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Game Information
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Adult Themes
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Version: 0.8.11

Version: 0.8.10


Newlife is a lifesim game where the player is transformed into a woman in an improbable mad-science accident and must start a new life as a newcomer to an un-named British city. Alternatively, you can play as someone who was a woman all along, but still finds themselves making a new life in the city.

As of November 2014 Newlife is fully playable but still needs extensive content to be added. Nevertheless you can play it from start to finish, go clubbing and meet men, be taken out on dates, shop for and wear clothes, use your feminine wiles to seek promotions at work, have lots of sex, get carried away by your desires and accidentally (or deliberately) become pregnant.

By now, 2023, Newlife is still in development but has had much of its content added, allowing things like marriage, childbirth, lesbian relationships and plenty more opportunities to have fun with charming (or less-than-charming) men and lovely (or wicked) ladies.

For changelogs see the changelog tab or check out the forums. There's also a blog at http://splendidostrich.blogspot.co.uk/

For tools to help with custom-NPC creation, check out the character-creators channel on the Newlife Discord

The player: The game implies that the main character is the player themselves, a few years in the future. Of course you can create a character quite different from yourself if you want! The game has two starting routes: one where you begin as a man, but don't retain your masculinity for long; the second where you were a woman all along.

Ivy: Your only real friend. A clever and talented young woman. Who knows what surprises her brilliance have in store for you? Well, if you read the game synopsis then you know, for one.

Horse: Not actually a horse. But how did he get such a nickname? Perhaps you should make it your quest to find out.

The NPCs: Other men and women in Newlife are algorithmically-generated so you won't see the same ones in any two games, with the exception of certain 'special' npcs. Even special npcs only have fixed stats when this is necessary, and anything that isn't fixed will be generated using the normal method.



Major changes & additions:
Added a new 'bad' neighbourhood, a crummy flat in the redlight district in a building used for 'other purposes'. This is overseen by a new landlord (the “Pimp Landlord”) who is always the landlord for this home and only this one.
Failing to pay your rent in the non-redlight homes will now have the PC evicted instead of going into debt. Failing to pay in the redlight area will still cause debt, although this may be changed later.
The PC can, on moving into the redlight home, offer to do sex-work as a side-gig. This is handled by events and is not treated as a “day job”.
Two new events for the redlight home, focusing on the impact living there can have on her work. Both of these are currently only available for working characters.

Minor changes:
Increased the weight for the “interact with first baby” scene to make it more likely to fire during its restricted time window. Thanks to AnarChYsT for highlighting that this potential issue.
Added an action to go back to the initial choices to the move-home scene, now that there are multiple available moves.
Redlight neighbourhood has a slightly higher chance of mugging events (90 weight, compared to 80 for the starting home and 10 for the pleasant one).
Added some stats and game-flags to track prostitution, both in the new redlight content and the existing hotel/street scenes by Secondarian.
Rent modifier is now tracked on a per-landlord basis rather than a single value.

Changes for user-submitted content:

PIMP_LANDLORD can be customised. Bear in mind that this NPC is always the landlord for the redlight district and only that – he cannot be given other landlord traits.

Fixes to some text issues. Thanks to StuntCuffer for reporting some of these.
Fixed an issue with text about changing landlords when moving back to a home you've previously lived in.
Fixed an error reported by Gamecat007 where one of the childfree events was throwing an error when opening.
Fixed a bug reported by StuntCuffer where the “dragged to bed by your hair” route in the scene where your husband demands you fulfill a breeding vow was still triggering for shaven-headed PCs.


Major changes & additions:
New content based around being in a relationship with a partner who is a university student. This includes a sizable new scene that includes some special routes for players in lesbian relationships, as well as an event where they can graduate with a tendency towards better outcomes if their studies were going more successfully and a brief one where a pregnant student struggles with her studies.

