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Version: 0.1

Version: 0.0.1

Transfer trouble!

You are James and due to your parents' work, you have moved to another city. You will have to attend school of course just like any other 18-.
So, your adventure starts, leading you to many different secrets of the school.

James : The protagonist, a bit rushed, a bit lazy, but often helpful. He had to move due to his parent's work.

Amber : A girl at your school, she's really nice and helpful, but she has a side, unknown to the others...


Review by HeWhoIsMany

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 02/05/2015

Fourteenth on my trek, and I can't say much more that the other reviewers haven't already said. This game is well written and has good potential, but there isn't much here now. I'll give it 3 and a half stars out of 5.

Review by rawd441

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 02/26/2014

Ok, Game has potential, like, alot of potential, just a few things i'd like to point out. One, your writing skills, I know its hard for people to elaborate on small things, especially this early on, but if you could, please draw out some of this plot progression, Details would be awesome and are a great way to waste some space on that all black page, for example you could elaborate on the office the principal is in, the school itself, maybe even add some smal summary of James life up until this point in the begining. Second, Explaining, exaggerate and portray what the character is feeling, it gives the reader/player a better sence of what is going on in the characters head which makes the situation alot more simpler. Thirdly, I realise this is the EARLY EARLY stages of your game, and i also realize that this might just be to get your game in the air, but my final suggestion, length, as I said before This release might be just to get this out here but I honestly could have written this in like 10 minutes... Not being mean, just truthful.

       ~ Keep it going im liking the looks of the game, has tons of potential and also can go many directions in the sense of themes, good job so far!

Review by Danaume

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 02/25/2014

As a framework goes, this isn't much of one. There are only a few pages where there is more than two lines of text. The author writes like English is a second language, which isn't terrible, but they also don't break up speakers into different paragraphs, so everything runs together. There is no fluidity to reading it, and a lot of reiterated text padding out what is already spartan.

As a previous reviewer stated, there is only one page with two choices so far, and that choice tells you to pick the other choice, so this isn't a game yet, just a story. And judging it as a story would put it in the 'painful to read' category. The author claims that so far there is only M2F and no sex, but the lack of discriptions of what is happening to you means that if you aren't deciding that the author must mean that you got TF'd when you pass out, you haven't been.


The plot feels like the opening credits of a normal High School anime, which isn't nessisarily a bad thing, but there is nothing there to make it better yet. I give it one star for now, but I hope the author keeps at it and makes me change my appraisal.


I would suggest putting in a lot more detail and work on the writing, and maybe having more than a linear path before releasing the next version of this game.

Review by Dragon_ANGL

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 02/25/2014

Ignore the other idiot who did a 1-star - yes, there's not much, but the author clearly stated it was an Alpha/Demo. So far it seems like the base framework is ok, even if it *does* only have one screen where there's 2 choices.

Review by ChoboPanda

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 02/25/2014

Barely any content so far.

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