You're a investigative reporter for Neo Media, sent to report on the Grand Carnival - a mysterious underground gambling ring that supposedly uses flesh instead of cash for bets. This is the scoop of a lifetime, but it won't be easy...
This game is currently in alpha. It is not finished. Comments, criticism, and suggestions are greatly appreciated. You can post them here, or in the discussion thread on the forums.
This game is rich! so juicy rich~~~ i like it when the changes is slow because it is more realistic, so many content in just 0.11 alpha~~~ cant wait for the whole game~~~
i like how different the characters are, so distinc and likable~
the guys can be more distinc, though, I can see the different but sometimes in the game i will mess them up
I would really like to play this, but the rags player has an error everytime I open it! I still don't get why that happens for some games. Argh!
The file for some reason doesn't seem to work for me.:\
An interesting idea i cant wait to see how big this game gets
It's nice to see a game that employs the English language very well! The author definitely has a good grasp on vocabulary and grammar.
The pictures so far are nice, the setup is really great. This could turn into an amazing game if you keep up the work. Excited to see more!