Following some suggestions by Dunan Rayne, added a save/load tab to the wardrobe screen. This lets you save a character's wardrobe (all clothing & outfits) and then load it later in another game. Bear in mind though that loading a wardrobe will overwrite anything the character had already so it's probably best for new games.

Minor changes:
New “academic” npc career where they work as a university lecturer.

Fixes to some text issues. Thanks to Nameless for reporting some of these.
Fixed an issue with some NPC careers not giving an advantage to DULL characters.
Adjusted female NPC career choices such that character type has a stronger effect.
Increased the bonus INNOCENT female NPCs get to their career rating for the librarian career.
Rewrote a line in the “partner calls while you have sex with a jerk” content that didn't make sense with how the situation had been described earlier. Thanks to Dunan Rayne for reporting this!



Major changes & additions:
New Childfree trait and associated content, both throughout existing scenes and some new ones. This trait focuses on the PC not wanting children and adds content based about her being reluctant to become pregnant, and horrified if it happens.
New scene where you interact with your baby that can let a non-childfree character choose to develop the baby-crazy or (with good childcare skill) maternal traits.
New event that can happen if you've made a babymaking vow with your husband and have been avoiding letting him knock you up.
New event for a baby-crazy character who has had a lot of children where she considers whether things have gone too far.

Minor changes:
Added some more variety to text for some actions in the sex scenes.
Added a new male orgasm section for the doggy-style scene when your partner is wearing a condom.
Increased the relationship impact for discovering an attempt to sabotage your pills.
Made some updates to the “inform the father you're pregnant” scene to handle the situation where you were trying for a baby, as well as fixing a bug related to older such checks.
Added some variety to the scene introduction for passionate sex.
A new male-orgasm option for a rather specific situation in the missionary scene.

Fixes to text issues.
Fixed an issue with the pregnancy talk scene where checks for trying-for-baby would not work as the status is removed on the PC finding out she's pregnant. This status is now tracked and checked separately.
Fixed an issue with a wedding promise consummation text being shown for non-consummation situations as well.



Major changes & additions:
The silver-spoon landlord can now be the starting landlord. Unless overridden by the player using custom characters the two landlords will now each be assigned a single neighborhood. It is possible for one landlord to be in charge of both, but only by using a custom character as I felt it was more interesting for both landlords to be guaranteed to appear in the game by default.
Added a new event chain for the silver spoon landlord that can trigger if he's your landlord at the cheap home you begin the game in. This has 4 scenes but the events branch based on the pc's choices so not all scenes will necessarily happen in a given game. These events cannot happen in games where the sleazy landlord is the one for your starting property: you can force a particular landlord using custom NPCs, or by just restarting the game until you get the one you want – which landlord you have should be clear quite early-on.

Minor changes:
Male NPC traits that increase pregnancy chances now have a reduced effect on “safe” weeks.
Updated the initial landlord introduction at your first home to handle the possibility of a silver-spoon landlord.
Some improvements to the initial landlord encounter.
Tidied up some of the text for the “date leaves after refusing to sleep over” date section.

Changes for user-submitted content:
PLEASANT_HOME_LANDLORD can now be added to custom silver-spoon landlords to guarantee they'll be the landlord for the associated neighbourhood.
Added CHEAP_HOME_LANDLORD as a trait that can be added to custom characters. Both these neighbourhood traits are only relevant for characters with a landlord trait and will automatically be removed during game setup if added to any other characters.
Updated custom landlords to support each of them being able to be the landlord for either or both of the neighbourhoods.

Fixes to text issues. Thanks to StuntCuffer for reporting some of these.
Fixed a bug reported by Birb, F'roOTi and Mazin where the date scene could error at the end if you ask him to sleep over and he refuses.
Fixed a problem where the late-rent scene could have a null action, though I'm not sure if this was actually in the last version or if it was a bug introduced in development for the latest release.



