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Version: initial release

Rags To Bitches
by alecs

Bugfix update 0.11 is out now! Check the changelog for details.

I've been on this site for years and excited to share my first ever game! I've been working in this one for more than half a year.

Welcome to Rags To Bitches: Mysteries of Virgin Crossing!

You take control of a poor peasant girl striving to become an adventurer in a cruel world. Not only are you threatened by the dangers of a medieval fantasy setting, but also by the sexual advances of lecherous men.

The game features:

  • a medieval fantasy open world RPG game with heavy sexual content, including stats, skills, level-ups, and quests

  • A female protagonist

  • tons of NSFW scenes WITH IMAGES, including about a dozen repeatable interactive sex scenes

  • body transformation (breasts, butt, lips, bunnygirl) and mind transformation (sluttiness and submissiveness)

  • a character creation system where you can select your basic appearance, trait and background


This is the first release and although I tested it, there may be some bugs or spelling errors (I'm not a native English speaker). I'll be happy for any errors or issues pointed out!

The Mysteries of Virgin Crossing take place in the village of Virgin Crossing, a gloomy, poor farming village governed by an old lord seated at the top of a hill.
You follow the tale of a poor peasant girl longing for a more thrilling and exciting life. As her story progresses, she will begin to take notice of the strange occurences around Virgin Crossing and the local lord, and who really pulls the strings in the shadows of the village.

Will you unravel the mysteries of your village, or succumb to the powers that be? The fate of the young peasant girl is in your hands.

- you (base name "Lexie"): A young peasant/farmer girl longing for adventure.

- Blacksmith: A burly man working his store at the market.

- Local merchant: A shifty merchant owning one of the few general merchandise stores in the village.

- Pharmacist: a scrawny man eager to use you to test his potions.

- Marcus the hunter: A huntsman with a strange, predatory aura.

- Guard captain: A rough, muscular guard. He spends his morning supervising the exercise fields close to the village. 

- Lord Erol: The lord of the village. Currently not implemented.

Get money by working for the blacksmith, merchant, test potions for the pharmacist, farm and sell your crops, cooked food, meat, pickpocket, perform in the streets, solve quests, or tons of other ways.

Use the money to get training, buy potions, or equipment.

Increase your allure stat and reduce your modesty stat to get to the sexy content.

Ask your mystical pet goat for more information.

Version 0.11: bugfix/small game changes:

Content/mechanics changes:
- Slightly increased hunger reduction of all meals.
- Added the option to eat leftovers until full. This will reduce your hunger to 0 but also decrease your energy based on your hunger.
- Added the option to disable the hunger mechanic during character creation. I recommend keeping it on, but if you are here just to see the sexy parts then you can turn it off.
- Tavern wench job: Added a disclaimer that the tavern wench job is not available in this version. Sorry to get your hopes up for now. The tavern update will be a major update with a good amount of new content.
- made rats slightly easier to defeat (reduced their agility so it's easier to hit them and avoid their attacks). They are supposed to be the easiest enemy after all.
- added a note that there is an old dagger in the wardrobe.
- When buying or crafting outfits, I added the note that your character wouldn't wear certain outfits if their modesty is too high. But that doesn't stop you from buying/crafting it.
-added a way to stash and withdraw gold in the farmer hut.
-added an option to stop the sales minigame at any time and attempt the sale.
-moved the sales tutorial so that it's also visible when selling the merchant's goods. Before that, it was only visible when selling one's own goods.
-added current attribute levels during level up.

Bug fixes:
-Fixed the blank pages when finding items while exploring the outskirts/farmlands.
- (Hopefully) fixed the dead end bug in the market roads.
- fixed the brunette appearance image.
- fixed the full bunny transformation avatar images.
- rounded the values during combat. You shouldn't hit your enemy for 0.500000000001 damage any longer and instead just for 0.5.
- fixed the misplaced "bought leather armor" text
- fixed the buckler wardrobe bug
- fixed the $name bug at the end of the Liesel quest
- fixed being able to search for Liesel after finding her
- fixed the outskirts chest error
- fixed the running with the guard bug
- removed the option to end sex when the player is assaulted
- fixed the straw hat bug
- (Hopefully) fixed the submissive NaN bug
- (Hopefully) fixed the double scene bug with the three thugs
- fixed the hunter cooking bug and hunt together bug
- fixed the goblin bang bug

- I was unable to replicate a blank page bug when entering some battle interactions (stats are shown but no battle options). If someone stumbles upon this bug again, could you please report me when and where the interaction occurred, and your stats? It may have to do with broken character lust stats or similar.

