A prince on a quest to regain his lost throne runs afoul of an ancient curse, and gains a new and unwanted perspective as a result. Join hi- I mean her, on her journey to find a cure, and the power to remove the Usurper Vallios from the throne. But is it really going to be that simple?
Is there a walkthrough for that game I have problems with the card game.
I ghet the starter deck but how to get better cards to beat the others?
Still the best game on the site. Very sad that it may never be completed.
No real porn in this game but it is a really fun game too play. writing all that flavor text in the library mus have taken ages. Hopefully we get that yearly update soon ;),
Another fine game from a fine game maker. I got some good laughs from some of the bad ends
I like this game, but I agree with ObscureDragom that it doesn't really deserve its X rating. Given the subject matter I'd say it's more of an R rating than PG, but the most risque thing I came across was a bad ending involving a bit of BE. Don't play this game if all you're hoping to get out of it is a good fap (unless brief physical and mental TF scenes are enough to do it for you).