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RPG Maker VX
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Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 0.1

Alex in Wonderland

The game is set in an Alice in Wonderland based world and follows the adventures of Alex on his journey down the rabbit hole. Why he is there he doesn't know but will soon find out there are all kinds of surprises waiting for him. The game includes multiple transformations including mtf, ftf, animal and mind control.

Note: You will need the Run Time Package (RTP) downloaded for Rpg Maker VX to play the game. (Someone who tried this game recently after enjoying one of my newer ones reminded me I should include this information in my first game, haha.)

Review by AMagicalCampFan2

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 02/26/2022

This was a very enjoyable game. My play time was a little over 2.5 hours, and the story was quite intertaining. It was very liniar, but given it's based on a story, l expected that. It was a very fun twist to the Alice in wonderland story.  Honestly, my only complaint is all the grammer issues, like our being used instead of are, or their instead of there,or ancestor being used instead of decendent. But other than that, the story was well written. funny, and quite intertaining.(though l must recomend the author add a "Noncon" tag to the adult themes, as there was a instance of non consentual intercorse.)

(ps, the only time l had to grind for xp was in the ice level, as that boss was tough) (As in, the only enemy l lost to aside from the forced loss')

Review by Dannyson97

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 01/23/2022

I enjoy the linear RPG Maker TF games well enough. Game doesn't do anything terribly wrong, has handful of TFs to enjoy and I do appreciate the fact that the game does actually choose to be a playable RPG, you do need to make use of spells or abilities in combat to get through the game. Characters are fun, might play it a little too safe for some people's interests.to

One major flaw i noticed like a brick was the level balance, it's a pretty short game but on some of the bosses you can find yourself stonewalled. I had made it a point to fight most enemies only running on accident a few times and I could not beat a particular boss. I would've been soft locked if I didn't realize you can back travel by interacting with a wall, after words i had to spend time actually grinding to progress.

Other then that the game is a solid diversion with a good story with the usual TF shenanigans.

Review by EarthGodzilla355

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 09/04/2020

Great short game. Good Work, it was very fun and enjoyable to play

Review by Magistrate

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 04/29/2020

A good short story (several hours content for maximum). If you try to deal with the random encounters the game can be much easier than otherwise.

Review by Gwyndolin

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 07/17/2014

The game is still in it's very early stages but I found it nevertheless quite enjoyable. Well, without rushing through the dialogues you still get roughly 1 hour playtime, so it's probably more then a lot of other games on this site. Speaking of the dialogues: The grammar and spelling are just fine. There are a few errors, but nothing that would disturb the flow of reading. At best I would point out that the author sometimes forgot the "h" in "Cheshire".
Out of Alice's 3 party members so far I liked The Hatter the most. Just my type of crazy guy. Since the story is (obviously) loosely based on Alice' Adventures in Wonderland I'm curious if there will be any more characters to join Alice's quest.
For some reason I felt reminded of some thing I read the first book of "Otherland", but it's so long ago that I can't quite remember what it was about. Whatever, it would be really interesting if this game would turn out as something like an adult version of Alice's Adventures.
I already saw this in other RPG-Maker games, so I recommend some type of "friendship-points" (for the lack of a better word) system for Cheshire, The Hatter and Nivens, since they all seem to be interested in our lovely heroine. So the players themself can decide with whom they want to build a relationship with or if they even want to, that is.
The outburst of Alex/Alice at the end of the current version was well written. Even though he seems to accept the circumstances and is willing to save the land, I hope that we will see him still struggling with adapting to his new form; I mean, who wouldn't? So far there wasn't any freedom or choices at all, so it would be nice if in future updates we could have some influence in how well/fast Alex is adapting to his new form as Alice.

The only thing I would criticize is the bunny whorehouse part. Is it really necessary for the plot or character development that the main character, who was a guy only one day ago, is being raped and mindcontrolled for what could be weeks at best and months at worst? I have no problem with non consensual sex in an adult game but I got the impression that this part just served to have some sex scenes at all in the game; and mayhap to add some drama at the end of the current version (not that it was needed). Why not letting Cheshire rescue her, after she was forced to give a blow- and boob job? This would still be terrifying enough as an negative experience, without the whole trauma anyone would suffer from in this situation. And instead you could add more detail to Alice's wet dream about making out with Cheshire.
Well, that's just my opinion. As it is now I think that part overdid it and Alice is much too calm with it. Rape as it is can be traumatizing enough, but in his/her case it so much worse and should be addressed properly.

That's all I can think of for now. I hope this project is still alive. Overall good job so far.

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