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Version: 0.7.01

The Restoration of Aphrodisia

It has been over one hundred years since The Great Exile that saw nearly all of humanity in a desperate flight back to their ancestral homeworld. Now Aphrodisia is in more chaos than ever with a great multi-factional demon civil war all vying to call themselves the one and only Empress of the Demon Empire. After spending the past century trapped as a prisoner-guest of a mysterious Enchantress, you now return to the ruins of a kingdom you once called home and fulfill your destiny in The Restoration of Aphrodisia!

The Restoration of Aphrodisia is an adult (18+) role-playing game with transformation elements.

  • Foster relationships with loyal companions who will stay by your side as you pursue your own destiny.
  • Fight battles against a diverse array of enemies in strategic hexagon battlefields in your war against the demons.
  • Complete quests to help reunite lovers, defeat invaders, restore kingdoms, or even just to make a bit of gold to fill the party's coffers.
  • Brew shape-altering potions from resources foraged in the wilds
  • Transform yourself, your companions, and your followers to suit particular needs for the party--but before, many other forces will seek to transform you as well! 
  • Travel off the beaten paths and seek your quests where and when you want. But be careful, there many ways for you and your friends to fall victim to the magic, mischief, and malice that so saturates the continent...


A group of mermaids assault a docked ship

the player transforms into a Fawn Forester


the player teams is ambushed by slimegirls


the party travels through a corrupted fairy grove


the party completes a quest for Vyndaii the fawn girl




Is the game free?

Currently, yes! Download it on Itch.io.

The early alpha releases of the game are free and are meant to gather feedback from the community. The game will remain free for at least several months, but we may make it a paid game similar to The Exile of Aphrodisia 2023 in the future as it matures. Like last time, patrons meeting a certain lifetime payment will receive FREE copies of the game.

What transformation themes are there currently in the game?

Sex transformations (primarily male to female), inanimate transformation, absorption / body part transformation, mental alterations, and bimbofication. You can enable or disable some theme tags to suppress quests that involve them from being discovered and started started. Sex transformations are core to the game's plot and cannot be disabled.

What feature/content do you have planned next?

[ADDED] Random events system! Small, short repeatable encounters that happen due to a) your current map, b) certain transformations within the party, c) certain items in the party inventory, and more.

[ADDED] Afflictions! Like in the previous game, some transformations may progress into worse states if they are not treated quickly enough.

More companions! The third companion, Aros the lustful, poetic satyr man, is currently in the designing stages.

More companion relationship quests! Currently only Willow has one in the game upon a total relationship status of 10, but other companions will gain these private, sentimental events as well.

More quests and more transformation! Duh.

More terrains! As the party explores more of Aphrodisia, you'll return to the desert, jungle, and snowy mountain environments present in Exile.

Is this game coming to Steam?

Eventually yes. The store page is currently a work in progress--we just need to film the trailer and submit it for review by Valve. The game will most likely be a paid product when it actually releases on Steam, similar to Exile 2023.

Will you be adding mod support?

Most likely! The game has been built so that almost all of its content is higher modular via XML files with extensive validation scripts. That said, there are some limitations around custom artwork and maps, so those are not yet mod-able at all.

Depending on public interest, will will continue to make these more user-friendly and make the addition of mods more seamless.

How does this game compare to The Exile of Aphrodisia?

The largest change is that this game is an RPG (role-playing gaming). It is NOT a survival/simulation/Oregon-trail-inspired game like Exile was.Transformed party members stay in the party as often as not. Forms have advantages and disadvantages both in combat and in quests. Another large change is the player can and will transform many times throughout various quests. This does unfortunately mean that most transformations are quick and straight from form A to form B (poof transformations). This is because having inbetween stages for any two forms is not something we can do.

The new hexagonal battle system also adds a tactical element to the game that some tester have described as Fire Emblem-like.

