I wasn't prepared to pay to access the full game.
Placeholder for me to review later.
Review for the full game.
Having played the full game,as much as i could, now I can say it is extremely linear and riddled with a nasty bug that completely renders the game unable to continue after about 10 minutes in. The sexual scenes are reused even if the "daddies" are different and as the engine used is Unity you'd expect to be able to alter at least the screensize, you cannot so its stuck in window mode. The game also does not save even when there is an indicator saying it did so you must restart over and over thanks to that bug.
So everyone knows- more detailed info on this can be found on VNDB.com (Visual Novel Database): https://vndb.org/v18280
Super-Ecchi Interactive is the Developer & Publisher. I personally enjoy games like this along with MtF Transformation games.
It's very irritating that ye have to spend money ($10 USD) just to play a DEMO & it makes me not want to play this just because of that. Yes i know it probably takes money (and/or time & effort which to some is money), but just about every game demo or other on this site is free & playable & with the OPTION to donate to help with the production but NOT REQUIRED just to download & play the DEMO of it. Requiring money paid just to play a DEMO always screams Money-Grubbing & Greedy to me (i don't know if others will agree with me on this, but this is what comes to mind when i see good looking interesting games whose creators REQUIRE payment before ye can play their games).
I'd give a review of the game, if the game was actually playable without having to spend money on something that may or may not be worth it (there's no way to know if it's good or not unless it can be played, but if ye can't play it then ye can't know for sure). As it stands right now, all i can say for a review is: i'd give this a NEGATIVE (opposite of Like this game) if it were possible.
Wow !!
Beautifull job so far !
Can't wait to see what's coming.
Though I, admittedly, don't go in for the 'point-and-click adventure' genre, this game in particular does nothing for me. A bit of art with neither plot nor actual gameplay, coupled with a funding request, do not make for a good combination, to put it mildly. I honestly can't tell whether there's potential for anything more or not; this version really is too early for public release. Maybe, if you already have financial supporters, you might consider showing this to them, just to demonstrate that you've actually got some code in the pipeline, but this is not the way to advertise for donations. Really.
1/5 for being a waste of my time irksome enough that I felt the need to comment.