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Unreal Engine
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Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 1.0.0

Changing Time (non-VR)

Changing Time (non-VR)

This is the NON-VR version of this game. For the VR version, please see here: https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=3283
Updated 2024, Sep 1

A first-person, TG, transformation experience!

As an intrepid adventurer exploring the desert, you've found the lost temple of the Sisterhood of Tyet. This incredible discovery is sure to change your life - though you might not be prepared for just how much!

Genre: Escape Room (very easy)
Play length: Roughly 10-20 minutes
Contents: MtF transformation, nudity, sexually suggestive imagery, expansion & extreme body proportions (optional)

Content warnings:

  • Non-VR game - This is a non-VR port of the original game.
  • Atmospheric - some people might find the setting a little spooky (alone in a temple), but there are no horror elements or jump scares.
  • AI content - there is some AI-generated content. Specifically, voices and the epilogue story. Both can be deactivated/skipped.


How "interactive" is it?
No explicit sex, but your breasts, penis, and butt are physics enabled and can bounce about to your heart’s content. Genitals are not “interactive”.

Will there be a non-VR version?
Yes! Available here: https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=3283

Will there be a Mac version?
Not in the foreseeable future. I'm genuinely sorry Mac users! I'd love to put out a Mac version, but Apple requires you own a Mac to compile on their system and I don't have the funds to buy one.

Sept 1, 2024 - Bugfix release, v1.0.2. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback! The following issues were fixed:

  • Gems got stuck if you maxed out a column
  • Instanced stereo disabled (was causing an error)
  • Removed a debugger key I'd forgotten about (whoops!)
  • Fixed a bug where the screen turns black if you get too close to the walls.
  • Added collision to the sand pile to prevent leaving the room
  • Added collision boundaries to the epilogue level so the player can't fall out the world


August 30, 2024 - first release. Yeah!

Review by alwaysagirl

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 09/05/2024

Finished all Endings :)  One of my top 5 all-time TG Games :)   now we need a Motherhood ending, maybe a Daughter ending (regression), a Mummy ending, and become The Goddess you're self :)

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 09/03/2024

First play through, I struggled to even find all the piaces, and I wandered around for well over an hour before ACCIDENTALLY figuring out the vases could be broken... and even more time before noticing that one vase on top of one of the walls! Repeated playthroughs went VERY VERY quickly after that, and each ending was a different slide show that was pretty set in stone and took none of the myriad different TFs into account. Just different endings based on the different stones, where they were placed, and fully charging them or not.

It was a fun little concept, and would have probably been EPIC in VR, but as I have no access to VR I must only use this version.

It was fun, and after that a decent time-waster to mess around and get the other endings.

Sadly, however, the replayability of it is a bit meh. It just feels like a small one-room piece of what could be a larger setting.

It feels like a good amount of work went into this, but it also feels like it could be so much more.

Would LOVE to see a full blown game with this puzzle-room as part of it! Like, a much larger mystery exploration game, where this puzzle room is one of many, and branching routes depending on TFs and their severity.

IDK if this is even coherent anymore, so will just say this: TLDR, It's good but short! Well worth a playthrough!

Review by G-052

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 09/02/2024

Yet another great game !


I have but two points to raise:

- hunting for endings would have been less painless if there was a way to skip to after the sands are gone. Replaying the same first puzzles is a bother

- it's not always obvious at first what changed in our character with each transformation. Perhaps transforming one body part at a time would make it clearer ? But maybe that's not even technically possible.

Review by sarakel

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 09/01/2024

Great game and an amazing use of new technology.  The first playthrough has a perfect mix of mystery and clues so you can get through it in about fifteen minutes.  Repeated playthroughs take about 2 minutes which make it easy to get to all the endings (though figuring them out is a challenge).  I can't wait until this type of game will be a new frontier in TG gaming and VR tech becomes a part of standard gaming equipment.  My only complaint is the body sliders need to be toned down a bit probably at least by half.  It's okay when the end results look a bit cartoonish but that shouldn't happen from the first playthrough.

Review by Seleroan

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 09/01/2024

Not a bad little diversion. This is more a tech preview than a game as it is very short. I could see something like this expanded into a much more elaborate setup which your choices affecting you more subtly as you go. I would definitely like to see more in this vein.

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