You are a human from shortly before the events of The Great Exile that lead to most of humankind fleeing from the demons. You have been spent the last century unaging and unaware as an unknowing prisoner-guest on the island of a mysterious woman simply known as the Enchantress. In your absence, the human kingdom has fallen, and the island-continent of Aphrodisia is now embroiled in a war between several demon factions that raid and recruit from the rest of the continent's population to fuel their machines of war.

Now that you are back on the mainland with your loyal companion Willow Hawkwing (formerly Wallace Hawkwking), you are free to choose your own fate, for better or worse. You land on North Shore to see it just a fraction of what it once was in your prime, and from there your adventure to restore Aphrodisia begins.

You will meet many characters throughout the game as NPCs, so we'll focus on the current companions here. Companions are party members in your inner circle of friends. You can talk to them privately and learn more about their thoughts on their current body, completed quests, and more. If they leave your party due to too low health or too high lust, you'll be able to find them again in a few days time. You build relationship with companions over time by having them be in the party during quests, by choosing certain words or actions that align their values, or simply by traveling with them over time.

Willow Hawkwing



Vyndaii the Seeker



V0.7.01 (March 4, 2025)

New game content (quests/writing/art/etc):
- Added a point of interest near Grayboulder Summit that can teach the player how to brew dragon transformation potions
-- This location is only visible when The Horny Dragon's Hoard is completed
- Added two new lore books about dragons
- Pippi the Pixie Prankster now has custom artwork created by hermes3megistus

- Points of interest can now have an alchemy workstation attraction, opening up the alchemy crafting panel straight from a point of interest similar to healing/sooothing/trading, etc

- Fix for overflowing lost item display on low health / high lust player recovery panel

V0.7.00 (March 1, 2025)

New game content (quests/writing/art/etc):
- Willow has a third relationship text for when her relationship to the player is 30 or higher

- Healing and Soothing merchants now carry some stronger crates of bandages and bundles of lustrecia leaves

- Fix for incorrect text file loading for Prisoner of the Twisted grove battle defeat endgame
- Fix for Willow speaking to party in The Whey to Curdshire when she isn't actually with you
- Fix for emergency leave button showing up after losing Patahad's rescue battle in Sword in the Grass
- Fix for emergency leave button showing up when asking how Willow feels about you with relationship over 30
- Fix for Willow's hesitancy trigger zone launching in Strange New Silk quest even when she isn't with the party
- Summons coming from traitors should now also be shown as a traitor to match their summoner
- Fix for Arachnid Morphling follower using a physical ranged attack levelup strategy. It now uses one that prioritizes strength and agility.
- Fix for incorrect text and effects for Tempting Toy random even in The Horny Dragon's Hoard quest

V0.6.04-V0.6.07 (February 28, 2025)

New game features
- Added ability for NPC parties to stop being hostile when certain triggers are met
-- This is used for the wandering dragon parties in Grayboulder Summit as part of the new quest
-- Hostile NPC parties have their min-max party size text appear in pink while friendly / nonhostile parties appear in green

New game content (quests/writing/art/etc):
- Added The Horny Dragon's Hoard quest. This can be found in the southwest of Giusburg Outskirts and is recommended at level 14 and higher.
-- Dulaxus Firesong artwork is by first-time artist for Restoration, KaleWesker. Check out more of their art at https://bsky.app/profile/kalewesker.bsky.social/post/3lityvqlhrc22
-- Dragon Changeling, Battlewife, and Eggwife artwork is by GlobbinArts
-- Clan Dragonslayer dwarf artwork is by Icy
- Added artwork for the slimegirl trio Clementine, Peach, and Apricot at the end of the Oh My Darlings quest. Art is by silververity.
- Added some hints for First Steps into the Fray to state which four side quests contribute toward its own progression
- Added reminder at the lighthouse in Amour Aquatic to return when it is sunset before the meeting with Nyptunia
- Added a random event to point players toward The Seeker's Sorrow
-- This random event triggers when The Last Gardener is completed and at least three days have elapsed since its conclusion. It also requires that The Seeker's Sorrow quest has not yet been discovered.
- Added a goblin warband camp popup dungeon in North Shore for levels 3 and up
- Added higher strengths of Crates of Bandages and Bundles of Lustrecia Leaves that restore 25 and 50 health/lust