Major changes & additions:
Added the Silver Spoon landlord, along with an introductory event where you first meet him.
A random event for the Silver Spoon landlord that can happen when you're in the pleasant neighborhood and he's your landlord. Because he has content for the pleasant neighborhood and not the cheap one, Silver-spoon will always be assigned to this neighborhood in the current version unless you use a custom character to override it.
Updates to the “behind on rent” scene to support the new landlord

Minor changes:
Moved rent details to the 'home' section of the character screen.
As suggested by BereavedPoet, pushy men might ask to spend the night at the end of a date in your home.
Improved the spacing in the spitroast scene. Thanks to Ammut for highlighting this issue.
Following a request by Stochastic, added a relationship duration check for your partner asking you to get pregnant so he won't do this when you've just started dating.
Added some variants to the kiss-through-clothing part of the cunnilingus scene leadin.
It's now possible to meet another woman while changing in the gym, with an initial introduction/flirtation for strangers, and the possibility of swapping numbers as a followup.
Improved enjoy handling in the house party.
Made some house party NPC actions a bit more responsive to what the PC is doing.
Gave sleazy dates something they can do in the cinema that isn't holding hands.
Landlord NPCs now have their own NPC career.

Changes for user-submitted content:
Added SILVER_SPOON_LANDLORD to custom characters.
Added PLEASANT_HOME_LANDLORD as a trait that can be added to custom characters, though it is only meaningful on the SLEAZY_LANDLORD at the moment. If added to him, it makes him the landlord for both properties (as in previous versions). Otherwise the silver spoon landlord will be the landlord for the pleasant neighbourhood and Sleazy will only be the landlord for the starting home.

Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Ammut and Schwachflotte for reporting some of these.
Fixed a bug reported by Villain where the landlord garden scene could error.
Fixed an issue reported by Ammut where part of the wedding-dress scene was showing lesbian text for a straight engagement.
Updated the conditions for an impregnator compliment so it shouldn't appear when conflicting with the doesnt-want-kids trait. Thanks to Ammut for reporting this!
Fixed a bug reported by Zab where the nighttime inspection scene would sometimes not correctly remove the PC's underwear.



Newlife 0.8.7

Major changes & additions:
Added a new event for the sleazy landlord when you're living in the pleasant neighborhood.

Minor changes:
Updated the “asks you to be his girlfriend” npc action in homedate to have a range of possible lines based on your relationship, rather than just using the same basic text every time it happens. I think this is an action that was largely unaltered since Newlife's first ever version, back when the game lasted 26 weeks and becoming someone's girlfriend was the furthest a relationship could progress.
Added some alternative lesbian-club text for situations where an npc who with the likes_sexy trait comes to be with you after you've been acting in a provocative way.
Added an option to kick the landlord out when he tries to inspect your flat. This will stop the event reoccuring for some time, but he will raise your rent a bit as revenge.
Added a new option for sultry characters to hit on the landlord in a very forward way at the start of the flat inspection, assuming they're attracted to him.
As requested by Sluttycricket, made it easier to win your feud with the office rival by updating various scenes to increase the effect of victories over her.

Fixes to text issues. Thanks to  for reporting some of these.
Fixed an issue reported by Helvette and Zab where the rent amounts for your current and new home were not being compared correctly, resulting in text indicating that the more expensive home was actually cheaper.
Improved handling of the office rival dominance stat so the minimum value should actually be enforced consistently.

Newlife 0.8.6

Major changes & additions:
Added game mechanics and scenes to allow the PC to move home. This will be expanded with future updates.

Minor changes:
Updated every one of the hundreds (bleck) of references to the PC's “apartment” or “flat” to check for the possibility she lives in a house instead and return the correct text.
The neighborhood an NPC lives in is now influenced by their income.
As requested by Hippolyta, the jerk friend can now have a TONED body-type. This will be less common for randomly-generated jerks but custom ones can set it.
Made some adjustments & additions to the makeout male orgasm text to better handle the “sitting in lap” position. Thanks to Helvette for highlighting some issues here.
Changed the process for making the exe file. Please let me know if this leads to issues running it. The jar file is unaffected so this won't matter for players using the jar to start the game.

