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Version: 2.0

The Succubus Next Door

*I am proud to announce, after a very very very very very extended break, The Succubus Next Door v2.0 is out!*

See thread for details here:


 It doesn't seem to want to let me add a mega.nz upload at left.


Story spoilers! You are the general of the Armies of Dawn. Sworn to destroy the demonic armies that suddenly appeared years ago and ravaged your lands. Your brilliant strategies and skillful tactics prove to decimate the demonic hordes, and end the threat once and for all. Save for one demonic commander who is both vile and alluring. She lures you into her domain, where she deceives you, or beats you into her hellish portal transforming you into her demonic, and endlessly aroused succubus companion! You wake up however, in a very different world, and everything has changed! How long were you in there!? Upon release, you set out upon a quest to find your family!

As you travel searching for your family, you have two main demonic powers to focus on, telekinesis, and sexual energy. As you delve through the story you can grow these skills allowing you to overcome new challenges!

It sure is a rough world for a demon!

You are the general of the Armies of Dawn. Sworn to destroy the demonic armies that suddenly appeared years ago and ravaged your lands. Your brilliant strategies and skillful tactics prove to decimate the demonic hordes, and end the threat once and for all. Save for one demonic commander who is both vile and alluring. She lures you into her domain, where she changes your world... Forever.

Matthias Bulford: You! The general of your king's armies, returning home nearly victorious from a long brutal war.
Markus Arterian: Your resentful, but still loyal captain. You just might regret one of your decisions.
Daressa: The vicious hellspawn, the masterfully manipulative and endlessly evil demoness who proves to be your downfall.
Jake/Allison: Depeding on the one you pick, they are a haphazard nerd whose hobby is studying demons, and demon life, as well as being a social outcast. You are discovered by them and they stalk you until you eventually reveal their identity. You quickly bond with him/her as a new friend and he/she will guide you through the modern world! You get to pick if you want a male companion, or female. Who knows what you may be able to do with them!

Officer Thompson: A disgruntled cop, who hates his job.
Officer Black: A strange female officer who has quite a crush on you.
Robed Cultists: Who are they, and what is their goal?


After your demonic metamorphosis you will awaken as a succubus!
-You have the options to set skin color, breast size, claw size, and butt size, and vaginal tightness. All will have some gameplay effects beside just mention them growing
 -Your body has been warped into a being of lust, it will try to corrupt and damn your mind into a ... >:D
-Selecting evil options will increase your corruption. If your corruption grows to high, it will erupt, bringing doom to the world!
-Selecting sexual options will increase your sex skill, and sex addiction, and potentially corruption.
The game currently ends when Officer Black shows up at your apartment.
If you want to receive the arousal necklace:
1) When given the option, select to stop for the night and set up camp. When the woman approaches her, reveal her as the demon. This will also grant you the stolen soul perk.
2) Again, choose to make camp for the night, but when the woman approaches, rush into to "help her friends." When given the option, select to chat with her and devise a sneak attack plan. Then refuse to kneel, and you will be awarded the arousal collar. This will also result in the stolen soul perk.
3) When given the option, go directly into the cave and do not stay in camp for the night. Then when given the option, select to chat with her and devise a sneak attack plan. Then refuse to kneel, and you will be awarded the arousal collar. This will also result in the stolen soul perk.
4) Enter the cave  either way, listen to the demon's offer of a deal, then decline it to receive only the necklace.
To have your soul stolen, which gives the perk of increased corruption, sex skills and psychic skills:
1) When given the option, select to stop for the night and set up camp. When the woman approaches, reveal her as the demon. This will also grant you the arousal necklace.
2) Rush into cave, and 'Chat' to devise a sneak attack, to avoid the arousal necklase, submit and kneel to the succubus.
To have neither your soul stolen, and not be given the arousal necklace:
1) Rush into the cave, and attack the demon to defeat her. When given the option, choose to climb into the womb.
2)To have a slightly altered storyline that involves Markus betraying you, rush into the cave and attack her immediately. When given the option, try to escape the cave.

 For a [very slightly] modified story line:

Select "Press onward and slay the demon immediately." Then "I choose to slaughter you now!" Then choose to try and escape the cave. A few signs, and conversations will be different throughout the story which references the events that transpire should you choose this option. This path will not grant you the Stolen Soul, or Collar perks.

Review by user210

Version reviewed: 2.0 on 02/24/2024

One of the best game around Corruption and Demons on this whole site, no images, no gifs, but still got the power of one of the best erotic game on this site, and maybe if we add images, expand the storyline by adding corruption in Hell and making MC being the one who leads the new assault from hell and try to destroy the world. This is unifinished game, I sincerely hope that dev can remake the game and maybe oppen Patreon or something as there will be many who don't want this to die incomplete.  

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 2.0 on 04/18/2021


I found myself very impressed with this submission.

Writing is great and very detailed (some spelling mistakes but nothing too significant) and the only code errors I found were the references to bust sizes that were off due to the original base code being one description while the event code referring to another description (I'll catalog it and note it on the TFGS forum thread to help the author later), but it wasn't game breaking. The lack of images in this game is not a detriment with the strength of the writing allowing you to clearly understand where you are, what the scene is and what is going on around you at all times.

Transformations are many and varied, with the likelihood of your avatar being transformed increasing depending on what level of craziness you follow in the story. It does reach a point in the tale where you can begin to pick off when you know a choice is likely to transform you, but that just increases the fun if you're intentionally trying to do that. Scenes that you can find your avatar in are also varied with some random encounters written into the game, which do work well and are not linked to your transformations in whether or not they occur.

Interactivity in the game is good with items that could can potentially pick-up or receive through your event encounters, but you'll always be on a main linear path progression forwards through the story. This is well handled however by multiple branching choices that tangent off the main tale for a time before you eventually end up back on it, allowing you different things to encounter with each playthrough and seeing the deeper consequences of your choices each time around.

Code-wise, the game is very solid. As mentioned before the only errors I found were with bust size references and there was this one point on the new content where there was an extra bracket on a choice, but it was not severe or game breaking.

Having played an earlier version of this game but not reviewed it then as it was very alpha, I am pleased with the progress that this submission has made and it is one of the best games here at the TFGS. And that is not a statement I make lightly compared to some of the heavyweight author submissions already at the TFGS.

Highly recommended. I would love to see this game finished some day.

Review by Aaronmgold

Version reviewed: 2.0 on 04/06/2021

This is probably one of the best succubus transformation stories i've ever read, the detail is great, the choices you make are pretty impactful, and its a bit of a bittersweet end that this most likely won't be continued further, i still reccommend giving it a go, as there's a lot of awesome twists and turns with this story, and unlike so many others out there, despite it being incomplete, this is the most complete type of this story i've read so far. totally worth.

Review by awokenchange

Version reviewed: 2.0 on 10/28/2020

Excellent. Great story, good writing, fun transformations. What more can you ask for?

Review by IonaItova

Version reviewed: 2.0 on 07/22/2020

This game, while very old on the site, is a very good play and read. I'm pretty sure it's never going to get more chapters which is a great shame because the characters are great, the story is enthralling and the writing is Above S Grade. If you haven't played through this at least once, I highly recommend it.

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