Review by Mjb67

Version reviewed: 0.11 on 08/16/2024

Definitely worth a play. Quite a lot of content for an early release, including multiple.corruption paths with plenty of well written sexytimes. Initial grind feels slow but as you level skills the basic survival loop becomes easy. Looking forward to playing the updates.

Review by Snifflez

Version reviewed: 0.11 on 08/14/2024

Okay? This game is actually more annoying to play early in the game then it should be, Explore 3 times faint from being tired, rest 8 hours, go outside faint from being exhausted, rest and repeat that again and again, I kinda like the art, even though it ai gen art it still looks okay. but dang the rest of it is kinda okay. That's not to say I don't like it, I actually do like this game, I just think somethings need to be changed is all.

Review by KASHKIN

Version reviewed: 0.11 on 08/08/2024

Un buen juego, lo recomiendo. Es fácil de jugar y sirve para unos buenos pajazos XD.

Si quieres una guía sobre el mismo te puedo sugerir lo siguiente:

Si quieres fabricar pociones, en la seleccion del personaje eliges Médico y granjera

Si quieres conseguir dinero de otros, eliges asaltante y bailarina (y a asaltar en el mercado)

Si quieres trabajar para el herrero, eliges asistente del herrero y chica de pelea (desbloqueas informacion sobre nuevos moldes subiendo constitucion)

Aunque para qué digo esto, el juego trata de convertir a una chica de pueblo que vive sola en una puta  bien corrompida, lo unico que lamento es que las misiones no se repiten y es un fastidio explorar para matar y reunir experiencia para subir de nivel


Si deseas subir al distrito alto y poder obtener códigos para subir tu belleza y otras cosas, debes convertirte en asistente del herrero o del mercader y para eso, necesitas carisma, así que, si tu valor de carisma no es alto, a matar goblins para subir de nivel y meter puntos a esa habilidad.

Como dije anteriormente, lo recomiendo, es un buen juego, aun hay que esperar para curar las adicciones y lo del contenido mágico que no está desarrollado, pero el concepto en sí está muy bien diseñado y es muy completo

Review by reapercrew69

Version reviewed: 0.11 on 07/10/2024

It''s a decent start. Not much adult content that I found in the initial release, but that's not really an issue to me, more of posting it for others to know. I also hope some of the empty areas as you walk get filled in with something in future updates. otherwise it's a lot of useless extra clicking to get places. (In my opinion) I'll follow this, but will wait for a few updates or so before trying it again.

Review by Kalt

Version reviewed: 0.11 on 07/09/2024

I played for a couple hours. The content is generally to my tastes, so I enjoyed it decently enough.

I ran into several issues while I played it, one being the Lust meter being set to a not-a-number value. With it set to NaN, several errors occurred, e.g. a blank screen when trying to walk by the three dudes on the way to the market, or dead-ends when getting into combat. This was resolved after I unlocked masturbation, which set Lust back to 0.

As for the AI art: I'm against the use of AI art when it could potentially take away from real-life artist income, especially when it's trained on artists' material without permission. Even aside from that, I think this game would be better without it, both from a user experience perspective and a quality perspective. For user experience, the art takes a lot of vertical space and the author uses a lot of "click the line to reveal more within the same passage" types of text, which means more scrolling when there's more art. As for quality, practically every image has the sorts of glaring issues people make fun of AI art for; disappearing hands, incredibly off-putting genitalia and interactions, wacky proportions, and various scenes that make no contextual sense.

The writing's fine, though there are a few consistent issues that took me out of the experience several times, e.g. the use of "gleer" (I think the author meant "leer") in multiple places. Nothing that can't be fixed later, and the grammar is generally acceptable.

The in-game economy feels weird, and engaging with the hunger mechanic is tedious (three clicks, including two page transitions, to reduce your hunger by 30). Farming seems to be the most efficient way to get money, but the risk of an encounter, or just getting nothing out of it, encourages back/forward spamming to seek better results. (As a player, I like having the option to go back a passage, especially when bugs could lead me to dead-ends; it's just that the risk is much higher than feels fair for the reward.)

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