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Super Villainy

A young villain struggles with one simple dream. To conquer the world. Embark on this quest as you manage your lair and fend off attacks from pesky super heroes! Transform your enemies! If things go wrong you might just get transformed too!

A young villain struggles with one simple dream. To conquer the world. Embark on this quest as you manage your lair and fend off attacks from pesky super heroes! Transform your enemies! If things go wrong you might just get transformed too!

Dr. Transformo: The villain (hero) of the story. This is you!

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 04/26/2021


A maddeningly difficult Beta game, but you get some reward if you grind through it and build up a good slave force.

Story-wise the game is very simple: you are a super villain and you want world domination through causing physical and mental transformations to the peons that are the civilian population. Interactivity in the game is tightly focused on your lair and doing what you need to do to either earn money to fund your campaign or research tech to complete it. Along the way heroes will attack your lair and you better be ready for it or you'll swiftly hit one of the bad endings of the game.

And this is where the transformations come in. You can do them to the heroes that attack you, the places that you commit your evil deeds at or... if you really screw up and need to cover your escape you can do it to yourself. There are a limited variety of transformations to perform, but they do stack.

Sadly this is where the game becomes a difficult grind-fest. It is very hard to maintain income, fight off heroes, continue your research and avoid a bad ending under the current RNG built into the game without some serious luck behind you. The base upkeep is heinously unfair and is the single biggest impact to your ability to keep going reliably to even have a shot of winning. And when the RNG starts chaining together three or more Hero Attack events in a row with no time to repair your defenses, you're absolutely screwed.

Worth a look but this sim game may drive you nuts. May be an abandoned project though.

Review by zanakitty

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 03/16/2017

I was enjoying this game a lot till the heros came. every time a hero would come get take me down to 1 defince lose theni would have to buld more defence at which time i no longer have monny so i rob a bank then before i can do any thing else a new hero would come I was almost never able to do any thing aftter that just traped in a loop till i said i'l bait the hero i had 1 defince it gave me +3 so i should have had 4  the hero recked 3 but in sted of having 1 left it got rid of my real first so i had -2 was then attacked after 1 turn and had to run. other than that it seems fun.

Review by Prios

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 07/17/2015

I managed to use all the techs on myself once each in a single game, and then used the plasticizing nanobots on myself one more time. This is, of course, the best ending. World domination is for chumps.

Uh, actual review, right. Basically all there is to say is that this game is over-the-top hilarious and it knows it. You should totally show it to all your non-pervert friends without telling them what it is (other than "you're an evil dude named Doctor Transformo" which should be enough to sell anybody worth having as a friend). No, really, I'm serious.

Make sure you try robbing banks and research labs when you have no techs left.

Review by Casssz

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 04/10/2015

I keep coming back to this game. It's simple, not as lengthy as some larger games, but it's executed so well for what it is that it ends up being more fun than some more ambitious games. I just wanted to extend some praise to the author for creating a simple, fun, and well-written game with a good amount of content that also doesn't feel unfinished. It has a nice but not overwhelming element of randomness, making it more of an actual game rather than simply an interactive story, making it good for multiple playthroughs. Would love to see a sequel, expansion, or simply more like this.

Review by Kahaan

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 03/11/2015

Game version 1.0.0

The game has lots of potential, and is fairly entertaining as is, but there is room for improvement.

One thing is that most of the descriptions of sexual acts of any kind other than self transforming into the opposite gender is fairly bland. Perhaps adding some options for the monthly party and some more details of that sorts of fun the character has as a result? Maybe even adding the hazard of accidentally being hit with your own evil tech during a bank job; foiling the job but providing a lot of fun, or maybe even the option of joining the fun if a superhero manages to show up before the bank job is done to appear the victim and slip away in the orgy.

Some more detail about the superhero breaking through defenses would be good. As would adding the option of creating a harem or some sort of brothel arrangement with 'sluttified' heroes. Heck, maybe even add the option of breeding your own army of rats to do your bidding with the transformed heroes as breeding stock.

Perhaps some random comment during the monthly summary stating that the henchmen put on a play of some sort using midget slave superheroes as the cast, or raising money for your cause (disguised, of course) through an orgy with the slave superheroes as the entertainment.

As I said, there's lots of potential in this game, but room for improvement.

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