Odyssey of Gianna: Venture Forth
The Odyssey continues...

Venture Forth adds the following to the already-expansive Gianna experience:
- A brand new party member with a unique base class, interactions, and more!
- Three new major areas to explore: the Mage's University of Gianna, the island nation of Valua, and the Dwarf-ruled Northern Underground!
- Three new major dungeons with new enemies and bosses!
- 11 new status conditions, ranging from intriguing elemental infusions like Balloon and Overload to humiliating new status-classes like the Fellaccia!
- New Bad End cutscenes and a new Final End route to end the odyssey on a high note!
- New Team Chat feature! As you explore, your party members will have short scenes together, making them feel more vibrant than ever!
- New skills, items, equipment, NPCs, sidequests, and more!
Steam: (Venture Forth is not yet available on Steam; for more information, go here: https://vhiel.itch.io/odyssey-of-gianna/devlog/723550/40-and-new-dlc-released)
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