[This game is in early development. It is not complete. In fact, it's just a proof-of-concept at this point.]
In a world where your doctor can prescribe nano-agent pills to transform your whole body, you find yourself with a prescription and several weeks to anticipate what kind of woman you'll become. It's a slow transformation as you dose yourself with your various pills, while your friends, family, and co-workers look on.
This game is being rebuilt in Twine. At present, the only thing built is the character creator. As everything hangs on the character, this initial stage must be stress-tested before development proceeds.
Game rating is based on current content and is subject to change. As this is a proof of concept, reviews are closed. If you have comments on the progress, please visit the official thread.
2019 February 21
2019 February 20
2019 February 14
Known Issues