You start out as Dr. Dimension, evil villain with a super underground hideout full of experimental laborotories to put your prisoners though various transformations. Once you've interrogated a prisoner and watched a M2F transformation you can leave your hideout and go to town. In town you can get a magic lamp that grants illigetimate wishes when you rub it in certain locations. This brings you to a TG/AR scenereo in an orphanage where your objective is to escape somehow. Lots of RPG stuff here, character and inventory screens and an introduction to a magic system. The game is still in beta and updated from time to time. Perhaps 1/3 complete at present.
Awesome game, too bad it seems to have been forgotten.
First review on this site, because this is the first time I've been this impressed. If this is what the game is at when only 1/3 complete. I can hardly wait to see the finished project. You can't do much just yet, but even that but is extremely fullfilling. So, keep up the good work.