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Game Information
$ 1.50
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 0.6.14

Version: 0.5.29

Version: 0.3.2

FriendShip Trouble
by Elevate

This is a more linear CYOA, with some in built game like elements for additional interactivity. It is meant to be a short story only.


Inspired heavily by elements to games I have enjoyed such as ‘The Weekend’ and X-Change. In this story you attempt to help your friend out of a sticky situation at work, the result of which is that you ingest and experimental drug. The drug transforms your gender, but will it be permanent?

Things to note:

  • CYOA only
  • Short Story
  • Themes - MTF quick, no other TF present.

About Me

I work full time but I love writing stories so please feel free to support me on as a subscriber on Patreon or as a one off on buymeacoffee.com. I will try to make sure that there is a free version of my stories to be found somewhere.


V0.6.13 Free

  • MINOR - contains all recent bugfixes
  • MAJOR - “A choice has been made” bug fixed too.
  • MINOR - Initialisation file improvements
  • MINOR - Stylesheet tweaks
  • MAJOR - Patreon Menu - Password "Loyal"
  • MAJOR - Day 3 complete
  • MAJOR - Day 4 begins


  • MAJOR - Code Update - Stylesheet
  • MAJOR - Storyline progress on Day 3 - incomplete yet.
  • MINOR - Spelling corrections
  • MINOR - passage error correction
  • MINOR - Gameplay fixes


  • MAJOR - Patreon Update - V3 will be updated as a free update once current version is V5+
  • MAJOR - Code Update - Notification implemented for stats in creases
    • Credit Chapel Notifications
  • MINOR - Code Update - Stylesheet clean up and minor upgrade
  • MINOR - Code Update - Code corrections causing errors in Day 2
  • MINOR - Code Update - Cleanup of mini-bugs
  • MINOR - Story Update - Spelling corrections
  • MINOR - Story Update - Alterations to accommodate future plot points.
  • MINOR - Story Update - Day 2 Complete
  • MAJOR - Story Update -Day 3 significant progress


Patreon updates

  • This is a Patreon paid only game

Code updates

  • Cleaned up some of the stylesheet
  • Code corrections in Day 2

Story updates

  • Minor Spelling corrections
  • Day 2 complete
  • Day 3 started


Ageless will take priority so updates on FT will be as and when. However as you all have asked for this to continue, I have produced this cleaned up version.

Patreon Updates

  • This is a paid Patreon story only

Code Updates

  • Major Bug fixes
  • Initialisation files updated
  • Stylesheet updated
  • Code brought up to date with code I now use.

Story Updates

  • Re-write and upgrade of story
  • You will now notice that the corrupting influence is clearer
  • Corruption escalates as you pass from day to day.
  • Day1 complete
  • Day2 almost complete
  • Day3 planned
  • Day4 planned

Review by newsbox

Version reviewed: 0.3.2 on 08/20/2024

Good start,would like to see a clear message where the game ends. I think I got to the end of what is there so far but am not sure.

Hope to see this going.

Review by gin1234

Version reviewed: 0.3.2 on 08/19/2024

Great start, really interesting, there are a few gramatical errors here and there but not too bad, the only bug i found is that i get stuck on the "A choice has been made" part when Zoe is talking with Jess, could be my mistake but doesn't seem to be contents end.

Total Games: 2,214
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,156
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 4,944,742

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