Changes for user-submitted content:
Added getNeighborhood, isLivingInFlat and getFlatOrHouse to the PC object for custom scenes.
Added HYPNOTIST to the custom NPC guides: it was allowed for custom NPCs before but wasn't included in the guides. This trait has very minor effects in the main game, but may be more relevant in some custom scenes. Thanks to Stochastic for flagging up this omission.

Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Stochastic, helvette, StuntCuffer, Abby, JulianR.Amazing and Obort for reporting some of these.
Fixed an issue reported by StuntCuffer where the action to go back to side-by-side in the sitting makeout would always succeed even when it was supposed to fail and had text indicating as much.
Fixed an issue where failing the back to side-by-side and similar actions would still allow the NPC to initiate anal sex that same turn, even though these sort of actions are supposed to stop sex initiation (and do for PiV) until the following turn.
Fixed a “no actions available” bug reported by BannedHeresy in the NPC pregnancy reveal scene.
Fixed an issue reported by Anarchyst and Obort where newlines were added between parts of the relationship description even when those parts were blank, which could potentially lead to a relationship description starting with multiple newlines. This led to bad spacing in, most notably, the nightclub “describe characters” section.
Fixed a bug reported by AnarChYsT where the action to un-do the “don't pull out” relationship status available to likes-bare characters was not working.


Newlife 0.8.5

Major changes & additions:
Added a new event that can happen if you are a housewife to someone with an office job (business, accountancy, civil servant, or certain special event jobs).
Added a new event where you can ask an unemployed partner to seek work, and a follow-up if they agree to your request.
Added a bunch of content for the evil hypnotist in existing scenes, including the club, dates, sex and the marriage scene. The goal isn't to add an entirely new playstyle (which would take up far too much writing time for such a niche route) but rather to add flavour content for characters in these relationships. Therefore, there are still plenty of actions that also don't have evil-hypno content – don't expect it everywhere! This content is enabled by the “UNDER_THRALL_OF_EVIL_HYPNO” flag which is set when you finish a hypno session with him without breaking the trance, and removed if you do break the trance in such a session. This was requested by someone and I'd normally thank them here, but I didn't take notes about who it was – sorry!

Minor changes:
You can now ask an NPC what they do for a living in the club or at your home. This will give you the information regardless of your current knowledge level. Thanks to Zab for reminding me that this needed to be added!
Certain special NPC careers will be automatically known by the PC, and the repairman's career will be known if you've encountered him while he's working.
Added a new RECEDING hairstyle for male NPCs.
Added a new “important talk” option suggested by Death Magus for characters with the likes-bare trait. This lets you tell a man that any requests you make for him to pull out or use a condom are just playing and should be refused. When this is set the conditions for such actions will be reduced and your partner will always refuse them without your character being angry at the refusal.

Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Eulexia and Sky Dreamer for reporting some of these.


Newlife 0.8.4

Major changes & additions:
Added a new event that can happen if you're in a relationship with someone who works in a bar.
Added an “All Shops” option when you buy clothing, that will display a combined list of all clothing items from every shop.

