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Game Information
RPG Maker MZ
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 0.07.05

City Of Secrets

Welcome to City of Secrets! An RPG Eroge centered around Emma, a young girl thrust into dangerous situations as forces around her try to slowly corrupt her. The game currently features various  possession, corruption, and transformation themes.




Attending class, exploring the city, and interacting with characters are just a few of the many things you will do in this game. 

The main gameplay revolves around the domains that appear. Each domain opening up and trapping people within, forcing Emma to fight through various enemies and lewd traps to get the soul fragments she's searching for. 

Outside of the dungeons you race against time as Aurora attempts to corrupt you, turning you into a masochistic slave whose only desire is to serve her. 

Other characters also will interact with Emma differently, such as Victoria, an exhibitionist ghost who takes a liking to Emma's body.


Some specific gameplay elements include


Pixel Animations and CGS – Carefully drawn scenes revolving around pixel animations and CG's. Map sprites also have been reworked to increase their quality as well!




Day/Night System – Events and gameplay revolving around specific times. Go to College in the Morning, explore the City at night!

Weather System – Events revolving around weather. Is it sunny, rainy, or stormy? Who knows what will happen when the weather changes...

Visual Novel Character Art – Beautiful character art for every character displaying a range of emotions for each scene!



Corruption Mechanic – As you move through the story various forces will work to corrupt Emma's reputation and personality. Will she be able to resist their influence?


Do you like this game? Then you might like:

Star Knightess Aura: https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=2462

Town of Magic: https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=2829

You play as a character called 'Emma', who is starting College in a new city. As she continues through college, she suddenly starts experiencing weird dreams repeatedly. However, the dreams soon take a strange turn as they mix with reality and bind Emma into a contract with her soul on the line. 

As Emma attempts to complete the contract, various characters will work with and against her as she unravels a grand plot involving a powerful organization operating in the shadows. 

Emma - The protagonist, a talented but naive girl who signs a contract with a woman named Eva to recover her soul.

Victoria - An exhibionist ghost who has been trapped inside an abandoned mansion. 

Sapphire - A playful slime who likes to dominate others. 

Aurora - A stuck-up rich girl who is set on slowly turning Emma into her sex slave. 

Version 0.07.00


Dungeon 4 Prelude Event Added

Intro Skip Implemented

Red-Light District Implemented

Movie Magic Side-Quest Added

Elvira Additional Portrait Outfit/Sprite Outfit Added

Nora Portrait/Sprite Added

Nico TF Portrait Added

Dungeon 4 Boss Full Portrait Added

Dungeon 4 Emma TF Portrait Added

Slime Sounding CG Added

Dungeon 3 Remaining Bimbo Loops Added

Dungeon 3 Ugly Man Possession Loops Added

Dungeon 3 Possession Bad End Loops Added

Victoria Scene 7 Loops Added

Aurora Event Added

Victoria Event Added

Movie Magic Loops Added

Emma Additional Portrait Outfit Added


Changed Max Corruption to 99

Implemented Night Possession (No more Time Slot Usage after Victoria Event 7)

Implemented Time Scroll (Allows users to control Day/Time (This will be removed in final release))

Increased Visibility of Victoria's Mirror


Fixed Guidance Bear for Lexi's Events when clicking on her

Fixed Hideout Visit Quest Objectives not Updating Properly

Fixed Human Sapphire Portrait Moving in at Slightly Higher Angle

Changed Dungeon 3 Quest Name to "The Dreamscape"

Fixed Eva Portrait Exits Going in Reverse

Fixed Sapphire Scene 2 triggering before Victoria Scene 3

Fixed Digit Grouping in Messages

Fixed Emma having 2 Shadows

Fixed Dungeon 3 Traps Names Going Beyond UI

Fixed Dungeon 2 Bug where walking into a specific tile retriggered the entry event.

Fixed Dungeon 3 Slob Man Trap Bug Where sprite would move the wrong way


VERSION 0.05.00


Lexi's Mansion Implemented

Dungeon Boss 4 Shadowed Portrait Added

Introduction Scene Updated

Lexi Working Minigame Implemented

Lexi Event Added

Iris Portrait Added

Dungeon Boss 5 Shadowed Portrait Added

Lexi Event Added

Lexi Event Added

??? Portrait Added

Lexi Event Added

Lexi Event Added

Taylor BJ Pixel Animations Added

Lexi Intro Pixel Animation 3 Added

Dungeon 2 Mask CG 2 + 3 Added

Dungeon 1 Slime Sounding Pixel Animations Added

Main Storyline Event Added

Dungeon Boss 6 Shadowed Portrait Added

Dungeon 3 Introduction Pixel Animations Added

Olivia Scene 3 CG's Added

Dungeon 3 Floor 1 Added

Reworked Counselor Scene 1 Pixel Animations Added

Reworked Victoria Scene 2 Pixel Animation Added

Lexi Rebecca Pixel Animations Added

Aurora Event Added

Aurora Corruption 30 Pixel Animation Added

Riley Portrait Added

Porn Site Added




Fixed Sudden Switch to Wednesday after finishing Lexi Event

Fixed Player's Ability to Bypass Dungeon 2 Entry

Fixed Sapphire Event 2 Playing without meeting Victoria

Fixed Victoria Event 5 Not Showing Text in Guidance Bear UI

Fixed Victoria Possession Logic To Stop Infinite Possession Loops on Monday's

Fixed Slime Minigame causing Black Screens on Rare Occasions

Fixed Spattle Remaining in the Middle of the Map after Losing

Fixed Margaret showing up in 2 Places in Library after Labrinth SQ



VERSION 0.03.5



Secret Event Added - Taylor 1


Secret Event Added - Taylor 2


Secret Event Added - Angela Sussy


Added Violin Practice (Magic Attack Training)


