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Game Information
RPG Maker MV
Release Date
Last Update
Chapter 2,1
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: Chapter 2,1

Version: Chapter 2, start

Version: Version 1 bugfix2

Version: Version 1

Version: Final VX Ace update

The World of Nora

It's finally time, Nora is back, And IN MV!

I have been working hard to port the game over into MV, and fix as many issues as I can, and I hope you all like it,

Be sure to support me on patreon if you like the game and want me to continue as that is what makes this possible.


Game is on hold

You are a young man who lost his family on the mythical world of Nora.

that earth found a gate way to many years ago.

you are in a school, in hopes of passing so you can travel to Nora.

to look for your family.

but something soon happens that will change your fate,


Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: Chapter 2,1 on 10/15/2023

I've edited my review because I replayed the same version as before, the game sadly hasn't received any updates.

Before I found it really aggravating how most quest givers totally disregard your agency when telling you to do something, but now I think it's kinda funny. I still hope that at some point when they've finished the AAD series the author will come back, and lets us get back at those NPCs.

If you want to play it, there is a decent amount content before the TBC message.

Review by armorpicross

Version reviewed: Version 1 bugfix2 on 06/10/2022

Played to current compleation and cant wait to see where it takes us. Im hopeing that this doesnt end in it staying incompleat but this thought is put aside for the time as the devloper was active on the disscussion page last month and you cant rush something this well made.


Combat is a bit much but not impossible to do and will probably get a balance later so its always challenging or atleast an enemy later does 0 DMG when you were struggleing with an enemy from the cave before.

2nd to that the heal spell you get as main charater says it uses 5 TP but it also uses mana, idk if that is part of the limitations of RPG maker but it confused me when i ran out of mana.


Those aside this is a great game and i think it best to give it a go at you wont regret it.

Review by tinakorn1957

Version reviewed: Version 1 bugfix2 on 04/07/2022

There is bug here, when you enter gate and come to nora, there is the girl keep saying that " I am not going to take off my uniform" and keep sent starting menu up

Review by Amazeroth

Version reviewed: Version 1 bugfix2 on 04/04/2022

Have played it the last couple of hours and my head hurts.

- I have found two amazing Transformation Videos in the whole gameplay...a short Breast Expansion and a longer MtFTransgeder with a little more Breast Expansion...
- The Story could be fantastic...with a lot of work

- Useless Battles en mass
- A lot of Text to read
- Many, many typos
- boring Background Music
- To large, often empty rooms
- Or placed with the same stuff

To be true:
This is an very early version of this game and it needs a lot of overwork. In all my years as Artist and as Gamer I have played many RPG Maker Games and have seen many interessting plots, artworks and so far...This game is far away from it. As not native English speaker, who troubles often with the Time Parts of the english language I have to say that even I see a lot of typos. All in all the Autor should invest a lot of work to create a jewel from this game, which is possible, with help.

Review by bajiman

Version reviewed: Version 1 on 04/03/2022

thanks a lot for that game, as well as porting it.

I really liked it.

I suppose people who like magical camp and the like could like this little game too!

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Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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