Minor changes:
As requested by cwr0308, added a MILKY trait for female NPCs. This will not be added by the usual character-creation process but can be chosen for custom characters.
The mugging scene now has text for when the PC hands over her purse but has no money, and gives her increased stress when this happens (because it makes the mugger angry, and she's afraid he's going to hurt her).
Made some text improvements to certain responses to the “tell him you're ready” action while fixing an issue reported by Sync.
PCs working in sales can now take Ivy's charm-increasing treatment more than once, though repeat treatments are only half as effective as the first. Side-effect are not halved.
Updated some text on the work-trip scene so wearing a short nightie with no underwear wouldn't describe the PC as having a “bare lower body”. There's now an alternative line for that situation.
Added some line-breaks to hopefully make NPC descriptions a bit more readable.
Added a new repairman career for those NPCs, thanks to Birb for highlighting that one was missing.
Updated how the low-self-esteem interaction with bad partner effects works, so that it will take effect every week instead of just weeks when the PC has interacted with them.
Low-self-esteem PCs now get a bonus to their maximum love if they have neutral liking towards an NPC. These PCs already got a large bonus towards NPCs they dislike, but this is lost if the relationship improves which can lead to dramatic changes in the relationship. I do like the idea of a low-self-esteem PC falling for a jerk only to lose interest if he doesn't treat her badly enough, but the effect should be a bit more gradual: going from +25 to +10 instead of +25 to +0. Incidentally, I suspect this is the cause of the reports of excessive love-decay that I've seen: the issue looks like might not be love-decay at all but rather the big drop from an improving relationship.

Changes for user-submitted content:
It is now possible to set a custom sleazy landlord, as requested by several people, most recently by Darth Magus I think. You can do this by using the SLEAZY_LANDLORD trait on a custom male NPC. This conflicts with other special-NPC roles. The sleazy landlord will be set to be a sleazy jerk(even if you don't add these values yourself) and will have conflicting traits (charming & traditional) removed.

Fixed some text issues. Thanks to Zab, Made 2 face black and blue face and Sync for reporting some of these.
Fixed a bug reported by Birb where the mugging scene would behave oddly if the PC was utterly skint.
Fixed a bug reported by Sameer where the impregnator breeding plot event chain could get have two different men with breeding plots and get confused about which should be chosen for a scene. Now, if the event chain repeats and the man from the previous time is still eligible to be the plotter then he will always be chosen. Otherwise, he'll have the relevant trait removed so there should only be one plotter at any time in the game.
Fixed duplicate job section in the NPC browser, thanks to Birb for reporting this.
The braless shopping scene will no longer fire for a man you've had sex with, thanks for Sci for reporting this inconsistency with the scene's text.


Newlife 0.8.3

Major changes & additions:
Added internal functionality for NPC careers, with their job being visible at a sufficient knowledge level.
Added a new scene with a sleazy landlord and your lesbian partner that can happen if you're unable to pay the rent.
Added a new friendship scene that can happen if you have an innocent female friend and also own the enormous teddy-bear, Mr. Snuggles.

Changes for user-submitted content:
Custom NPCs can now have their career set. NPCs without a set career will have one picked by the usual algorithm, just like with most other values.

Minor changes:
The amount you get from having your partner support you now varies based on their income.
Improved some of the spacing for descriptions in the NPC broswer.

Fixed some text issues. Thanks to Zab for reporting some of these.
Fixed an issue where some pregnancy text could incorrectly show at the office party even when the PC is not pregnant.
Fixed an issue reported by Sync where the bar-with-friend scene was sometimes referring to the PC's lesbian partner as a man.
Fixed an issue reported by Zab where the text in the bf's jerk friend ladder sex scene was often referencing the wrong relationship, resulting in your partner being referred to as “your acquaintance”.


Newlife 0.8.2

Major changes & additions:
Added a new random event for a sleazy landlord. Giving him an orgasm here will give you a discount on your rent, though only the first time this happens.
If you're in a lesbian marriage you can now have a baby through IVF by visiting your doctor, as requested by littleslavegirl over on tfgs.
Updated the late-rent scene with modified versions of the “beg for help” and “demand an extension” actions submitted by Stochastic.

