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Version: 1.1

Rock Paper Scissors - Redux

A gameshow where you and your opponent transform each other whilst playing Rock Paper Scissors. 

Please note: This game was an update of nihtgenga's original Rock, Paper, Scissors game, and a more complete game with a similar concept was created by orochi65 - it's great, so please check it out too if you haven't already! 


There's a gameshow. People transform each other by playing Rock Paper Scissors. In real life, there would be a much more exciting way for this to happen, but here it's rock paper scissors. Each contestant submits a photo of the person they would like to transform their opponent to, as well as a description of their personality. While transformees realize that they are transformed, their minds are subtly altered to accept their new form. Well, sometimes not so subtly. 

You and your opponent are this week's contestants. Good luck! No, really, it's all about luck. 

Player Character - A protagonist for a new age. Seeking to transform a hapless guy into a former girlfriend, only this time, one who will love him no matter what. 

Sanjit - Your opponent. He's a middle-aged guy who seems to be seeking a wife, but his true intentions may be more complicated than that...

There's no real strategy to the game, but keep in mind that your endings will differ depending on the following:

- Which picture you choose at the beginning of the game.

- How far along your transformation and the opponent's transformation have progressed.

- Your choice of double-down or not double-down. 

As of right now, winning or losing is simply a matter of luck. There is no AI implemented, as I didn't and don't have the time or expertise to implement one, unfortunately. 

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 04/18/2021


A remake of Rock, Paper, Scissors. It's a similar version with only two contestants playing off against one another and with this version release of the game, there are multiple possible options for you to make your opponent transform into and it's all dependant on how much you've changed too. As for your opponent they'll have the same transformations back at you with multiple possible endings.

Images in the game are good and suitable for what slow transformations are occurring as you play the game. Interactivity is simple, but if you've played the original version of Rock, Paper, Scissors then you know what to expect in this RAGS game. Writing is also simple enough but there are surprising story elements to the endings if you do well enough.

Certainly worth playing to see the endings and this RAGS game is not password protected if you want to check how it was made.


Review by pingguo

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 10/08/2014

Well, it is a stone paper scissors with paperdoll. not bad. no surprise thou.

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