Added Masturbation (Corruption Increase)


Secret Event Added - Taylor 3


Dungeon 1 Decoration Sprites Added


Sapphire Event Added


Guidance Bear UI Added


Azel, Anastasia, and Margaret Portrait Art Added


Neith Portrait Art Added


New Side Quest Added


Sapphire Event 1 Pixel Animations Added

Emma's Route to the Side-Quest Added

Azel, Anastasia, Margaret, Angela, Taylor Possessed Portrait Art and Sprite Art Added








Fixed Re-Entry into Dungeon 2 Boss Fight not Working


Fixed Event Menu Picture not displaying Olivia's Appearance Properly


Fixed Soul Treatment being free


Fixed Sapphire Event Not Procing Correctly in rare instances


Fixed Pathing Bug for New Side Quest


Fixed Anastasia Possession Path Blocker


Fixed Weather Displaying Incorrectly


Fixed Guidance Bear Disabling Menu after Exiting the UI


Fixed Gym Switching to Night inside Building after Training


Fixed Violin Practice not being available on the Weekends in the Morning


Fixed Masturbation Black Screening


Fixed Guidance Bear UI blocking Menu 


VERSION 0.02.51




Olivia Event Added


Rebecca Portrait Added


Angela Portrait Added


Angela Map Sprite Added


Sapphire Event Added


Olivia Event Added


Olivia Event Added


Aurora Event Added


Aurora Event Added


Tentactle Hypnosis Animation Finished


Added Taylor Portrait


Added Taylor Map Sprite


Dungeon 3 Trap Animation/Event Implemented (Have fun finding it :P)


Dungeon 2 Bad End Animation Added


Secret Event Added








Fixed Classroom Male Events Sprites


Fixed Emma staying on screen when rejecting Victoria's training


Fixed Soul Fragmentation not Decreasing after beating Dungeon 2


Fixed The Watchers attacks stopping after a few turns



Version 0.02.02


Completed Lavinia Map Sprites

Added Victoria Scene 4 + Pixel Animations

Added Completed Victoria Scene 1 CG

Added Olivia Scene 3 Pixel Animations

Added Elvira Portrait 

Added Dungeon 2 Mask Possession Pixel Animations

Added Dungeon 1 Slime Gloryhole CG

Added Dungeon 2 Tentacle Hypnosis Pixel Animations (Partial)

Updated Various Existing CG Arts (Small Changes)

Added Dungeon 2 Intro CG (Partial)

Completed Dungeon 2

Added Professor Amelia Portrait

Added Professor Sarah Portrait

Added Swim Instructor Portrait




Fixed bug where Dungeon 2 Trap UI wouldn't work on 1st Entry

Fixed bug where traps in Dungeon 2 wouldn't give passive skill upon Reaching Lvl 3

Typo fixes...

Fixed Dungeon Bad End UI not working with touch screen

Fixed Dungeon 2 Floor 2 events repeating on backtracking

Fixed Guidance Bear for Victoria Event 4

Fixed other stuff I can't remember...

Version 0.01.52

Updated Unfinished Sprites (Dungeon #1, Sleeping, etc.)
Eva Portrait Added
Victoria Pixel Animations for Scene #1 Finished/Added
Victoria Pixel Animation for Scene #2 Added
Counseler Pixel Animation for Scene #1 Added
Laura Portrait Added
Aurora Event Added
Olivia Portrait Added
Olivia Map Sprite Updated
Laura Map Sprite Updated
Updated Victoria Scene 1 Loop 2 Pixel Animation
Victoria Scene 2 CG Added
Soul Fragmentation Ending Added
Dungeon 2 Introduction Event Added
Counselor Scene 2 Pixel Animation Added
Counselor Scene 3 Pixel Animation Added
Dungeon 1 Slime Hole Pixel Animation Added
Olivia Event 3 Added
Victoria Training/Attendance Interaction
Aurora Event Added
Dungeon 2 Intro Animation Added
Dungeon 1 Slime Possession CG Added
Aurora Event Added
Gallery Implemented (Finished Dungeon 1 Lewd Scenes Only)
Victoria Scene 1 CG Added (Partially)
Lavinia Portrait Added

Buffed Emma's Basic Attacks by 5%
Increased Save File amount from 20 to 50
Increased Starting Reputation from 90 to 95

