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Version: 1.0.0

Fictional Management

Welcome To Fictional Management! A Tycoon Game Wher You Buy Buildings And Upgrades To Help Grow Your (Consenting) Victims!

- 10 Different Buildings!

- 55 Upgrades!

-50 Ascension Upgrade!


- 100 Quests!

Run Experiment To Gain Coins And Grow Your Victims More Than Before!

This Game Was Mainly Made To Prove To Myself That I Can Make Complex Games, And Although I Don't Plan On Releasing Any Major Updates Of This Game, I Have The Recourses To Do So! 

Any and all criticism is needed and endorsed, I need/want to know what I'm doing wrong and how I can improve!

Thank You For Playing Fictional Management!

Welcome To The World Of Modern, Yet Majorly Altered, Greek Mythology. You Are The Goddess Of Siphylis, Goddess Of Sex And Inflation!

For Centuries, The Universe Was Out Of Reach For The Gods And Goddesses, Because Of The Titans, Acting As Gardians Of The Universe, And Now They're Gone, Nowhere To Be Seen, And Although It's Worrying, It Gives You And Your Goddess Friends The Power To Shape Your Respective Bits Of The World.

Your Closest Friend, Melody, Goddess Of Music And Daughter Of Aphrodity, Has Let You Use Her Brand New Kingdom Of Beatopia As A Training Ground For You Powers.

Now It's Up To You To Shape It To You Wants And Needs.

Siphilys - Your Playable Character, Greek Goddess Of Sex And Growth

Melody - A Possible Victim, Greek Goddess Of Music, Queen Of Beatopia

Aphrodite - An Unlockable Victim, Greek Goddess Of Love

Persephone - An Unlockable Victim, Greek Goddess Of Spring

1.0 - 


Review by MugTreecko

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 07/19/2024

As at v1.0.0; to make this readable I used the browser's inspect tool to add this css:

tw-passage {
  text-transform: lowercase;

The game itself feels like a cookie clicker derivative done with Twine. - Only there is no click per second, just a passive buff to each 'turn'. As far as 'number goes up', it does an okay job.


Given the ridiculous lack of editing and text review, pushing on felt less like Siphilys the OC Greek goddess we play as (and perhaps unfortunately named for the STI?) and more like the cursed king Sisyphus. Continuously pressing on only to have to do the same thing over and over every time you think you near a goal? No thanks, especially for a game calling itself Complete and v1.0.0.

If it was a v0.0.1 however? Then once the text has been edited from Title Case to Sentence case, typos have been addressed or at least made consistent (as the saying goes: write drunk, edit sober) then there's something salvagable here. I'm legitimately curious about Cat's intentions for their original characters and the setting they've given, but not enough to slog through unreadable, completely informal word soup.

Review by DiaperedJasmin

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 07/18/2024

My own english is bad... But THAT is nearby unreadable...

And it's only text, not a single picture which could help a little bit to understand...


It's a very repetitive game, where you do an experiment (you get money for it) and with the money you can buy buildings and upgrades. Like a very cheap clicker game.

There's nothing more, and I would not call it TF,...


The quests are not quests. That are archivements... Like: Build all buildings to Level xy, or earn xy cash with 1 experiment.

Review by awkwardcultism

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 07/17/2024

The grammar is horrendous. Just like the summary, The Whole Game Has The First Letter Of Every Word Capitalized and it's unnecessarily tedious to read.

I understand that this may not be obvious to a first-time writer, and I may sound like I'm being overly harsh, but when every sentence has a dozen grammar mistakes in it, your story is not ready to publish yet. At a certain point, it's just disrespectful to your audience.

I strongly recommend that the author make many (probably somewhere in the double digits) more proofreading passes.

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