The original game and 11th hour are both available as kickstarter goals (I recommend using this), but also available for purchase on the following sites.
The original game is available on PC:
on Iphone:
https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/the-7th%20...%2007744?mt=8 (some cut content)
on Mac:
Note that this game was made 20 years ago, try to keep that in mind.
And again here is the kickstarter link:
This....this was....really....REALLY....bad...a LONG and BORING video intro that evenutally just...stops...and you may or may not realize that you need to at some point use a second window to play the "game"...which is still pictures and...a puzzle i guess...
i wish at least one person would of told people how much a waste of time this was...
Deposit box is a terrible place to upload games. takes a long time to download.
DO NOT install Directplay to play... the game should run without it! and uninstalling it can be a pain as well as claims that it affected other appilcations in a negative way.