- Made significant refactoring to the underlying battle code to make the system more reliable and more modular in the future
-- This should fix some old bugs (like multi-attacks sometimes causing the next battle entity to miss a turn) but has a chance to introduce new ones. Please report any issues you find!
- Added more information to the combat ability full view for when a combat ability has health leeching (such as the Arachnid Morphling's Vitality Transfer)
- Added base damage modifier to combat ability full view. This informs the player the base damage modifier for the ability, not the existing actual expected damage values that shows below it
- Removed the ~ symbol in front of the meals count when larger when the value is 1,000 or larger since it could be confused as a negative sign rather than the intended "about" sign
- The money display in the HUD now truncates the value shown for brevity's sake, rounding numbers like 12,131 to 12.1k, 123,135 to 123k, 1,812,103 to 1.8m, etc.
-- The precise amount still shows up on the Inventory panel and when interacting with merchants
- Battles should now end when all remaining members of the opposing team have turned traitor OR are Feral (Peaceful) instead of requiring all members to be one or all members to the other
- Some item-unlockable doors can now require multiple counts of the same item to be opened
- Sacks of gold coins found in resource nodes like shipwreck cargo are now auto-opened when that player preference is enabled, similar to loot containers
- The game now logs the number of hours that party members (player, companions, and followers) spend in their current form
-- Followers and companions waiting at a point of interest or not in the party do not have these hours recorded
-- This is used in filters and allows for events to trigger only when a follower/companion/player has spent a certain number of hours in their current transformation or base form
- Minor tweak to one of the Dig Site popup dungeon battlemaps

Cheat/Debug controls (patreon-backer builds only):
- Added option to boost all companions in party to match player level, similar to follwers

- Weapon rack loot containers should no longer spawn any popup dungeon reward weapons such as the Chicken Wand
- The Bimbonic Plague and Elite Infected status effects should now be removed from any recoverable followers following completion of The Bimbo of My Enemy quest
-- Added a migration script to globally remove these status effects (not just the player party, but all followers transferred out of the party) if the quest is completed
- Recoverable followers should also not keep any combat-only status effects displaying as "0 turns remaining
- Fixed being able to re-collect the paint tins, paint brush, etc in The Dollhouse quest
-- These four items should be automatically removed by the migration script if the quest is completed and they are in the party inventory
- Bugfix for Magical Paintbrush (Porcelain Toy Soldier) performing the porcelain villager transformation instead of soldier transformation
- Fix for merchant gold dropping to 0 when campaign customization set to .5
- Disabled right-clicking to move until the first pathfinding task is completed, successfully or not
-- This should prevent some strange party-jumping behaviors that could happen when performing long pathfinding tasks such as in Greenridge Valley or Giusburg Outskirts
-- A downside to this is that the player must wait for long (length depends on size of map) pathfinding tasks to fail and abort when attempting to move into closed-off areas
- Fixed barn transformation in The Whey to Curdshire replacing the already-loaded in follower in the failure outcome
- Bugfix for corrupted fairy grove map fog being disabled
- Bugfix for the final attack of multiattacks not setting the ability's cooldown when the final attack is skipped due to the target already being defeated
- Fix for inaccessible beach portion of North Shore where a resource node can be revealed
- Fix for the hostile NPC party interaction notice incorrectly listing peaceful feral followers as always being too wounded or lustful to night
-- Peaceful feral followers will not contribute toward the low stat count anymore, even when they would if they were not feral
- Fix for incorrect output potion for one of the recipes that teach combat-stat-enchancing potion brewing
- Fix for meadow rocky battle tiles being non-traversable instead of just rough terrain
- Fix for AI best-ability-at-tile scoring not summing multiattack calculations and leading the AI to not use multiattacks when it would be beneficial

Review by onthehunt919

Version reviewed: 0.3.05 on 10/10/2024

To preface this review, I played on the middle difficulty, with mostly normal settings, with one exception. I chose to make the upkeep cost for keeping units nonexistant. I generally think that games such as Fire Emblem, or RPG's in general, excell at building up a party, and having to focus on keeping people paid AND alive is a bit of an overreach. Along with that, with me using transformation potions to alter my party members and followers, I found it a little bit more than tedious to have to worry about having enough gold to keep them on deck. Now to the meat of the review.


