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Version: 0.2.3

2124: The Ferrian Invasion

On New Year’s morning, 2124, you’re hungover, hungry, and just want to have a quiet breakfast… but invaders from another reality have a different plan! They’re storming through your city, turning the residents into slaves, sexual conquests, and even inanimate objects! Decide your own fate to see if you can survive the Ferrian Invasion!

= The Future 2124 Contest Entry =

2124 TFI is a short CYOA interactive story game with persistent elements- certain decisions earlier in a playthrough affect the availability of later choices and can determine the outcome of some options. The invaders are based on the worldbuilding for an erotic isekai-fantasy RPG game I’ve been designing, but this game uses Twine (Harlowe 3) as an engine. It’s intended as a quick intro to the setting and a fun little erotic diversion.

CONTENT ADVISORY: This game features nonconsensual transformations and sexuality inspired by games like Corruption of Champions, though this game is not nearly so full-featured.

The game features two dozen endings, most of them “bad” (PC loses their agency), but a few are “good” (PC keeps their agency).

STATUS: This is version 0.2.3, a beta release featuring complete playthroughs for all the endings, but with possible bugs and some incomplete (but “functional”) passages. I also want to go back through and expand, rewrite, or clean up some of the finished passages just for the sake of quality.


The player character is a possible future incarnation of the player, living about one hundred years in our future. After a hard night of partying on New Year’s Eve, they awake to a hangover and an empty fridge. Venturing out into the city looking for food, they encounter strange fantastical creatures that start attacking the local citizens, transforming them into objects, sex slaves, and collar-controlled servants.

Your character has to decide from various choices to try to get through the invasion with their agency intact. There are many possible endings, some fairly quick to get and others requiring the player to navigate a lot of possible decisions.


Several endings have multiple paths. For these only the easiest or most direct path is given.

Good End 1: Successfully get a weapon and clothing, then decide to join the invaders. Easiest way is to go Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Women's/Men's > Steal > Hide > Check Out > Wear > Watch Police > Fight Wolfman > Finesse > Any Sex > Bow > Invaders

Good End 2: Successfully get a weapon and clothing, then decide to join Eleutheria. Easiest way is to go Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Women's/Men's > Steal > Hide > Check Out > Wear > Watch Police > Fight Wolfman > Finesse > Any Sex > Bow > Billy > Antique > Watch Exposition > Resistance

Good End 3: Successfully get a weapon and clothing, then decide to stay and defend. Easiest way is to go Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Women's/Men's > Steal > Hide > Check Out > Wear > Watch Police > Fight Wolfman > Finesse > Any Sex > Bow > Billy > Antique > Talk > Watch Exposition > Defend

Good End 4: Successfully get a weapon and clothing, then decide to go to the diner. Easiest way is to go Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Women's/Men's > Steal > Hide > Check Out > Wear > Watch Police > Fight Wolfman > Finesse > Any Sex > Bow > Billy > Antique > Talk > Watch Exposition > Diner

Bad End 1 (Object): Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Women > Purchase > Leave 

Bad End 2 (Object): Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Men > Purchase > Leave 

Bad End 3 (Object): Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Book > Purchase > Leave 

Bad End 4 (M2F, MC, Fem): Start as a man and go Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Women > Purchase > Give Name > Athletic

Bad End 5 (F2M, MC, Masc): Start as a woman and go Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Men > Purchase > Give Name > Athletic

Bad End 6 (Masc, MC, Castration): Start as a man and go Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Men > Purchase > Give Name > Athletic

Bad End 7 (BE, MC, Fem): Start as a woman and go Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Women > Purchase > Give Name > Athletic

Bad End 8 (BE, Fem, MC, Anthro): Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Women > Purchase > Give Name > Flabby

Bad End 9: (Masc, Castration, MC, Anthro): Amato > Alley > Souvenir > Men > Purchase > Give Name > Flabby

Bad End 10 (Object): Amato > Crowd > Fight

Bad End 11 (Animal): Amato > Crowd > Flee > Wolfman

Bad End 12 (M2F, Fem): Amato > Crowd > Flee > Bookstore > Watch

Bad End 13 (None): Billy > Commotion > Alley > Hide

Bad End 14 (MC, Other): Easiest way is to start as a man, then go Amato > Street > Hide > Watch Police > Wolfman Seduce > Chest 

Bad End 15 (MC, Other): Easiest way is to go Amato > Street > Hide > Watch Police > Goblin Fight > Finesse

Bad End 16 (Other): Billy > Commotion > Street > Antique > Knife > Attack

Bad End 17 (MC, Other): Easiest way is to start as a man, then go Billy > Commotion > Street > Seduce Gremlin > Surrender

Bad End 18 (Object): Easiest way is to start as a woman, then go Billy > Commotion > Street > Seduce Gremlin > Surrender

Bad End 19 (MC, Other): Easiest way is to start as a woman, then go Billy > Commotion > Street > Seduce Lion > Surrender

Bad End 20 (MC, Other): Easiest way is to start as a man, then go Billy > Commotion > Street > Seduce Lion > Surrender

v.0.2.3 - Refactored some nodes that relied on (go-to:) which was causing the back/undo button to fail. Added text to some passages related to the wolfman. 

v.0.2.2 - Added start over and rewind options to end condition passages as a temp fix for players getting stuck. Some typo fixes.

v.0.2.1 - Logic complete, but many bugs are possible. Some story pages still need writing, editing, and/or sprucing up.

Review by FwiffoForce

Version reviewed: 0.2.3 on 03/24/2024

It's okay as choose-your-own-adventure games go. Very short, as the author says, and suffers from an 'all roads lead to rome' problem where everything that isn't an early bad end just converges in the same spot with no real narrative reason for it. This makes the game reasonably solid the first couple times, but repeated playthroughs quickly dispel the illusion of free choice.

That said, at least it's complete, which counts for something.

Review by Salisria

Version reviewed: 0.2.3 on 03/17/2024

I didn't play it all, as I quickly decided I didn't care for it.

The primary problem is that there seems to be little to no reason provided for why certain transformations were chosen by the invaders.

I appreciate that my character may well have no clue as to why the invaders make certain choices. But not having any clue as a reader leads me back to unpleasant memories of having to slog through The Sound and The Fury back in high school. If I wanted to solve puzzles while reading, I'd read mystery novels, which I don't.

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