Minor changes:
As requested by Secondarian and Tilbet, love decay can now be disabled in the options screen.
Your spouse will pay rent if you are a housewife even without the financial-support vow as otherwise the PC, lacking income, would be in quite some trouble! Thanks to Amichai for flagging this up.
Visiting Ivy will have different text in the intro if you keep playing after the endgame. Thanks to Amichai and Kabasny for reporting the inconsistency of her still being available post-endgame even when the endgame sequence says she's leaving town.
Updated the exlover minidate conditions to restrict it happening for horse+gym-jerk, and for when the PC knows her partner wants to share her. The likes-to-share route in this scene now also flags the PC as knowing he has that trait.
Updated some of the text when giving birth, to add some alternatives based on traits and so female-start characters will no longer get the “never before has it felt so natural to be a woman” text.
Changes for user-submitted content:

Fixed some text issues. Thanks to Grimgear, Made 2 Face Black and Blue Face and Zab for reporting some of these.
Fixed a bug reported by Newface where, despite getting the message that you wouldn't need to pay rent, it was still being charged normally if you were married to your landlord.
Fixed an issue reported by Grimgear where the landlord is visible in the moving-in scene even before you enter the flat.
For consistency, custom good/evil hypnotists will now be sure to get the “hypnotist” trait. This shouldn't have much gameplay effect, but might help avoid any niche weirdnesses, especially if people are using unofficial custom scenes that require the trait.
Fixed a bug reported by Grimgear where successfully convincing your landlord to lower the rent was actually increasing the amount charged.


Newlife 0.8.1

Major changes & additions:
You must now pay rent every 5 weeks. Every four might seem more obvious for a monthly rent, but the PC's ovulation is on a four-week cycle so if rent synced up with that then you'd always be at the same point when the rent is due.
The landlord will meet you at the start of the game to give you the keys to your flat. For now the landlord will always be a sleazy creep. You'll have various ways of greeting him. In particular, flirty PCs are able to try to seduce him for lower rent.
Failing to pay your rent will result in a brief scene where the landlord demands payment, one way or another. You can pay by going into debt, which costs double the rent and will send your balance negative. Otherwise... there are other ways to pay. I intend to improve and add more content to this scene as releases proceed.

Minor changes:
Male NPCs will no longer initiate anal or oral sex after the PC agrees to let them film sex, as there is no filming content for these scenes. Thanks to iLurk for reporting the inconsistency with this.
Minor changes to the text at the end of the intro sections to inform players that they'll be meeting the landlord next. Hopefully this will be clear for new players – do let me know otherwise.
Added a some extra lines to the sofa sex scene for some specific traits.
Added some landlord-specific dialogue lines to the male-dominant PiV sex scenes.

Changes for user-submitted content:
The landlord is not yet available as a custom character. I intend to allow this at some point, but I want to wait for a few releases in case I need to make changes that would break custom characters.

Fixed some text issues. Thanks to nameless and kabasny for reporting some of these.
Fixed a bug reported by fhish where drink descriptions were null in the lesbian club.
Fixed a but reported by Detective Lizard Wizard where the noisy-baby scene could error in a lesbian relationship.


Newlife 0.8.0

Major changes & additions:
You can now keep playing after the endgame so long as you choose to stay in the city during the endgame scene. Endgame choices that involve you leaving the city or otherwise dramatically changing your circumstances will stop this option from appearing.
Added a new event for low-self-esteem characters with a sophisticated wife that don't have the skillful-tongue trait.
Added a small event for pregnant women that are married to a caring husband.

Minor changes:
Improved some of the text around being approached by men in the nightclub.
Added an alternative piece of text for doggy-style NPC orgasms.
You can now let the npc decide what you'll have when she gets you a drink at the lesbian club, as requested by BereavedPoet.

Changes for user-submitted content:
The removeTrait method will now also remove any temporary trait effects that add the trait in question.
Added a new 'baby' object representing the PC or a female NPC's children.
Added methods to the PC and female NPC objects to return collection of baby objects – this collection may be empty but will not be null. Due to some last-minute bugs elsewhere the custom-scene 'baby' content hasn't been tested. Please let me know if you find any bugs.