Restoration of Aphrodisia is fun. I'll say it. Many times, I'll find games on this site that are these long text bogged slogs, where my screen is filled with paragraph after paragraph of text with no gameplay to speak of. However, where those games fail, this game triumphs. The combat is fun. It's allows for strategy, challenge, and a genuine feeling of accomplishment. Some of my favorite moments were when I was surrounded on all sides by the bimbo virus townspeople and having to strategically maneuver my units in order to keep the strong ranged ones out of reach, while allowing the new dark elf companions to take some of the heat, or when I was in the slime mine, having to manuever around the tricky terrain on the battle map. The combat is very Fire Emblem esque, with stakes similar to it. I found myself building up my Willow with a spell based build, then realizing that she could excel at a seduction one. I was regularly switching her transformations around from Fairy, Dryad, Poisonweaver, etc. And the same with my character as well. I ended up finishing with the bunny transformation due to the Cuniculbur, and going strong with reflex toughness and strength. The opportunities build variety are great, and finding different ways to approach combat was always enjoyable.


Now on to the follower system. I found it to be less than perfect in all honesty. The disconnect between companions and followers was a bit dissapointing. I found myself having numerous weapons and equipments that I had no use for since I had already perfected my companions, and the lack of follower customizability outside of transformations leaves a little to be desired. On that note however, I do recognize the benefit of lack of attachment to individual followers, and the ease at which they can be lost, along with the easier time with game development that keeping customizable characters to solely companions brings.


Outside of basic gameplay, I'd like to talk about some of the other gameplay systems. I found traversal to be, while basic, simple and robust enough for a game of this scope. The simple act of clicking on tiles for movement works fine. However, within combat encounters, zooming out causes the readability of things to take a hit with them seemingly not scaling with the level of zoom, and that would cause some light tedium when trying to maneuver the camera around. Along with the readability, on many occasions, when the camera was focused on the active unit, upon the next turn start it would send the camera all the way to the bottom left corner, a small glitch you might want to be aware of.


Now let me talk about the quest system. It's basic. And thats wonderful. It's easy to understand what the quest wants you to do, and it's phenomenal. I love the easy to understand checklists and the quest hint helps when you are in dire need as well. Now on the quest bit, I encountered a bug where the game believed I had not left Tidswell mine, and was unable to complete the quest, which was unfortunate, but I do understand that the most recent content has many WIP quests, and since the game had already delivered so much content, it wasn't that big of a deal.


Now this next bit will be a bit more critical, and looking at other reviews, I can see that I'm not alone. There is too much dialogue. I am already a serial dialogue skipper, but this game has so much dialogue, it's not even funny. Every encounter bombards you with paragraph after paragraph of information that, frankly, for a porn game? I don't particularly care to read. Some of the dialogue I DID like was that with the final boss of the manor, or basically anything with Willow, or Vyandaii. That dialogue would always be fun and interesting, and was a nice change of pace from the exposition dumpers like the mayor of the first town and the like.


I'd like to finish off with some miscellaneous points. I really like the 8x speed being an option, however, and this may just be me not knowing where to look, I'm unsure how to access the hints/tutorials again, as sometimes I found myself looking for a bit of clarification on certain points. Other than that though, I found the music to be more than fitting, and in some cases fantastic. On the topic of some of the maps, the bimbo virus town is a personal favorite of mine, with having to route around the wandering encounters being some of my favorite moments. On a completely different note, I found some of the differences between the art and artstyles to be a bit...jarring. For example, the satyr wardancer and fairy have a VASTLY different artstyle from that of the poisonweaver or mermaid shorewalker. Frankly, I think this game needs some more time in the oven before becoming a paid game. Quests need to be finished, bugs need to be squashed, art needs to be normalized, and more. But as it stands? This is a fantastic experience, and I can 100% see it being a full fledged game in a few years time. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see what more blue fairy media does in the future.