Fixed Laura's Mom not Showing up
Fixed First Loss Scene Playing on Dungeon Completion
Olivia's Scenes showing as just a black screen
Bug preventing MacOs users from opening the game.
Sapphire Sprites glitching in Dungeon Submission Scenes
Pixel Animations not Playing in Dungeon Submission Scenes
Fixed bug with Aurora's new Event
Added Olivia's Shadow to Event Menu
Fixed Aurora's Hair showing improperly on CG Sprite
Fixed Android Blocker for Dungeon 1 Teleporter
Fixed Android Blocker for rare instances in the Abandoned Mansion
Disabled Skills Being Usable outside of Combat
Fixed bug where Emma showed up in Underwear on occassion during dialogue scenes.
Fixed Dungeon 2 UI showing outside of Dungeon 2
Fixed some trap trigger distances in Dungeon 1
Fixed Dungeon 1 Possession Level 2 Trap UI Showing Improperly
Fixed Laura's Portrait Lingering when denying her Side-Quest
Fixed Image Not Found Bug displaying during Laura's Side Quest
Fixed Bug where Sapphire's Event played twice (hopefully)
A lot of typo fixes...



Version 0.01.01 + 0.01.02 (Bug Fixes)

General Bug Fixes

Android Compatibility Fixes

Version 0.1.0 (Initial Release)

20 Events Formatted

2 Completed Pixel Scenes

1 Completed CG 

Review by user210

Version reviewed: 0.04.00 on 10/15/2024

Good corruption game, premise is indeed based on the Star Knightess Aura and other game mentioned in description. But unline SKA its more focused on adult content and that is a good thing. SKA has gone from a corruption adult game to an RPG game you can play without even a single Adult rated scene and its combat has become even more crazy and difficult as time goes on, but unlike it COS is first a porn game, and then an RPG game.

This is not a proper review as content itself is not that much, but I will try to play till the end of content for the current patch and post a proper review. But so far, this game is looking great. Sprites are good, Art is good, even great as MC wears sexy latex futa suit in very first dungeon while in SKA you will need to reach the end of corruption ending to unlock some other outfit.

Review by MugTreecko

Version reviewed: 0.2.51 on 06/09/2024

tl;dr Heavy non-con possession / corruption, but also top tier character CGs and sprite animations.


As a game I don't want to fault what's being cooked here. The writing and characters are solid for RPGs and there's the foundations for a very solid story. For the spritework alone this is worth a look and the hidden blast scrolls are a good touch of game design while balance is still being worked on.

The more agency the protagonist loses over time however, the less interested I found myself in keeping up with the story. Time and again story elements, TFs and sex scenes occur without consent, and let alone awareness till finally the ending of the 2nd dungeon was one straw too many for me to be interested in coming back. I kept finding myself hoping that one of the other NPCs would interfere when the protagonist is possessed yet again but so far no such turnabout. If it's your thing, great. For me? Not my cuppa tea, but I can appreciate the passion behind the art and writing.

Play it if you're into non-con possession / corruption and general debauchery.

Find a gallery if you just want to admire the spritework.

Review by DirtyWolf11

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 02/03/2024

Really great start! The game is early on but barely feels like it, the artistic vision is clearly there and there's a lot of setup for future events. The art is great, the sprites are geat, and the environments are beautiful. Good audio assets too. Overall a really excellent start to a project I plan to follow closely.

Right now my only complaint is the combat, which is a bit tedious and by-the-numbers. In the first dungeon there are a lot of enemies to fight, and because the only magic attack we get is very limited use, fighting is basically just mashing the attack button endlessly and healing up every now and then. There are seemingly ways to grind levels outside of the dungeon to make this easier, but the problem here is that to access any of the lewd scenes in the dungeon, you have to deliberately fail Quick Time Events. That means that since I as a player want to get my lewds, the combat doesn't actually get me any closer to them and basically just takes up time betweem the lewds, and boosting my stats elsewhere doesn't feel appealing because it's basically spending time in one place to save time in another.

I think combat needs a re-work that could incorporate more lewd elements to it, possibly as part of the attacks to make it actually interesting, or otherwise just be scaled down to go a lot quicker, possibly by just lowering enemy health across the board. I like having it in there, but right now it's way too much of a distraction from the lewds since those exist under the completely independent QTE system. But once that gets tweaked a bit, I think this game has the potential to be an all-time great. I can't wait for future updates!

Review by TeckXKnight

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 02/03/2024

Fantastic art style, great at conveying what it means to.

Good writing, a bit weak in areas but it more than makes up for it in its attention to detail.

RPG Battle Mechanics are very simple and bland. Nothing exciting or special about combat, it exists to fill time.

Overall tone and quality are very high. The dev knows what they're interested in and presents scenarios that are fun to experience. It's kind of like playing an Anamaxis game though, where if you're into the squicks and fetishes you're going to love the game. If you're not into possession or mind control though, you're probably not going to enjoy it though.

I'd rate this a solid 10/10. This rating is overly generous, but if you're into these fetishes, then you'll understand how well deserved it is if you try it.

Total Games: 2,280
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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