Treasure of Legend (Densetsu no Takara) is a puzzle game by Yonyon. It was created in response to the release of RPG Maker VX Ace.
It's rumored amongst adventurers that a legendary treasure which no man has laid eyes upon lies sleeping away in a dungeon. A treasure hunter, Lecker, headed towards the dungeon with the intention of being the first to find it.
Interaction in this game is excellent with there being many puzzles to solve as you work your way through the game world: even fights are puzzles and there are multiple endings. Writing for this game is solid, but sometimes the Japanese-to-English translation fails, so bare with it. Images used in this game are stock standard for RPGMaker games, but they all fit purpose and you know what's going on around you. Transformations in the game are connected to the puzzle sequence you'll need to run through to complete it, but at heart it is just minimal as a game experience thing for the story scene.
Certainly worth playing, even if some of the puzzles are fiendishly tricky.
I am getting stuck at a box with 2 statues
how to solve it ? or at least give me more hints please...
Brilliant if you like puzzle games
the final ending made me giggle