Fixed some text issues. Thanks to iLurk for reporting some of these.
Fixed an issue reported by iLurk where the game was assuming there's just one prostitution client and didn't have text to handle the PC having been a prostitute before but not with the particular NPC in the scene.
Fixed a bug where NPC babies were not aging.


Newlife 0.7.22

Major changes & additions:

Added three new lesbian married-life events, though their conditions mean you won't see all three for any single relationship.
Minor changes:

Added a new coupleLife multiplier to weight_modifiers.properties which affects the new scenes but also some older M-F ones.
Added a new partnerCheating multiplier to  weight_modifiers.properties for the event where you catch a (male) partner cheating.
Added some basic text on returning to the lesbian club after making out in the bathrooms.
Updated minievent wedding dress events to work with lesbian relationships.
The PC can now date the office rival upon defeating her in their rivalry, as requested by Average2.0 who wrote: “I want to put the office rival in her place, her place being in a wedding dress”
Made the minievent wedding dress scenes more likely to fire when their conditions are met.

Changes for user-submitted content:
Changed Newlife to no longer use Velocity's strict mode. Please let me know if this causes issues.

Fixed some text issues. Thanks to nameless, AnarChYsT, Zab, iLurk and Silne Veras for reporting some of these.
Fixed an issue reported by iLurk where the PC and her partner would not fix their clothes after returning from a bathroom makeout at the lesbian club. They will now do so if their clothing was undressed any further than DISHEVELED.
Fixed a potential issue where some flags were not being removed after lesbian nightclub bathroom makeouts.



Major changes & additions:
You can now marry another woman
Naked wedding is an option when shopping for a wedding dress in a lesbian relationship. This can be initiated by a PC with the sultry trait, or an NPC with the party-girl character type.
Minor changes:
Updated the scene where you meet the innocent sales colleague on a bus after she quits to properly handle the situation where you and her have become a couple. Thanks to A Clash of Purple for reporting this!
Increased the knowledge gain about your partner when getting married.
A few adjustments to the lesbian makeout scene to reflect wedding-night content, though doubtless there'll be more that can be done there.
Added variant text for the scene where you tell other partners that you're in a relationship to better handle low PC love. Thanks to bicobus for highlighting some issues with the Aromantic trait.
Added updated versions of the minievent bike and bike-left-behind scenes submitted by GrimGear.
Added a doormat alternative reaction for when a baby-crazy PC yells at her partner for not reacting well to being told she's pregnant.
Fixed some text issues. Thanks to nameless, AnarChYsT and Sync for reporting some of these.
Fixed an oversight where the PC would not always get a knowledge increase towards her husband when getting married.

Major changes & additions:
You can now buy a wedding dress when you're engaged to a woman.
You can propose to your girlfriend. This is accessed via a home-date action when you have strong feelings for her. You'll then be given a choice of whether to propose right away or to set up a special proposal. Special proposals are accessed from the week planner as a weekend action after making this decision.

Minor changes:
Added an alternative intimate orgasm to the standing lesbian makeout, though there was a typo in the existing one that no-one reported to me so maybe this one isn't getting seen all that often...
Added a new NPC action for when the PC is giving cunnilingus which is available to INNOCENT characters during NORMAL or TENDER encounters.

Added a new “wrap your legs around him” action to the lying MF makeout scene. The main goal of this is to resolve and issue Helvette reported with NPCs initiating doggy-style over missionary. When your legs are wrapped the NPC will not initiate doggy-style, anal, cunnilingus or 69. To access this, you need to have your legs open and also to have your underwear exposed or removed – this last condition is to avoid the need of re-writes in shared undressing content that's used by scenes other than the missionary one.

Updated the lying makeout scene description to mention legs open/wrapped when appropriate.
Updated the intro text to the lying-down lesbian makeout to reflect which character is dominant.

Changes for user-submitted content:
Transitions to missionary sex may optionally have a legsWrapped parameter to start the scene in that sub-position.

Fixed some text issues.


