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RPG Maker VX Ace
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Version: 1.0.0

(Yonyon) Zombie-R

Zombie-R is the sequel to Yonyon's Zombie. It features a hefty amount of well-done images adopted from Kimagure After and very challenging and engaging puzzle/strategy-based gameplay.


1.0.0: No changes, just bumping the version number.

0.9.2: Fixed missing translation, changed "white chests" to "beige chests"

0.9.1: Fixed missing translation, included translated equipment data

It's the year 20XX, and zombies have sprung out of nowhere and assaulted humanity. You play the role of Tsukio, a young man who had hoped to escape the horde via a hot-air balloon, but gets caught with his friends in a situation none of them were prepared for.

Review by AMagicalCampFan2

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 04/14/2022

A fun few hours watching cute anime bois become cute anime girls, while going through 8 levels of battles with minor puzzle elements. Worth a playthrough if you have a few hours to spare. Also, Minor spoilers: The Reward for beating the game is a limited character costomizer, useing all the various TF options for each character. (Drag the mouse over text to read)

Review by awokenchange

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 03/05/2022

It was fun! Like others, I wished there was a bit more commentary on the changes, and a bit more impact on the ending. Also some additional change levels for breast size would have been nice, though what is there is quite impressive given the array of outfits. 


Personally I could never do better than a G-rank, but I enjoyed it anyway. 

Review by ManicMoonMan

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 02/29/2020

Great sequel. Improves upon everything from the first, including the added twist that not every piece of equipment will be accessible in a single run. A huge QOL change allows near-instant completion of battles.

Definitely would have been better with more dialogue between the characters as they transform.

Review by Fcstone

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 09/18/2017

Fantastic, one of the best on the site.

Review by Let

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 08/11/2017

Good game if not exactly hot. Would probably recommend

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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