Review by Red-XIII

Version reviewed: on 07/31/2024

To be blunt, I'm not seeing quality worthy of a game that intends to go fully commercial here.

The game has inherited all the issues of it's predecessor and gained some new ones to boot.

Credit where it's due the writing is good. Unfortunately just like in EoA the level of detail is excessive. Even for a mainstream game this would be a bit too much, and for a TF game this is a TLDR hell.

This, btw, is something of an ever-present issue with this game (and EoA to a bit lesser extent). Or maybe it's just me? Either way, the game expects you to be able to switch gears between it's TF side and it's game side on a dime. Chat up a whole town, hire a team, get provisions, level characters, plant a course and... read about that team being turned into maids in a mansion... then back to feeding and paying them... until it's something else again. You'd ask what's the difference between this and any other TF game? The difference is that this one takes it's gameplay a bit too seriously. Who gives a fuck about provisions and crew salary in a TF game? Well, maybe when it's a TF version of Origon Trail, but this one is not.

Surprisingly, despite our crew needing food and salary, being an actual trading caravan isn't a thing. I was really disappointed when I realized that “trade goods” is just the game's cruel way of saying “junk to sell at the nearest merchant”. Kinda weird that we pay for both mileage and safety in numbers yet don't even try to make any money from it...

But the real downer is combat. It's clunky and boring. There's an initiative system in play, yet somehow you never see enemy units act between yours or yours between theirs. So it would seem that it's only there to enforce a turn order between your own units. Which is a major pain in the ass because no unit can pass where another one stands. Yet there are no threat zones, no interruptions, and not even movement penalties. Meaning the only way to guard your rear line is to literally form a wall of bodies between them and the enemy.

And as if that wasn't bad enough the game has no concept of technique knowledge. Character actions are determined by their form and in case of the “chosen 3” their equipment. Picked up a bow? Congratulations you can fire a volley of arrows. Picked up a staff? Congratulations you can cast fireball. Want something other than a fireball? Go find a different stick Harry, cus you're no wizard, you're a joke. Don't get me wrong you CAN specialize your chosen 3 characters using something as boring as stats (into a magical DD or lust DD for example) but the main draw of RPGs is off the table – you can't make them learn any combat skills. Even battle brothers, stagnant as it was, had passives to learn, and BB's tactics were crazy good (aside from being stagnant, obviously) while the ones in RoA are literately the worst I've ever seen. Not exagerrating. Mean it. Yes, really. And no, I DID see a lot of really bad ones. This one just managed to take the cake somehow.

I'm honestly not sure if I should be saying what I'm about to say, but … if you're planing to make money from this, FFS, hire someone to do proper QA. If you want your players to treat you as a working professional, how about you start by treating your future clients as a working professional should? Maybe I'm too much of an idealist but when I see developers go “give us free feedback to fix our gig then pay us for it” route it makes me wanna bonk them all on the head a couple of times. Well, at least they are being upfront about it...

Review by Zhem

Version reviewed: 0.1.02 on 07/22/2024

I really like this game.

Especially the Improvement of having a couple fleshed out characters. Adored Willow almost immediately. Shes great.

Review by corby

Version reviewed: 0.1.02 on 07/22/2024

This game is cool as hell!!!

Love the lore and the characters. I like the combat, and have done quite will with it.

There are a couple of quibbles I have with the economic side of the game, but all together, it's a cool and coherent universe. Definitely playing this one!

Review by 12ckox

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 07/19/2024

A fantastic game with story and good amount of content. defin worth spending money to support this content creator with how much time they spent making this game.

Total Games: 2,280
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,102,291

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