Version 0.7.19

Major changes & additions:

Your girlfriend can now propose to you, if conditions are right. There are three possible proposal scenes, with varying requirements. Actual lesbian marriage is not in the game yet so getting engaged is as far as you can go for now.

Updated the minievent content with a new version submitted by Lost Trout with new events that can fire when a friend asks to see your wedding dress. This is only available for straight engagements – in any case, lesbian engagements can't lead to buying a wedding dress yet.

Minor changes:
One new male orgasm text possibility for the missionary position, though it has some fairly specific requirements.
Female NPCs will now actually name their babies. They'll use their own namelist for this.
Added a romantic speech action to the PC-dominant strapon sex scene.

Changes for user-submitted content:

Fixed a formatting issue that meant the pronoun-getters weren't showing up in the documentation's table-of-contents. Thanks to Lost Trout for reporting this.

Fixes to some text issues. Thanks to Keenam for reporting some of these.


Version 0.7.18

Major changes & additions:

Added a PC-dominant strap-on lesbian sex scene, to mirror the existing NPC-dominant one. Thanks to A Clash of Purple for suggesting this.

Minor changes:

Gave male jerk NPCs more chauvinistic text when refusing to help the PC calm a crying baby.

Some adjustments to the logic behind initiating strapon sex.

Added a new action to the spitroast scene where the PC can caress the man behind her's balls.

Party-girl lesbian NPCs will no longer have text saying they're excited at getting drunk when they buy you drinks while pregnant.

Updated when an NPC comes to spend time with you in the lesbian club to better handle her being your girlfriend.

Changes for user-submitted content:

Following a request by Stochastic, made the formerly male-only CHEATER trait available for female custom NPCs. The trait will not be added randomly to female characters though, because it has no official content at present. If that changes then I'll added it to standard character creation, but it would be confusing for players to see cheater-flagged female NPCs in a version where they will never actually cheat.


Fixes to some text issues. Thanks to Insomniac for reporting some of these.

Fixed a bug reported by Lost Trout where the hasOtherOutfitOfType method was not working.

Review by dandan1234

Version reviewed: 0.8.0 on 08/05/2023

If there was some art it would have been perfect

Review by Sessh

Version reviewed: 0.7.11 on 06/29/2022

this really needs an update to match current tf games, the sex scenes are too short sighted, and there really needs to be a longer timeline than the proposed year, which goes by super fast.

Review by Kolka

Version reviewed: 0.7.10 on 06/02/2022

I was briefly interested in it, but the gameplay is too brief, and the sex scenes are too verbose.

Back when there were few TF games, it was an excellent outlet to immerse oneself into, but these days it is dated, still has no media, nor an interesting gameplay loop. Like another review stated, it's fun for a brief while, and then it's time to delete it.

It's a shame, because the wardrobe system was very unique when it first launched, and featured true customization However, the game refuses to evolve, either creatively, or visually, so this gets a "would not recommend" from me.

Review by Jazsalumbru

Version reviewed: 0.7.9 on 04/03/2022

I've followed this game for a long time. The only thing I can say about it is that it's fun to come back to it every once in a while, but the play hasn't changed enough over the years to really be worth investing into it. Fun for a short jaunt then deleted again.


As a comment on this game not related to playability: You'd think a creator making over 3 grand a month from their Patreon subscribers, might actually put some real effort into it. They haven't even bothered updating their statement on said Patreon page in almost a decade...

Review by Jeb94

Version reviewed: 0.7.5 on 12/02/2021

A lot of effort has been put into this sim and it is well done.  There is a lot there but it suffers from the same thing most sand box "Life Sim" type games do.  It gets repetitive and boring.  The player reaches a point in which there is little point to keep playing.  There is no goal.  There is no victory or defeat.  There isn't even a participation trophy.  The MC just goes about life as directed by the player.  I do like the beginning of the sim but its reached a point where each addition only adds a tiny little bit of flavor and does little to enhance the overall experience.

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